Podprti projekti
MUSICVILLE – Green European Opera
Glasbarium (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuOperation Nova - OPE.N
Asociacija (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuKino X Games
Knjižnica Šmarje pri Jelšah (Partner) Šmarje pri Jelšah V tekuFuture Art and Science Industrial Heritage (FASIH)
Delavski dom Trbovlje (Partner) Trbovlje ZaključenoCultural BEES - Kulturne čebele
Univerza v Novi Gorici (Partner) Nova Gorica V tekuSmo to mi?
MIŠ založba (Vodja) Dob ZaključenoClimate Art Fusion Caravane (CARAVANE)
Zavod Bob (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuMladi programerji za mlado občinstvo! (Young4Film)
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuMladinska umetnost za zemljo (YAFE)
IRDO – Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (Partner) Ljubljana-Dobrunje V tekuMoving Balkans – the Regional Contemporary Dance Platform
En-Knap (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuSenčna pandemija: skriti glasovi
SNG Maribor (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoSMOTIES – Humana mesta. Ustvarjalnost v majhnih in odmaknjenih krajih
Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije (UIRS) (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuOpen House Europe (OHEu)
AFRONT zavod za prostorsko inovativnost (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuTretji oder – novo virtualno gledališko prizorišče
Periskop ustvarjanje, umetnost in komuniciranje d.o.o. (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoVračanje svobode (RE-FREE)
Mladinska knjiga založba d.d. (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuVersopolis - kjer živi poezija
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuEODOPEN – eBooks-On-Demand
NUK – Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuDecember: Zverine, Azra, Bivši najboljši namišljeni prijatelj
December, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuLINA - Learn, Interact, and Network in Architecture
Fakulteta za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuBetter Live
Zavod Sploh (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuReCITYing: Reactivating unused urban spaces through architecture and arts
UGM – Umetnostna galerija Maribor (Partner) Maribor V tekuArt Nouveau kot nova EUtopija
Narodni muzej Slovenije (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuRazvojni center ustvarjalne industrije (KUL)
Razvojni center Murska Sobota (Partner) Murska Sobota V tekuWeb 3.0 Accelerator for Sustainable Cultural Tourism (Web3Tour)
ARCTUR (Partner) Nova Gorica V tekuStudiotopia: Enter the Symbiocene with Arts and Science
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuBio Awakening - developing bio-art practices in Western Balkan
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuTestArt
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuGREENSTAGE
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuConnecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA)
Založba Goga (Partner) Novo mesto V tekuTransmedijske zgodbe o izoliranosti (TRAST)
Mini Teater (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuFemale Digital Creativity (FLUX)
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuPlanet upanja (Sodobna evropska književnost)
KUD Sodobnost International (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuVeč kot zgodba (MTaS)
KUD Sodobnost International (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuOur Little Library: Through literary bridges to reading adventures (OLLLB)
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuPovezani s knjigami
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuexpub - Raziskovanje razširjenega založništva
Aksioma, zavod za sodobne umetnosti (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuThinking Publishing (ThinkPub)
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuNovel Europe (NovelEU)
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuREVIVE
Združenje zgodovinskih mest Slovenije (Vodja) Škofja Loka V tekuTemporama: Mini Slate 2023
Temporama (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuStudio Virc: Mini Slate 2023
Studio Virc (Vodja) Novo mesto V teku10. in 11. edicija Festivala kratkega filma FeKK
Društvo za uveljavljanje kratkega filma Kraken (Vodja) Ljubljana V teku20. in 21. Mednarodni filmski festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema 2024-2025
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Vodja) Ljubljana V prihodu20. in 21. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma ANIMATEKA
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuFilm v bolnici 2.0
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuMladinski kino EU: Zeleni dogovor 2024-2026 (EUYC:GD)
Združenje EPEKA (Partner) Maribor V tekuCinema without barriers (CWB)
Notranjski regijski park (Partner) Cerknica V tekuLiterary Agent Platform: Capacity building
Založba Goga (Vodja) Novo mesto V tekuTramal Films Mini Slate 22
Tramal Films, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuVertigo Slate 2022: Kostanji, Spomin na jesenske meglice, OHO, Potapljanje Lune Tjuln
Vertigo zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuStaragara Slate 22
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Vodja) V tekuNaša mala knjižnica: Literarne izmenjave (OLL LE)
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuTESTNI POLIGON: Reparativne prakse za nov kulturni ekosistem (TestG)
Maska (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuVariola - Črna pomlad, TV serija
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner) V tekuSEMA
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner) ZaključenoParadiso
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner) V tekuPusti vrata odprta
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner) V tekuThe Big Green
Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA (Partner) Koper V tekuDolga pot navzdol (TLWD)
Nukleus Film (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoNew approaches for local media (NEWLOCAL)
NT&RC d.o.o. (Partner) Celje V tekuLife Long Burning – Futures Lost and Found (LLB3)
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuTime For Live Art (LIVETIME)
Gledališče Glej (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuWomen Power in Comics (WOMCOM)
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuGibanje, digitalna inteligenca in interaktivno občinstvo (MODINA)
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuFortissimo
Invida d.o.o. (Partner) Škofja Loka V tekuSpomladansko čiščenje (SPCN)
Arsmedia d.o.o. (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoMreža festivalov animiranega filma je mreža (AFN)
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoCulturalDeTour
ARCTUR (Partner) Nova Gorica V tekuEUDigitalDeal
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuRemix Comix – Comics for Heritage
Forum Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoL'Internationale - Muzej skupnega: Za bolj zdrav ekosistem umetnosti (MoC)
ZRC SAZU (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuACT: Art, Climate, Transition / Umetnost, podnebje, tranzicija
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoRE: Terme, gotske cerkve in rudarske hiše
Zavod ID20 (Vodja) Idrija V tekuSustainability is in the AiR (SAiR)
MGLC – Mednarodni grafični likovni center (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuCEE Animation Workshop 2022
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuEuropean Network of Film Discourse (END)
Društvo za uveljavljanje kratkega filma Kraken (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuNetwork of the Festivals in the Adriatic Region (NFAR)
Cankarjev dom (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoEmpowering the Youth: Strengthening Local News Media Services (YoCoJoin)
Zavod Časoris (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuGELATOn the ROAD - evropska sladoledna pot
Razvojna agencija ROD (Partner) Ajdovščina V tekuSense Of Sharing - SOS
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuSlovanski zvočni sprehod (SSW)
Kulturni center Danilo Kiš (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuEvropske poti romske kulturne dediščine (ROMHERITAGE)
Združenje EPEKA (Partner) Maribor V tekuPerforming Europe's Historical Memory (Pariahs)
Društvo Jasa (Partner) Maribor V tekuTobijevi prijatelji (TOBIES FRIENDS)
Društvo Jasa (Partner) Maribor V tekuSrečevanja z gozdom (Forest Encounters)
Društvo Igor Zabel (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuMade In 2.0
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO) (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuARCH-E, Evropska platforma za arhitekturne natečaje
ZAPS – Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuThe Art of Associative Searching (SEARCHER)
Delavski dom Trbovlje (Partner) Trbovlje ZaključenoUprizarjati krajino
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuOnkraj fronte – Preseganje periferij (BF)
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuUtrip evropske kulture (UEL)
Založba Pivec (Vodja) Maribor V tekuVigeVageKnjige - The Next Generation
VigeVageKnjige (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoYour're never too young to change the world (NTY)
Založba Malinc (Partner) Medvode V tekuNjena zgodba je tudi tvoja zgodba (HSIYST)
Kulturni center Danilo Kiš (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuOUT OF THE BOX (OOB)
HKD Pomurje (Partner) Lendava V tekuPovezujemo svetove (CW)
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuKnjige na plaži (BOB)
KUD Sodobnost International (Partner) Ljubljana V tekureDiscover: Rediscover Traditional Knowledge in European Creative Industries
Zavod Carnica (Partner) Kranj V tekuPublic Space 4 Her (PS4Her)
ProstoRož (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuARTAS: Raziskava gradiva v arhivih sodobne umetnosti. Pred letom 2004 in po njem.
