Funded projects
MUSICVILLE – Green European Opera
Glasbarium (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingOperation Nova
Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingKino x Games
Šmarje pri Jelšah Public Library (Partner) Šmarje pri Jelšah OngoingFASIH - Future Art and Science Industrial Heritage
Delavski dom Trbovlje (Partner) Trbovlje CompletedCultural BEES
University of Nova Gorica (Partner) Nova Gorica OngoingIs this us?
Miš Publishing House (Leader) Dob CompletedClimate Art Fusion Caravane (CARAVANE)
Bob Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingMoving Balkans
En-Knap Productions (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingYouth Art for the Earth (YAFE)
IRDO institute (Partner) Ljubljana-Dobrunje OngoingShadow Pandemic: Hidden Voices
SNG Maribor (Partner) Maribor CompletedOpen House Europe (OHEu)
AFRONT Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingThird Stage
Periskop (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedVERSOPOLIS – WHERE POETRY LIVES
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingDecember: Uncomfortable Beings, Azra, Best Imaginary Friends Forever
December Institute (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingLINA - Learn, Interact, and Network in Architecture
Faculty of Architecture University of Ljubljana (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingReactivating unused urban spaces through architecture and arts (ReCITYing)
Maribor Art Gallery (Partner) Maribor OngoingArt Nouveau: a new EUtopia
National Museum of Slovenia (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingCreative Industries Development Centre (KUL)
Development center Murska Sobota (Partner) Murska Sobota OngoingWeb 3.0 Accelerator for Sustainable Cultural Tourism (Web3Tour)
ARCTUR (Partner) Nova Gorica OngoingStudiotopia: Enter the Symbiocene with Arts and Science (Studiotopia 2)
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingBio Awakening - developing bio-art practices in Western Balkan
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingTestArt
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingGREENSTAGE
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingConnecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA)
Goga Publishing House (Partner) Novo mesto OngoingTransmedia stories of insularity (TRAST)
Mini Teater (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingFemale Digital Creativity (FLUX)
MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingPlanet Hope (New European Fiction) (PH)
KUD Sodobnost International (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingMore than a Book (MTaS)
KUD Sodobnost International (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingOur Little Library: Through literary bridges to reading adventures (OLLLB)
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingConnected with Books (CWB)
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingExploring Expanded Publishing: EX-Pub
Aksioma Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingThinking Publishing (ThinkPub)
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingNovel Europe (NovelEU)
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingREVIVE
Slovene Association of Historic Towns (Leader) OngoingTemporama: Mini Slate 2023
Temporama (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingStudi Virc: Mini Slate 2023
Studio Virc (Leader) Novo mesto OngoingThe 10th and 11th edition of FeKK - Ljubljana Short Film Festival
Društvo za uveljavljanje kratkega filma Kraken (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingThe 20th and 21st Kino Otok - Isola Cinema International Film Festival
Otok Institute for cultural and social development (Leader) Ljubljana Ongoing20. and 21. ANIMATEKA International animated film festival
2 Reels (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingFilm in Hospital 2.0
Kinodvor City Cinema (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingEU Youth Cinema: Green Deal 2024-2026
Združenje EPEKA (Partner) Maribor OngoingCinema without barriers (CWB)
Notranjska Park (Partner) Cerknica OngoingLiterary Agent Platform: Capacity building (LAP CB)
Goga Publishing House (Leader) Novo mesto OngoingTramal Films Mini Slate 22 (TFMini22)
Tramal Films (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedVertigo Slate 2022: Chestnuts, Memory of Autumn Mists, OHO, Splashing around
Vertigo (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingStaragara slate 22
Stara Gara (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingOur Little Library: Literary exchanges (OLL LE)
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingTesting Ground (TestG)
Maska Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingBetter Live
Sploh Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingVariola - Dark Spring TV series
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) OngoingSEMA
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) CompletedParadiso
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) OngoingLeave the door open
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) OngoingThe Big Green
PiNA (Partner) Koper OngoingThe Long Way Down
Nukleus Film (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedNew approaches for local media (NEWLOCAL)
NT&RC d.o.o. (Partner) Celje OngoingLife Long Burning – Futures Lost and Found (LLB3)
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingTime For Live Art (LIVETIME)
Glej Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingWomen Power in Comics (WOMCOM)
Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingMovement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience (MODINA)
Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingFortissimo (FF)
Invida d.o.o. (Partner) Škofja Loka OngoingSpring Cleaning
Arsmedia d.o.o. (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedAnimation Festival Network
2 Reels (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedCulturalDeTour - Sustainable Cultural Tourism by Design Driven Innovation
ARCTUR (Partner) Nova Gorica OngoingBuilding the future of democracy through art, science and technology (EUDigitalDeal)
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingCEE Animation Forum 2021
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Leader) LjubljanaThe Museum of the Commons. Towards a Healthier Arts Ecosystem (MoC)
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingACT: Art, Climate, Transition
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedBaths, gothic churches and miners’ houses
ID 20 Institute (Leader) Idrija OngoingFake Lies
Cvinger film (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedTHE FILM CORNER RELOADED - A CULTURAL APPROACH
Otok Institute for cultural and social development (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedCINEMINI EUROPE
Kinodvor City Cinema (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedFC Freedom
IRIDIUM Film (Leader) CompletedBody
Petra Pan Film (Leader) CompletedMovies in Motion
Otok Institute for cultural and social development (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedVoix de la Poesie Europeenne
Književno društvo Hiša poezije (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedTrust me, I'm an artist
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedThe Faces Behind the Nose - Promoting Hospital Clowning as a Recognized Genre of Performing Arts
Društvo Rdeči Noski (Partner) CompletedSYMBOLS - Culture of Death& Cultural Life: New audiences and creations around European Cemeteries!