Moderna galerija MG+MSUM (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuInspiration Forum LAB - IF LAB
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuDECONFINING: Deconfining arts, culture and policies in Europe and Africa
Inštitut za transmedijski dizajn (ITD) (Partner) Murska Sobota V tekuKlasiki v stripu: vzorčni model inovativne kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje v srednji šoli
Slovenski gledališki inštitut (SLOGI) (Vodja) ZaključenoFuture DiverCities: preoblikovanje kulturne regeneracije
Trajna – Društvo za razvoj trajnostnega oblikovanja (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuVzdolž poti (AtW)
Družina umetnosti Narobov (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoShaping the future (STF)
Ljudmila – laboratorij za znanost in umetnost (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoLovec na čarovnice
Tramal Films, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoBlue Banks
Perfo produkcija in storitve d.o.o. (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoOdrešitev/ Redemption (zdaj Družinska terapija / Family Therapy)
Mono O, zavod za kulturo in izobraževanje (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoUmetne laži / Fake Lies
Cvinger film, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoJugoslavija, moja dežela / Yugoslavia, My Fatherland
Arsmedia d.o.o. (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoSENCA STUDIO MINI-SLATE 2021
Senca Studio, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoLittle Trouble Girls, The Jungle Film Project, The Doppelganger
Nosorogi, zavod za kulturno dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoFantasy, Confirmation and Bunker
December, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoCEE Animation podporni program za industrijo (CEEA SIP)
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Vodja) Ljubljana Zaključeno18. in 19. mednarodni filmski festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema v letih 2022 in 2023
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Vodja) Ljubljana Zaključeno32. in 33. Liffe - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival
Cankarjev dom (Vodja) Ljubljana Zaključeno18. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoFilm v bolnici
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoEvropski filmski izziv 2022/2025
Innovato, zavod za nove tehnologije in komunikacije (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuMladinski kino EU: Zeleni dogovor
Združenje EPEKA (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoFilmski kot za vse. Digitalna inovativna okolja za filmsko in medijsko pismenost
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuRail2Dance – Plesni tiri
PTL – Plesni teater Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoPANG – Uprizoritvene umetnosti za naslednjo generacijo. Navodila za boj ob sodnem dnevu.
Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoTime travel routes through Europe (e-ROUTES)
NUK – Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuBITE of Art 2.0 - Naj te ugrizne umetnost 2.0
Mladi zmaji (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoGG4A: Inovativno medkulturno promoviranje branja
Založba Malinc (Vodja) Medvode V tekuOdisejevo zatočišče: Izgradnja mreže pisateljskih rezidenc 3 (Ulysses’ Shelter 3)
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuInnovative sustainable artworks in public space (VITAL)
CONA, zavod za procesiranje sodobne umetnosti (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoSounds of Change
BSA, kulturno društvo (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuEMPACT - Sočutje in trajnost: Umetnost razmišljanja kakor gora
UGM – Umetnostna galerija Maribor (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoKnjiga v parku
Založba Malinc (Partner) Medvode V tekuMIRROR - Mirroring the World: European Literary Lifeline
Založba Goga (Partner) Novo mesto V tekuPokrajine književne raznolikosti (BIDILAND)
Založba Malinc (Vodja) Medvode V tekuBeri, ustvarjaj, deli (RSE)
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuREALIS - Reading and Listening to Contemporary European Literature
Založba Goga (Vodja) Novo mesto ZaključenoLitterae Slovenicae - Small Literature Crossing Borders
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuFuture = NOW! A Youth Manifesto (FuN)
Gledališče Glej (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoPesniki sodobnosti – Glasovi prihodnosti (POT-VOT)
Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuSpet divje kulture
Zavod Projekt Atol (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuIndieRe 2.0 - Neodvisna radijska izmenjava
Radio Študent (RŠ) (Vodja) Ljubljana V tekuArt Activism in post-COVID Europe (ArtACT)
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoDance as ICH: New models of facilitating participatory dance events
ZRC SAZU (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuEvropa v Sinhronizaciji 2.0 – EinS 2.0
SIGIC – Slovenski glasbenoinformacijski center (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuLIT-UP: Strategies to support languages equality through literature
Založba Malinc (Partner) Medvode V tekuVeč-kot-planet
Zavod Projekt Atol (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuOdprti atelje
MGML – Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuPERIFERNE VIZIJE - K transnacionalni založniški kulturi
Maska (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoTOMATO: The Original Museum Available To Overall
Škrateljc, zavod za kulturo, izobraževanje in šport (Partner) Log pri Brezovici V tekuSwingNet2: Swinging Europe Network 2
KD Swing Festival (Partner) Celje V tekuSTAGES – Sustainable Theater Alliance
SNG Maribor (Partner) Maribor V tekuBABEL ali umetnost poslušanja v gledališču za mladino
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuIdentity on the Line / Identiteta na prepihu
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije (Partner) ZaključenoArtACT - Art Activism in post-COVID Europe
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Partner) LjubljanaPerforming Gender: Uprizarjati spol – Ples v tvojih čevljih
Mesto žensk (Partner) ZaključenoACuTe
SNG Nova Gorica (Partner) Nova Gorica V tekuLet me tell you my story (LeTS)
Založba Malinc (Partner) Medvode V tekuPoti do evropske književne raznolikosti
Založba Malinc (Vodja) Medvode ZaključenoIn from the Margins
MGLC – Mednarodni grafični likovni center (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoThe Perennial Biennial
MGLC – Mednarodni grafični likovni center (Partner) Ljubljana Zaključeno(NON)ALIGNED MOVEMENTS Strengthening contemporary dance in Western Balkans
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuOdisejevo zatočišče: izgradnja mreže pisateljskih rezidenc
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoFootprints
Druga godba (Partner) ZaključenoSHARE; creative powers of art
Exodos, festival sodobnih odrskih umetnosti (Vodja) V tekuSvoboda / LIBERTY
Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoFilm v bolnici
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoThe Ways of the Heroes / Poti junakov
Studio za raziskavo umetnosti igre (Partner) ZaključenoCommon Places: new imaginaries of European peripheries
ProstoRož (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoTraining Leading Voices
Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti (JSKD) (Partner) ZaključenoMigracije v resničnosti
Kulturno-umetniško društvo Police Dubove (Vodja) ZaključenoIMPROVISA - Life in Motion
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije (Partner) ZaključenoRise of woman in culture in Western Balkan
Lokarjeva galerija (Partner) ZaključenoLIVEUROPE
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoEvropa bere - Spread the Words (III)
Mladinska knjiga založba d.d. (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoLiteratura proti nacionalizmu (III)
Založba Goga (Vodja) Novo mesto ZaključenoReading the Heart of Europe (III)
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana Zaključeno#synergy
Festival Ljubljana (Partner) ZaključenoBlok 5 (Block 5)
December, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoTelo (Body)
Petra Pan Film, zavod za filmsko in avdiovizualno produkcijo (Vodja) ZaključenoNoben glas
Temporama (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoUpside down/ Narobe svet // ZalaUp
Založba Zala (Vodja) ZaključenoCEE Animation Workshop 2021 (3.leto)
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoRE:PLAY - Preoblikovanje igrišč skupaj z otroki na Zahodnem Balkanu
Pazi!Park (Vodja) ZaključenoEASTN-DC: European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity
Ljudmila – laboratorij za znanost in umetnost (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoRegional Lab
Asociacija (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoEuropean Libraries of emotions© (LOE)
Mestna knjižnica Kranj (Partner) ZaključenoImmersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans
MGML – Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoLiteratura proti nacionalizmu (II)
Založba Goga (Vodja) Novo mesto ZaključenoVersopolis
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoCEE Animation Forum 2021
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Vodja) LjubljanaCEC - Cradles of European Culture (Zibelke evropske kulture)
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS) (Partner)A-PLACE: Linking places through networked artistic practices
Fakulteta za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoLitteræ Slovenicæ: Majhna književnost v velikih jezikih
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoResonance Cinema. Cultural Hub for Curious Minds
Center interesnih dejavnosti (CID) Ptuj (Partner)Movies In Motion
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoProjekti Izgubljeni sin; Opazovanje; Brez besed; Svoboda ali barbarizem; Bimberli
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Vodja) ZaključenoRazvoj skupine projektov 2020: Zbudi me; Vse, kar je narobe s tabo; Deževno poletje
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Vodja) ZaključenoProjekti Poslednji heroj; Lucija in Zoran; The Confidence Trick; Babičino seksualno življenje
Studio Virc (Vodja) Novo mesto ZaključenoFilm v gibanju
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Partner) Ljubljana Zaključeno31. Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival - LIFFe 2020
Cankarjev dom (Vodja) Ljubljana Zaključeno17. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoThelma
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe Square
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Srečen konec / Happy End
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikObupana / Aus dem Nichts
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikO telesu in duši / On Body and Soul / Testről és lélekről
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikL’amant double / Double Lover
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikInsyriated
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) Vojnik120 utripov na minuto / 120 battements per minute
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikSnekker Andersen og Julenissen
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikJupiter holdja / Jupiter’s Moon
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikReFresh Plus - Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends
Združenje zgodovinskih mest Slovenije (Vodja) Škofja Loka ZaključenoEU Contemporary Puppetry Critical Platform
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoOn-the-Fly: Fostering Live Coding practices across Europe
Ljudmila – laboratorij za znanost in umetnost (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoART4MED
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoSustaining Cultural Diversity in Literary Translation
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoB-AIR Art Infinity Radio
Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod Ljubljana (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoDance On, Pass On, Dream On
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoStronger peripheries: a Southern coalition
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuNot a joke!
MIŠ založba (Vodja) Dob Zaključeno16. Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoAcoustic Commons
CONA, zavod za procesiranje sodobne umetnosti (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoNot yet written stories – women artists’ archives online / Zgodbe, ki še niso napisane
Zavod SCCA–Ljubljana (Partner) ZaključenoReading Station / Literarni kolodvor
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana Zaključeno(Iz)brano – Reading Europe
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoTAKING CARE_Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care
SEM – Slovenski etnografski muzej (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoWomen on Women
Mesto žensk (Vodja) ZaključenoThe Borderless Words / Besede brez meja
VBZ d.o.o. (Vodja) ZaključenoID : Babylon
Gledališče Glej (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoYoung art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Vodja) ZaključenoUtrip evropske literature
Založba Pivec (Vodja) Maribor ZaključenoUtrip evropske literature / The Pulse of European Literature
Založba Pivec (Vodja) Maribor ZaključenoEvropa bere - Spread the Words (II)
Mladinska knjiga založba d.d. (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoReading the Heart of Europe (II)
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoRadioMuse
Radio Študent (RŠ) (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoThe Rude Awakening
Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice (Partner)Cankar Goes West
Prešernovo gledališče Kranj (Vodja) ZaključenoLitterae Slovenicae – Mostovi med malimi in velikimi jeziki
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoBožja milost (Grâce à Dieu)
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikDvojna življenja (Doubles vies)
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikMedtem ko vas ni bilo (Sorry We Missed You)
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikMali Joe (Little Joe)
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) Vojnik30. Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival (LIFFe)
Cankarjev dom (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoCEE Animation Forum 2020
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoEvropa bere - Spread the Words (I)
Mladinska knjiga založba d.d. (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoReading the Heart of Europe (I)
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoLiteratura proti nacionalizmu (I)
Založba Goga (Vodja) Novo mesto ZaključenoCELA – Connecting Emerging Literary Artists
Založba Goga (Partner) Novo mesto ZaključenoNK Svoboda
IRIDIUM Film (Vodja) Zaključeno16. mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoCardinal Points of Contemporary European Literature
Založba Malinc (Vodja) Medvode ZaključenoCEE Animation Workshop 2019–2021 (2.leto)
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Vodja) Ljubljana Zaključeno15. mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Vodja) Ljubljana Zaključeno29. Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival (LIFFe)
Cankarjev dom (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoMUS.NET. MUSeum NETwork
Dvorec Rakičan, Raziskovalno izobraževalno središče (Partner) ZaključenoIndieRe – Idependent Radio Exchange / Neodvisna radijska izmenjava
Radio Študent (RŠ) (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoCEE Animation Workshop 2019–2021 (1. leto)
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoDigital Stories of Small Historic Towns (diStory) / Digitalne zgodbe malih zgodovinskih mest
Muzeji radovljiške občine (Vodja) SI ZaključenoHEMI – Hub for exchange of music innovation in Central and South-eastern Europe
SIGIC – Slovenski glasbenoinformacijski center (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuBITE – Introduction of new business model into European contemporary art operators to generate new young audience
Mladi zmaji (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoYoung Theatre on the Move / Mlado gledališče v gibanju
Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoOne and a half million Steps over the Borders / En in pol milijona korakov preko meja
Akademija umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici (Partner) Nova Gorica ZaključenoUmetnost in dobro počutje
UGM – Umetnostna galerija Maribor (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoGreen Revisited: Encountering Emerging Naturecultures (GREEN) / GREEN: Premisliti zelenost; Srečanja v porajajočih se spojih narave in kulture
Zavod Projekt Atol (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoEvery Story Matters – making books more inclusive / Vsaka zgodba šteje
Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije (Partner) ZaključenoBE PART - Art BEyond PARTicipation
Mesto žensk (Partner) ZaključenoReading Balkans: Borders vs. Frontiers
Založba Goga (Vodja) Novo mesto ZaključenoPuppets & Design
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoREgeneration of disused Industrial Sites through Creativity in Europe
Društvo za sodobno umetnost X-OP (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoBiofriction. Cultural transformations through Hybrid Spaces
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoEmerging Professionals: Internationalisation of music Careers
Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti (JSKD) (Partner) ZaključenoConnectUp – The Life of the Others | European Theatres for Young Audience in a Union of Diversity
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana V tekuNew Mappings of Europe
Moderna galerija MG+MSUM (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoJazz Connective
Druga godba (Partner) ZaključenoRESHAPE - Reflect, Share, Practice, Experiment
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoCtC -> CtI - Ustvarjaj in povezuj -> Ustvarjaj in vplivaj
Bunker (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoCreate to Connect
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Wom@rts – Women Equal Share Presence in the Arts and Creative Industries
UGM – Umetnostna galerija Maribor (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoWomen’s creativity since the Modern Movement – MoMoWo / Ustvarjalnost žensk od modernizma dalje
ZRC SAZU (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoState Machines
Aksioma, zavod za sodobne umetnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoPARALLEL, evropska platforma za fotografijo
UGM – Umetnostna galerija Maribor (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoDreaming Books
Založba Sanje (Vodja) ZaključenoYoung Theatre
Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoPlatforma Future Architecture
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO) (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoKapa
Senca Studio, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoDvojčica Marilyn (Twin Marilyn)
Inštitut za transmedijski dizajn (ITD) (Vodja) Murska Sobota ZaključenoNi tvoja stvar
Tramal Films, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoInventura
December, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoKrogla in zvon (The Bullet and the Bell)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Vodja) ZaključenoUrban Heat
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoOdmevi resničnosti / Echoes of Realities
Kulturno-umetniško društvo Police Dubove (Vodja) ZaključenoLUCity
Hiša! društvo za ljudi in prostore (Vodja) ZaključenoVoices of Minorities - Glasovi manjšin
Ustanova Imago Sloveniae (Vodja) ZaključenoOur Lives
Zavod Federacija Ljubljana (Partner) ZaključenoCON-FRONT Contemporary cultural commemoration of the Great War
Ustanova »Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju« (Partner) ZaključenoMusicaFemina – Women made Music
Mesto žensk (Partner) ZaključenoFeral Labs Network
Zavod Projekt Atol (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoVišegrad Animation Forum (VAF) 2019
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoAfganistanke na smučeh
Studio Virc (Vodja) Novo mesto Zaključeno14. Mednarodni filmski festival Kino Otok
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoPod drevesom (Undir Trénu)
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikL’Apparition
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikRacer and the jailbird (Le Fidèle)
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikFoxtrot
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikUbijanje svetega jelena (The Killing of a Sacred Deer)
Cinemania Group, družba za filmsko tehnologijo, d.o.o. (Partner) LjubljanaZvite pravljice (Twisted tales)
Inštitut za transmedijski dizajn (ITD) (Partner) Murska SobotaNe pozabi dihati (Don't forget to beathe)
Bela film d.o.o. (Partner) LjubljanaJezdeca
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Vodja)28. Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival (LIFFe)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)14. mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Vodja) LjubljanaVišegrad Animation Forum (VAF) 2018
Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF) (Partner) LjubljanaSouth and East reaches West (iSE2W) – Reading Balkans
Založba Goga (Vodja) Novo mesto ZaključenoThe Film Corner Reloaded – kulturološki pristop
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoMoving Cinema
Otok, zavod za razvoj kulture in družbe (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoCinemini Europe
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoEuropean ARTificial Intelligence Lab
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoBe SpectACTive! (2018-2022)
PTL – Plesni teater Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoNaše mnoge Evrope
Moderna galerija MG+MSUM (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoLife Long Burning – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoMAPPING - A Map on the aesthetics of performing arts for early years
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoPristanišče sanjačev
SNG Maribor (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoThe Ulysses' Shelter: building writers-in-residence network
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoLes Orchestres Méditerranéens de musique populaire contemporaine dans le Réseau du Festival. Sete Sóis Sete Luas: dialogues et mobilités transnationales
Občina Piran-Pirano (Partner) ZaključenoMADE IN – pripovedi obrti in oblikovanja
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO) (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoPreberi me predano
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoZimna Wojna / Cold War
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikUtoya 22. Juli
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Twarz
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikTransit
DEMIURG Cvetka Flakus (Partner) Črni vrhTodos lo Saben
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe House that Jack Built
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Projekti Polsestra, Skriti ljudje, Prvi milijon
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Vodja) ZaključenoNapszallta / Sunset
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLos Bando Immortale
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Lazzaro Felice
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikGräns / Border
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikGirl
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikDogman
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikHuman Cities - Človeku prijazna mesta: izzivanje merila mesta
Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije (UIRS) (Partner) Ljubljana Zaključenoeeemerging, Emerging European Ensembles Project
Ars Ramovš (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoINES - Innovation Network of European Showcases
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoTracing the Art of the Straub Family
Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino, Univerza v Ljubljani (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoPoučevanje evropske zgodovine s filmom / Teaching European History through Cinema (TEHC)
Zavod Vizo (Partner)MAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology
Akademija umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici (Vodja) Nova Gorica ZaključenoMAPS – Mapping and Archiving Public Spaces
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoMasters & Servers: Networked Culture in the Post-Digital Age
Aksioma, zavod za sodobne umetnosti (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoSWICH - Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage
SEM – Slovenski etnografski muzej (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoInternational Classical Music Masterclasses - ARDEA
Ustanova Gallus (Partner) ZaključenoAerowaves
En-Knap (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoSHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoPrisluhniMi
Narodna galerija (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoNaša mala knjižnica
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoPAIC - Udeležbena umetnost za nevidne skupnosti
Univerza v Novi Gorici (Partner) Nova Gorica ZaključenoFuture Architecture Platform / FuturA
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO) (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoLa Sage Femme/The Midwife
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Hymyleva Mies/The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe Other Side of Hope
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikSlava
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikPerfect Strangers
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikNocturama
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLa fille de Brest
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe Dancer
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikFrantz
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikUprizarjati spol - Ples razlik
Mesto žensk (Partner) ZaključenoCrossing Stages
Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (Partner) LjubljanaNumeric's Art Puppetry Project
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoNaša mala knjižnica: spoznajmo otroške avtorje in ilustratorje
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoZvoki sprememb
Tehniški muzej Slovenije (TMS) (Partner) ZaključenoAREM (Akcija! Raziskava evropske metodologije za filmsko pismenost)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)The Uses of Art - on the legacy of 1848 and 1989 / Rabe umetnosti - dediščina let 1848 in 1989
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Tell me your story / Povej mi svojo zgodbo
Mladinska knjiga založba d.d. (Vodja) LjubljanaSkupaj v besedi
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoSpectrum 2016 - Transnational Light
Forum Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoStories that can change the world
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoeLiT Literaturehouse Europe
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoLiterary Europe Live
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Partner) Ljubljana13. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Partner) Ljubljana27. LIFFE - ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Odprto morje/Fuocoammare
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Matura/Bacalaureat (aka Fotografii de Familie)
Cinemania Group, družba za filmsko tehnologijo, d.o.o. (Partner) LjubljanaZjednoczone Stany Miłości/United States od Love
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikToni Erdmann
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikPrespati pri prijateljici/Siv Sover Vilse
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikMa Loute/Mirni zaliv
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLes innocentes/The Innocents
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLa pazza gioia/Like Crazy
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikNeznanka/La Fille Inconnue
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikJaz, Daniel Blake/I, Daniel Blake
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikFai Bei Sogni/Sweet Dreams
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikCrossing Borders, Closing Gaps
Cankarjeva založba (Vodja) ZaključenoLIVEUROPE
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (Partner) LjubljanaStarec in štorklja
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zgodovina ljubezni (History of Love)
Mono O, zavod za kulturo in izobraževanje (Partner) LjubljanaEvropski okvir za filmsko vzgojo/European Framework for Film Education
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Čas za zgodbe - povezovanje ljudi skozi umetnost
Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti (KGLU) (Partner) ZaključenoIn/visible cities - International Festival of Urban Multimedia
Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA (Partner) Koper ZaključenoECHOES - Odmevi iz nevidnih krajin
Zveza MinK Tolmin (Festival Sajeta) (Partner) ZaključenoMUSIC UP CLOSE NETWORK
BSA, kulturno društvo (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoDANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoNetwork for Internationalization of Music Producers in Europe
ŠKUC – Študentski kulturni center (Partner) ZaključenoCreative Climate Leadership
Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA (Partner) Koper ZaključenoRISK CHANGE / Tvegaj spremembo
KIBLA (Vodja) Maribor ZaključenoSpodbujanje raznolikosti v književnosti / We Need Witnesses
Cankarjeva založba (Vodja) ZaključenoLitterae Slovenicae: Small literature in major languages
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoGrowing up here, there and everywhere in EU / Odraščanje tu, tam in povsod v Evropi
MIŠ založba (Vodja) Dob ZaključenoVisegrad Animation Forum
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Kino Otok Isola Cinema 2016
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Nemirna obala/A Bigger Splash
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Frankofonija/Francofonia
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Suburra
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Tout en haut de monde/Long Way North
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Krigen/A War
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Fantomski deček/Phantom Boy
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Mustang
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)The Girl King
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Flaskepost Fra P/Conspiracy of Faith
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Mama/Ma ma
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SHAPE - Platform for Innovative Music and Audiovisual Art from Europe
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti (Partner) Ljubljana12. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Partner) LjubljanaPrikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2014
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Avtomatična distribucija - Fivia/Cenex
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Krvno maščevanje/Gjakmarrja (The Business of Revenge)
Vertigo zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Partner) LjubljanaMaenas Down
MediaAtlas (Partner)Kollektivet/The Commune
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Victoria
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Moja mama/Mia Madre
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Mon Roi
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Glasnejša od bomb/Louder than Bombs
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Čisto nova zaveza/Le Tout Nouveau Testament
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dobrodušni velikan/Fúsi
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Marguerite
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Kaptein Sabeltann Og Skatten I Lama Rama/Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Phoenix
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Marijina zgodba/Marie Heurtin
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Eden
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Ljubezen na prvi pretep/Les combattants
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Avtomatična distribucija - Demiurg
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Misija Arktika/Operasjon Arktis
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Savlov sin/Saul Fia
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Ovna/Hrutar
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Nova prijateljica/Une Nouvelle Amie
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Golob je sedel na veji in razmišljal o življenju/En Duva Satt Pa En Gren Och Funderade Pa Tillvaron
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Vrnitev v Itako/Retour a Ithaque
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Cena slave/La Rancon de la Gloire
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Fazanarji/Fasandraeberne/The absent one
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Avtomatična distribucija - Blitz Film
Blitz film & video distribution (Vodja) LjubljanaCARAVAN NEXT – Feed the Future: Art moving cities
KIBLA (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoIMAGINE 2020 (2.0) – Art, ecology & possible futures
Bunker (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoAn Orchestra Network for Europe – ONE® is more
Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoAll Strings Attached: Pioneers of the European Puppetry Behind the Scenes
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoOther Words – Literary Circuit for Small and Minority Languages
Društvo za sodobno umetnost X-OP (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoQuantum Music
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoAugmented City – The Space for Digital Creative Citizenship
Društvo za sodobno umetnost X-OP (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoDeveloping archaeological audiences along the Roman route Aquileia-Emona-Sirmium-Viminacium
MGML – Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoOne Space
Exodos, festival sodobnih odrskih umetnosti (Vodja) ZaključenoContemporary Literature Across Europe
Založba Goga (Vodja) Novo mesto ZaključenoBerimo zdaj
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoEvropska biblioraznolikost za mlade bralce
Založba Malinc (Vodja) Medvode ZaključenoPuppet Nomad Academy IV
Mini Teater (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoGeneration to Generation (G2G) / Generacija generaciji
Gledališče Glej (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoZgodbe iz kostanjevih gozdov (Stories From The Chestnut Woods)
Nosorogi, zavod za kulturno dejavnost (Partner) LjubljanaEuroVision – Museums Exhibiting Europe (EMEE)
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije (Partner)Zadnji ledeni lovci (The Last Ice Hunters)
Film It (Partner)Razredni malopridneži (Classroom Rascals)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Keramika in njene dimenzije
Narodni muzej Slovenije (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoiOtok / iIsland
Astral, inženiring in filmska produkcija, d.o.o. (Partner) Log pri BrezoviciDober dan za delo/A good day's work
Bela film d.o.o. (Partner) LjubljanaVersopolis (E-Merging Creativity)
Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost (Vodja) LjubljanaAvtomatična distribucija 2014 - Blitz Film
Blitz film & video distribution (Vodja) LjubljanaDolga pot navzdol/A Long Way Down
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dva dneva, ena noč/ Deux jours, une nuit
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Diplomacija/Diplomatie
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Stoletnik, ki je zlezel skozi okno in izginil / Hundraarigen som klev ut Genom Fönstret och försvann (SE)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Še ena priložnost/En Chance Til
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Najboljše smo/Vi är bäst! (NO)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Oblaki nad Sils Mario/Sils Maria
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Macondo (AT)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Turist/Force Majeure
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Avtomatična distribucija 2014 - Demiurg
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Changing Weathers
Zavod Projekt Atol (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoVisegrad Animation Forum
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Antboy
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Lech Walesa, človek upanja/Walesa. Czlowiek z nadziei
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Sveta obvoznica/Sacro GRA
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)20.000 dni na Zemlji/20000 Days on Earth
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Beli bog/Fehér Isten
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Človeški kapital/Il capitale umano
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Jimmyjev dom/Jimmy's Hall
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Čudesa/Le Meraviglie
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Sol zemlje/Le sel de la terre
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Timbuktu
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SPECTRUM 14|15
Forum Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoSlavic Authors to the World
Forum slovanskih kultur (Vodja) ZaključenoKošarkar naj bo! 1 / Make him a basketball player! 1
Gustav Film produkcija in storitve d.o.o. (Partner)Avtomatična distribucija 2014 - Karantanija Cinemas
Karantanija Cinemas družba za svetovanje in filmsko produkcijo d.o.o. Ljubljana (Partner)Ephemeral Heritage of the European Carnival Rituals
KIBLA (Partner) Maribor ZaključenoVoix de la Poesie Europeenne
Književno društvo Hiša poezije (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoPerforming the Museum
Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti (KGLU) (Partner) ZaključenoMeetFactory
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Advancing Light-driven Public Interactions
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoArtecitya
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoKnjige povezujejo svetove
KUD Sodobnost International (Vodja) Ljubljana ZaključenoBeSpectACTive!
Kulturno društvo B-51 (Partner) ZaključenoEuropean Artizen Initiative
ProstoRož (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoSmall Size, Performing Arts for Early Years
LGL – Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoNETA - Nova Evropska Teatrska Akcija
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SYMBOLS - Culture of Death& Cultural Life: New audiences and creations around European Cemeteries!
Pogrebno podjetje Maribor d.d. (Partner) ZaključenoThe Faces Behind the Nose - Promoting Hospital Clowning as a Recognized Genre of Performing Arts
Društvo Rdeči Noski (Partner) ZaključenoHEROES WE LOVE. Ideology, Identity and Socialist Art in New Europe
UGM – Umetnostna galerija Maribor (Vodja) Maribor ZaključenoIme mi je Damjan (My Name is Damian)
Vertigo zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Partner) LjubljanaAerowaves
En-Knap (Partner) LjubljanaCORNERS – turning Europe inside out
Exodos, festival sodobnih odrskih umetnosti (Partner) ZaključenoEvropske oblikovalske zgodbe
Zavod Suri (Partner) ZaključenoEuropean Digital Art and Science Network
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoTrust me, I'm an artist
Zavod Kersnikova (Partner) Ljubljana ZaključenoDistribucija - avtomatična shema v 2006
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2012
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2012
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)24. LIFFE - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival / Ljubljana International Film Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2013
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Bekas
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)I Give It A Year
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Kapringen
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Two Mothers
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Kvinden I Buret
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Only Lovers Left Alive
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)ÄTA SOVA DÖ
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma Kraftidioten
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma The Congress
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)what's the deal?
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (Partner) LjubljanaAlceste a Bicyclette
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2013
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Djupid
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Hannah Arendt
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)More Than Honey
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)The Broken Circle Breakdown
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Le Passé (Preteklost)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)MusMA Masters on Air: European Broadcating Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Lore
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Only God Forgives
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)REISEN TIL JULESTJERNEN
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)The Look of Love (aka The King of Soho)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Jeune et Jolie (Young and Beautiful)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma La vie d’Adele (Blue Is the Warmest Colour/Adelino življenje)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma W imie…
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2013
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SPECTRUM – Light Interaction in Public Spaces
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Inferno
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Izbrisana (Erased)
Gustav Film produkcija in storitve d.o.o. (Partner)10. ANIMATEKA - Mednarodni festival animiranega filma / International Animated Film Festival
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) LjubljanaDistribucija - avtomatična shema v 2013
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Ex Ponto - triletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Should I stay or should I go? – A collective storytelling project
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)ECLECTIS: European Citizens' Laboratory for Empowerment: CiTIes Shared
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Bauhaus – Networking Ideas and Practice
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)European Puppetry Knowledge Exchange (EPKE)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Rdeče zore nad Mestom žensk
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Experimental Theatre Academy
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (4 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)RISECI - Religion in the Shaping of European Cultural Identity / Religija pri oblikovanju evropske kulturne identite
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Europe City - Mesto Evropa
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Promoting Cultural Network SEE and Connecting local projects in South-East Europe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (5 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Work with Sounds
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Project PurPur – A European Opera Sound
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Mladi levi - triletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Roots of the European Design
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Promoting Cultural Network SEE and Connecting local projects in South-East Europe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)ENQuETE art – Experimental Nonpartisan Questioning of Enduring Technologies in Economy
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Šanghaj (Shanghai Gipsy) - razvoj celovečernega filma
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2011
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Nahrani me z besedami / Feed Me With Your Words (razvoj celovečernega filma)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2011
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)23. LIFFE - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival / Ljubljana International Film Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma 2 Days in New York
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2012
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Barbara (by C. Petzold)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Csak a szél (Just The Wind)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Den skaldede frisør (All You Need is Love)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Dupa Delauri (Beyond the Hills)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma En kongelig affære (A Royal Affair)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Hysteria
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Jagten (aka The Hunt)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Populaire
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Shadow Dancer
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Amour (Love)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma Babycall
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma Cesare deve morire (Caesar must die)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma Dans La Maison (In The House)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)ELLES (by M. Szumowska)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)L'enfant d'en haut (Sister)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)SHAME
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Tabu
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)The Angel's Share
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma Alpeis
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2012
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - Es si on vivait tous ensemble? (And If We All Lived Together?)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma HALT AUF FREIER STRECKE
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Reality
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma TYRANNOSAUR
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Maribor
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SPIDER EXPAND!: An Itinerant Artistic Manifestation
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Crossroads of European Literature
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)GLAGOLICA – A European Musical Language
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Avtomatična distribucija v 2012
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Lotte ja kuukivi saladus (Lotte and the Moonstone Secret)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Mama / Mother
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)9. ANIMATEKA - Mednarodni festival animiranega filma / International Animated Film Festival
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) LjubljanaDigitizacija kino platna
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Digitizacija mobilnega kino platna
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2012
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Materiality (Materialnost)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Soft Control
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt 2012 (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Soft Control
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (8 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (4 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Ex Ponto - triletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)TRIBE – Transitory residency initiative of Balkan and East Europe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)TIMEeSCAPES, Images and preformances of time in late capitalism
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Leisure, Discipline and Punishment (Lenarjenje, disciplina in kazen)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Password: Printmaking – travelling exhibition and art residencies
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Smuggling Anthologies / (Pre)tihotapljene antologije
Mestni muzej Idrija (Partner)Puppet Nomad Academy III
Mini Teater (Partner) LjubljanaThe Nomads of Beauty
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Lent
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)ACCORD – Establishing a Framework for conservation, evolution and promotion of Balkan Accordion Heritage in South-East Europe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)MINSTREL – Music Network Supporting Trans-national exchange and dissemination of music Resources at European Level
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Evropska pot zgodovinskih gledališč (European Route of Historic Theatres)
Slovenski gledališki inštitut (SLOGI) (Partner)Happiness
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Houston, imamo problem! /Houston, we have a problem!
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (7 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Poetry Re-Generation
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Wildflower Europe: celebrating rural cultures & landscapes
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Clash of Cultures
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Ulay/Projekt Rak, Lovelost (Zaljubljen zgubljen), Nočno življenje (Nightlife)
Vertigo zavod za kulturne dejavnosti (Partner) LjubljanaPrevodni projekt (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Evropski pesniški turnir (European Poetical Tournament)
Založba Pivec (Partner) MariborFestival Mladi levi - triletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Global City – Local City
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Beyond Front@: Bridging New Territories (Beyond Front@: Povezovanje novih območij)
Flota (Partner) Murska SobotaACCORD – Establishing a Framework for conservation, evolution and promotion of Balkan Accordion Heritage in South-East Europe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)ARSCOPE: Art-Science Co-Operation Environement
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (4 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - Moj čudoviti um (A Beautiful Mind)
Astral, inženiring in filmska produkcija, d.o.o. (Partner) Log pri BrezoviciBigband Around Europe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)22. LIFFE - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival / Ljubljana International Film Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - Avtomatična distribucija v 2011
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (4 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Another Year
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2011
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Cirkus Columbia
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma EU CAND VREAU SA FLUIER, FLUIER (RO)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Haevnen
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Jane Eyre
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Submarine
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma TAMBIEN LA LLUVIA
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma THE KING'S SPEECH (UK)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma A TORINOI LO
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma AURORA (RO)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma BALADA TRISTE DE TROMPETA (ES)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)DREI (DE)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)HABEMUS PAPAM
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)LA SOLITUDINE DEI NUMERI PRIMI
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)LE GAMIN AU VELO
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)LE HAVRE
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)MELANCHOLIA
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)ORLA FROSNAPPER
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)PINA
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)POTICHE (FR)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)THE WOMAN IN THE FIFTH
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma Attenberg
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2011
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Cea mai fericita fata din lume
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Gianni e le donne
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma OSLO, 31. AUGUST
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma SUBMARINO
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma TOMBOY
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (5 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2011
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (1 knjiga)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2011
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma LES NEIGES DU KILIMANDJARO (AKA LES PAUVRES GENS)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma MIENTRAS DUERMES
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma THE IRON LADY
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)DNA - Developement of New Art, Continuum 2011-2013
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Sounds of Europe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)8. ANIMATEKA - Mednarodni festival animiranega filma / International Animated Film Festival
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) LjubljanaDistribucija - avtomatična shema v 2011
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Caravan. Artists on the Road (Caravan. Umetniki na poti)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)EuroPA - European Public Art Project
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Robots and Avatars – Collaborative and Intergenerational Futures (Roboti in avatarji - naši sodelavci in soigralci v prihodnosti)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt 2011 (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)CULBURB - Cultural Acupuncture Treatment for Suburbs
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (3 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt "Europa 2011": Zbirke Horizont, Novi mladinski klasiki in Čudaške prigode (knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Ex Ponto - triletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Artist Talk - Culture and Knowledge Platform
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Connecting Through Music with Maribor International Orchestra 2012 (MIO 2012)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Up to Nature
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Puppet Nomad Academy II
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)T-PAS (Tourist Promotion of Archaeological Sites along the road Aquileia-Viminacium)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)An Orchestra Network for Europe – ONE goes places
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Pozno popoldne
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Seviqc Brežice - enoletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Project PurPur – European Sound Interchange
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Mladi levi - triletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Connecting Through Music with Maribor International Orchestra 2012 (MIO 2012)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Druga godba - enoletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Four Corners: Research & Developement
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Resilients
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)VIA VILLAS – Enrich Architectual Heritage Via Villas
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)European Network on Archival Cooperation
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2009
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma L’Arnacoeur
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)21. LIFFE - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival / Ljubljana International Film Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - Avtomatična distribucija v 2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Amintiri din epoca de aur
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma HJEM TIL JUL (NO)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Le Concert
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Looking for Eric
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma O’HORTEN
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Politist, Adj.
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma A Frankenstein-terv
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma COSA VOGLIO DI PIU (IT)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma DES HOMMES ET DES DIEUX (FR)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)LE QUATTRO VOLTE (IT)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)LUFTSLOTTET SOM SPRANGDES (SU)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)MUUMI JA PUNAINEN PYRSTÖTÄHTI (FI)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)ROUTE IRISH (UK)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)THE GOOD HEART (IS)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)TOURNEE (FR)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)modul-dance
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma LOURDES (AT)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma NOTHING PERSONAL (by Urszula Antoniak ) (NL)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma PANIQUE AU VILLAGE (BE)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma YO, TAMBIEN (ES)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (3 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prvi kongres državljanov NSK v Berlinu 2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SPIDER - International Artistic Project (PAJEK - Mednarodni umetniški projekt)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Read Me Live - Promotion of Reading Culture Through Live Literature
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)EUROMEDINCULTURE(s): Partages et Créations Les rencontres euro-méditerranéennes de la coopération artistique et culturelle
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (4 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)MusMA - The Music Masters on Air: European Broadcasting Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)
Oddelek za arheologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani (Partner) LjubljanaAvtomatična distribucija v 2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma BABY(IES) (FR)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma NA PUDE ANEB KDO MA DNESKA NAROZENINY? (CZ)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)T.R.A.C.E.S. - Transcultural Research, Artist, Curator Exchange Series
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)7. ANIMATEKA - Mednarodni festival animiranega filma / International Animated Film Festival
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) LjubljanaAvtomatična distribucija v 2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma CHATROOM (UK)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma TAMARA DREWE (UK)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma TRIAGE (IE)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt 2010 (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Artyčok.TV: open archive
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Artists’ Books on Tour - Artists Competition and Mobile Museum
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Digitizing Ideas: Archives of Conceptual Art Practice
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)1957-1986. Art from the Decline of Modernism to the Rise of Globalisation by L'Internationale (Internacionala: 1957-1986. Umetnost od zatona modernizma do vzpona globalizacije)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)JUMUM- Youth - Musical Theatre - Museum
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)modul-dance
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija: The BeBuzz and Christmas Hulabaloo
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Performing Arts Cooperation between Central Europe and Palestine - The Clowndoctors
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Performing Arts in Hospital - The Clowndoctors
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Pust, kralj Evrope (Carnival King of Europe II.)
SEM – Slovenski etnografski muzej (Partner) LjubljanaRoma Routes
SEM – Slovenski etnografski muzej (Partner) LjubljanaPrevodni projekt (5 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (7 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Poetry Reaching Out (Širjenje poezije)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Unfinished Modernisation - Between Utopia and Pragmatism
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Art Nouveau & Ecology
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Človeku naklonjena mesta: Oživljanje javnega prostora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (7 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)IMAGINE 2020 - Arts and Climate Change
Bunker (Partner) LjubljanaFestival Exodos - enoletna podpora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Project of Generosity
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Archeo
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Cirkus Fantasticus / Silent Sonata
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Unfinished Modernisation - Between Utopia and Pragmatism
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Evropske nagrade za mlade fotografe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2008
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Genova
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Slumdog millionaire
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)20. LIFFE - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival / Ljubljana International Film Festiva0
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - Avtomatična distribucija v 2009
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Brussels via Sarajevo
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Aleph (3 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2009
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Svetat e golyam i spasenie debne otvsyakade
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma ALLE ANDEREN
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma ANTICHRIST (DA)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija filma DAS WEISSE BAND (AT)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)FISH TANK (UK)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)HOME (CH)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)KATALIN VARGA (RO)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)LA TETA ASUSTADA (ES)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)NOS ENFANTS NOUS ACCUSERONT (FR)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)NUNTAMUTA (RO)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)REVANCHE (AT)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)RICKY (FR)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)SOUL KITCHEN (DE)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)UN PROPHETE (aka LE PROPHETE) (FR)
Continental Film družba za distribucijo in promocijo filmov d.o.o. (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2009
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma LAT DEN RATTE KOMMA IN (SU)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma NORD (NO)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma SZTUCZKI (PL)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Gostosevci: Mešanje žanrov v evropski literaturi (8 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Euro Home Movies Net (Evropska mreža domačih filmov)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2009
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma LA VERITABLE HISTOIRE DU CHAT BOTT (FR)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma OCEANWORLD 3D (FR)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma TURTLE: THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY (UK)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Inferno
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Le Lieu, Laboratorie Instrumental Europeen
Slowind (Partner)DNA - Developement of New Art
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)6. ANIMATEKA - Mednarodni festival animiranega filma / International Animated Film Festiva6
Kinodvor, javni zavod (Partner) LjubljanaH.O.M.E. - House for Open Mobility Exchange
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Klopfzeichen / Colpi / Potrkavanje – Kunst & Begegenung in vergessener Landschaft
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Comics Opera
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Small Size Big Citizens - widening of the european network for the diffusion of the performing arts for early years
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Baby Lion
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)PNA - Puppet Nomad Academy I. (Lutkovna nomadska akademija)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Focus on art and science in the performing arts: European Contemporary Production
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)EOD - E-knjige po naročilu - eBooks on Demand: A European Library Network
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)H.O.M.E. - House for Open Mobility Exchange (pilotni projekt mobilnosti)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)An Orchestra for Europe - One Step Further
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - Import-Export
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Beletrina (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Okus Evrope (A Taste of Europe)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)CESA - Srednje evropska znanstvena pustolovščina
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Arts and Parks
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodni projekt (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)The Baroque Music as unifying Value Between the Old and New Europe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Fair Music – The First Intitiative for Fairness and justice in the Music Business
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival plakata Ljubljana '09
Fundacija Brumen (Vodja) LjubljanaICARUS - Srednjeevropski virtualni arhiv srednjeveških listin
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2007
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Gram ljubezni/A Gram of Love
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2008
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)19. LIFFE - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival / Ljubljana International Film Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - Avtomatična distribucija v 2008
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Božanska komedija. Pekel, Vice, Raj, gledališka predstava
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Lady Chatterley
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Persepolis
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Un conte de noel
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Leteča brata Rusjan
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Literature Across Frontiers
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2008
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma El orfanto
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Gomorra
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma La zona
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (I Served the King of England)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Vratne lahve
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Elle s'appelle Sabine
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Kunsten a tenke negativt
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Gostosevci - Pripovedovanje: fikcija in resničnost v evropski literaturi (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Gostosevci: Sodobno iskanje svobode (8 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Literature Across Frontiers
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Literarno prevajanje "Raziskovanje kultur" (1 knjiga)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Literarno prevajanje "Raziskovanje kultur" (3 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma DIE FÄLSCHER (AT)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma LE PREMIER CRI (FR)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Comics Embassy / Ambasada Strip (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival plakata Ljubljana '09
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)X-OP - Izmenjava operaterjev in producentov umetnosti
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Dialog z Antiko (2 knjigi)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma NIKO - LENTAJAN POIKA (FI)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)X-OP - Exchange of Art Operators and Producers (Izmenjava operaterjev in producentov umetnosti)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Poetikonove lire (4 knjige)
Književno društvo Hiša poezije (Partner) LjubljanaZbirka Poetikonove lire: Glasovi evropske poezije (3 knjige)
Književno društvo Hiša poezije (Partner) LjubljanaLiving Memory Artists’ Publications in Europe – A Network for Indexing, Presentation and Communication
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)A Space for Live Art
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija: Palčica / Thumbellina Unplugged
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Evropski ambasador kulture 2008
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Evropski festival vizualnih umetnosti v bolnišnicah
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Lambda (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)ShopsSHOPS SHOPS SHOPS SHOPS
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Beletrina (4 knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dnevni poezije in vina 2009 - premikanje meja
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Človeku naklonjena mesta: Oblikovanje urbanih prizorišč
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)European Musical Summer 2009 – Cultural Networking of Historic Sites (Evropsko glasbeno poletje 2009)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Slovenka
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Babilon (5 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Sanje (7 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Mreža 2020. Na tankem ledu: Umetnost in podnebne spremembe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dance Explorations Beyond Front@ (Beyond Front@ plesno raziskovanje)
Flota (Partner) Murska SobotaHAIP - Hack-Act-Interact-Progress
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Arctic Perspective – Third Culture 2008-2010
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Offside (9:06) (razvoj celovečernega filma)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Favnov labirint (El laberinto del Fauno)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2006
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2007
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma 12:08 East of Bucharest
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)18. LIFFE - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival / Ljubljana International Film Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma You, the living
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)CHANTICA - Culture, History and Nature Together In Contemporary Art
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma 4 luni, 3 saptamini si 2 zile
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2007
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Ex Drummer
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Irina Palm
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Azuloscurocasinegro
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Reprise
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Unser Taglich Brot
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)OnlineFilm.org - nove tehnologije
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Ignac
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma 2 Days in Paris
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2007
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Becoming Jane
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Feher Tenyer
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Meridians
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)ICBIE -Tri evropske otroške knjige v Indiji in ena indijska v Evropi
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Goodbye Bafana
Karantanija Cinemas družba za svetovanje in filmsko produkcijo d.o.o. Ljubljana (Partner)Hallerstein - Science meets art (Hallerstein - ko se znanost sreča z umetnostjo)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Post Me_New ID - The Post Human Condition of Modern Europeans
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Glitner
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Women Crossing Communities: Linking art, activism and communities - A trilogy
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Euroman (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)An Orchestra Network of Europe - ONE, a new dimension
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Mednarodni festival animiranega filma 4
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Midas
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dežela človekovih pravic
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Izbrisan
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Evropski utrinki (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Babilon (knjige)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prevodi leposlovja (9 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Mobile Lab for Theatre and Communication
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)IMMEDIATE - Immersive Media Dance Integrating in Telematic Environments
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Archeo - scenarij
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2006
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Babica gre na jug 2
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2005
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Lara
Bela film d.o.o. (Partner) LjubljanaAsobu, plesna predstava Josefa Nadja
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)The Lobster Shop, gledališka predstava
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Transylvania
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična distribucija v 2006
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Efter Brylluppet
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filmaKnallhart
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Taxidermia
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Volver
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma My summer of love
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Pavee Lackeen: The traveller girl
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Gostosevci (5 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Happy
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Gravitacija - Emotionfilm (razvoj filma)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Virtual Museum of European Transhumance (Virtualni muzej evropske transhumance)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2006
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Batalla en el cielo
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Habana Blues
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Ils
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma La planete blanche
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma No body is perfect
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Quelques jours en septembre
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Small Size, The Net (Majhni koraki, Mreža)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)gRig – Guild for Reality Integrators and Generators (Bratovščina za integratorje in generatorje resničnosti)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Travel in Europe (Potovanje po Evropi)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirke Fraktal, Posebne izdaje in Apokalipsa (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Revija v reviji (Review within Review)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Tito – Gewisse Diagramme der Sehnsucht (Tito – Izbrani diagrami hrepenenja)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Elementarteilchen
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Masjavlar
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Nachtasyl – Treffpunkt der Traüme (Nočni azil - shajališče sanj)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Gledališka arhitektura v Srednji Evropi (TACE – Theatre Architecture in Central Europe)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Lambda: sodobna evropska gejevska in lezbična literatura (6 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Beletrina (8 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Piceni in Evropa: Vloga prazgodovinske skupnosti pri oblikovanju evropske kulturne dediščine
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SEE PAST – South-Eastern European Pottery: Archeology and Scientific Techniques (Keramika jugovzhodne Evrope: arheologija in znanstvene tehnike)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Slovenka
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Dream Europe (5 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prostori domišljije - Telo in mesto v mediteranski regiji
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Valovi – elektromagnetni valovi kot material in medij v umetnosti
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Cirkus Fantasticus / Silent Sonata - scenarij
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma The Shutka Book of Records
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Asterix et les Vikings
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Franklin et le tresor du lac
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma La mome
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Nuovomondo
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Alatriste
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Polnjene bučke z Leninovimi možgani (razvoj celovečernega filma)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema 2005
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Žiga Herberstein - Moskovski zapisi (razvoj dokumentarnega filma)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2004
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Instalacija ljubezni (razvoj celovečernega filma)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Cache
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Les poupees Russes
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Match Point
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)15. LIFFE - Ljubljanski mednarodni filmski festival / Ljubljana International Film Festival
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dance Roads (Plesna avtocesta)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)L'Histoire des Larmes, gledališka predstava, Jan Fabre
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Le Grand Voyage / Veliko potovanje
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)The Killing of the Infants, gledališka predstava
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Bizgeci / Beezes (razvoj animacije)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2005
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Crossing The Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma De battre mon coeur s'est arrete / Biti je nehalo moje srce
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Mednarodna distribucija filmov v DVD/video formatu
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma L`enfer
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma La Marche de l'empereur
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Sommersturm
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma The secret life of words
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Muzej in dokumentacijski center o nacističnem in fašističnem terorju
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2005
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Joyeux Noel
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma L'enfant / Otrok
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Le Temps Qui Reste
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Skupaj
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)CEIYO – Central European Initiative Youth Orchestra
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Festival Slowind 2005
Slowind (Partner)Small Size – Majhni koraki – evropska mreža za širitev in razvoj uprizoritvenih umetnosti za najmlajše
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Tea, rež. Hanna Slak, razvoj filma
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Land of Lace (Dežela čipk)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Kulturna dediščina na spletu (Web Cultural Heritage)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dežela čipk (Land of Lace)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Cesky Sen / Češke sanje
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija: Wai
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)O drugačnosti: osredotočanje na vzhodno Evropo
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Beletrina (10 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirki Koda in Claritas (8 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)HyperRecords: Making Museum Records Interoperable
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dediščina Serenissime II.: Predstavitev arhitekturnih in arheoloških ostankov Beneške republike
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Art Noveau & Society (Nova umetnost & družba)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Babice revolucije / Grandmothers of Revolution
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Crash Test Dummy: Novi evropski jaz v bio-političnem preizkusnem trku
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Revitalizacija žičke kartuzije
Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (Partner)Ohranjanje in populariziranje zvočnih dokumentov iz evropskih arhivov tradicionalne glasbe
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Beletrina (7 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2004
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Prijatelji (Buddy)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Zlo (Ondskan)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Totalna zmešnjava (Shouf Shouf Habibi!)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma - Erotične počitnice 73 (Torremolinos 73)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Wilbur se hoče ubiti (Wilbur begĺr selvmord)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Evropa v malem
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Prikazovanje evropskih filmov v 2003
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma 25 Degres en hiver / 25 stopinj pozimi
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija - Brodeuses / Vezilja
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Head On / Z glavo ob zid
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Reconstruction / Rekonstrukcija
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Schultze Gets the Blues / Schultze dela blues
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirka Lambda (9 knjig)
Center za slovensko književnost, zavod za literarno in založniško dejavnost (Partner)Distribucija - avtomatična shema v 2004
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Good bye, Lenin
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Lilja 4-ever
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Massai - les guerriers de la pluie
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Mondovino (Svet vina)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Nine Songs
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SNIFF, Mednarodni festival kratkega filma Novo mesto
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)East Art Map – Umetnostni zemljevid Vzhoda - druga faza
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)AlpiNet – Apline Network for Archeological Sciences (Omrežje arheoloških znanosti v Alpah)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma 5 X 2
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Avtomatična distribucija v 2004
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)e-Agora
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)TRG – Transient Reality Generators (Generatorji prehodne resničnosti)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei (The Educators) / Vzgojitelji
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)GOTHICmed: A Virtual Museum of Mediterranean Gothic Architecture (GOTHICmed: Virtualni muzej gotske arhitekture v Mediteranu)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)The Gesture in the cultural heritage of Europe (Gesta v evropskem kulturnem izročilu)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dinamični in profesionalni izobraževalni centri za kulturni menedžment
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Distribucija filma Trojčice iz Bellevilla (Les triplettes de Belleville)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)MEJNIFEST – Mednarodni festival Gledališče brez meja
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Zbirki Koda in Claritas (7 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dinamični in profesionalni izobraževalni centri za kulturni menedžment
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)European Fluvial Heritage (Arheološka dediščina evropskih rek)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)From Underwater to Public Attention (Iz vode pred oči javnosti)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Dediščina Serenissime I. (The Heritage of Serenissima I.)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Estrellita - pesem za domov
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Modra zbirka – Delajmo Evropo) (5 knjig)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Skupina Festival Brežice 2004
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)CIMET – Cultural Intersections, Mobility, Education and Tradition
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)SEAS: Phase II – Production (SEAS: Faza II – produkcija)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)ALME – Acoustic Literary Map of Europe (Zvočna mapa Evrope)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)Karstic Cultural Landscapes (Kraške kulturne pokrajine)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe (Partner)
SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti (Partner)
- Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura
- Interdisciplinarni projekti
- 2017
500.000 EUR (1. leto)
500.000 EUR (2. leto)
500.000 EUR (3. leto)
500.000 EUR (4. leto)
- 1. decembra 2017 - 31. marca 2021 Zaključeno
Sestavljen je iz 16 festivalov in umetniških centrov, s ciljem podpirati, promovirati in izmenjevati inovativne in ambiciozne glasbenike ter interdisciplinarne umetnike, ki jih zanima zvok. SHAPE poskuša predstaviti raznoliko samosvojo glasbo in zvočno umetnost iz vse Evrope ter občinstvu in strokovnjakom zagotoviti pronicljiva predavanja, pogovore in delavnice strokovnjakov z različnih področij, povezanih z zvokom in performansom.
(Vir: SHAPE.)
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti
(Partner) LjubljanaVsi projekti slovenskega producenta
Tuji producenti pri podprtem projektu
MeetFactory OPS (leader)
Češka republika (EU) -
Biennale Némo / ARCADI (Paris) (partner)
Francija (EU) -
CTM Festival / DISK e.V. (Berlin) (partner)
Nemčija (EU) -
Cynetart Festival / TMA Hellerau e.V. (Dresden) (partner)
Nemčija (EU) -
Festival Maintenant / Association Electroni[K] (Rennes) (partner)
Francija (EU) -
Insomnia Festival / Association (Tromso) (partner)
Norveška -
Les siestes électroniques / Association Rotation (Toulouse) (partner)
Francija (EU) -
musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst / ORF (Graz) (partner)
Avstrija (EU) -
RIAM Festival / Technè (Marseilles) (partner)
Francija (EU) -
Rokolectiv Festival / Association (Bucharest) (partner)
Romunija (EU) -
Schiev Festival / Productions Associées (Brussels) (partner)
Belgija (EU) -
Skaņu Mežs Festival / Association (Riga) (partner)
Latvija (EU) -
TodaysArt Festival / The Generator Foundation (The Hague) (partner)
Nizozemska (EU) -
UH Fest / Ultrasound Foundation (Budapest) (partner)
Madžarska (EU) -
Unsound Festival / Fundacja Tone (Krakow) (partner)
Poljska (EU)
Na zadnjem razpisu za evropske platforme Slovenija ponovno blestela!
20.09.2017V hudi konkurenci je bilo izbranih 13 platform in med njimi sta kar dve s slovenskim vodjo – ponovno Beletrina in MAO! V platformah, ki so pridobile 4-letno podporo Ustvarjalne Evrope, je sicer vključenih še pet slovenskih organizacij: Tretaroka, EnKnap, UGM, MoTA in CUK Kino Šiška. Čestitamo!