Pogrebno podjetje Maribor d.d. (Partner) CompletedSWICH - Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage
Slovene Ethnographic Museum (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedSPECTRUM 14|15
Forum Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedSmall Size, Performing Arts for Early Years
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedPerforming the Museum
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška (KGLU) (Partner) CompletedMasters & Servers: Networked Culture in the Post-Digital Age
Aksioma Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedHEROES WE LOVE. Ideology, Identity and Socialist Art in New Europe
Maribor Art Gallery (Leader) Maribor CompletedEuropean Digital Art and Science Network
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedEuropean Artizen Initiative
ProstoRož (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedEphemeral Heritage of the European Carnival Rituals
KIBLA (Partner) Maribor CompletedSustainability is in the AiR
MGLC – Mednarodni grafični likovni center (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingBeSpectACTive!
B-51 Cultural Society (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedArtecitya
MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedAdvancing Light-driven Public Interactions
MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedQuantum Music
Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedLitterae Slovenicae - Small Literature Crossing Borders
Slovene Writers’ Association (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingCEE Animation Workshop (CEE AW)
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingYoung4Film: Young Programmers for Young Audiences! European Film Festival Network
Otok Institute for cultural and social development (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingEuropean Network of Film Discourse
Društvo za uveljavljanje kratkega filma Kraken (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingNetwork of the Festivals in the Adriatic Region
Cankarjev dom (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedYoCoJoin
Časoris Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingGELATOn the ROAD
Regional Development Agency ROD (Partner) Ajdovščina OngoingreDiscover
Carnica Institute (Partner) Kranj OngoingPS4Her: Public Space 4 Her
ProstoRož (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingARTAS - Art Archives Study.
Museum of Contemporary Art MG+MSUM (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingSense (of) sharing
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingInspiration Forum LAB – Interdisciplinary art co-production program
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingOUT OF THE BOX
HKD Pomurje (Partner) Lendava CompletedSlavic Soundwalking (SSW)
Kulturni center Danilo Kiš (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingEuropean Itineraries of Roma Cultural Heritage (ROMHERIATGE)
Združenje EPEKA (Partner) Maribor OngoingPariahs - Performing Europe's Historical Memory
Jasa Association (Partner) Maribor OngoingTOBIES FRIENDS
Jasa Association (Partner) Maribor OngoingForest Encounters
Igor Zabel Association (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingBooks on the Beach (BOB)
KUD Sodobnost International (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingMade In 2.0 - Platform for Contemporary Crafts & Design
MAO (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingARCH-E, European platform for architectural competitions
ZAPS – Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingSEARCHER - The Art of Associative Searching
Delavski dom Trbovlje (Partner) Trbovlje CompletedPerforming Landscape
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingBeyond Front@: Bridging Periphery
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingPuppet Nomad Academy IV
Mini Teater (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedOther Words – Literary Circuit for Small and Minority Languages
Association for Contemporary Arts X-OP (Partner) Maribor CompletedThe Pulse of European Literature (UEL)
Pivec Publishing House (Leader) Maribor OngoingOne Space
Exodos Institute (Leader) CompletedVigeVageKnjige - The Next Generation (VVK NextGen)
VigeVageKnjige (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedIMAGINE 2020 (2.0) – Art, ecology & possible futures
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedNTY - Your're never too young to change the world
Malinc Publishing House (Partner) Medvode OngoingHer Story Is Your Story, Too
Kulturni center Danilo Kiš (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingConnecting the Worlds (CW)
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingDeveloping archaeological audiences along the Roman route Aquileia-Emona-Sirmium-Viminacium
Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana (MGML) (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedCARAVAN NEXT – Feed the Future: Art moving cities
KIBLA (Partner) Maribor CompletedAugmented City – The Space for Digital Creative Citizenship
Association for Contemporary Arts X-OP (Partner) Maribor Completedan Orchestra Network for Europe - ONE® is more
Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedAll Strings Attached: Pioneers of the European Puppetry Behind the Scenes
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedRECOVERING FREEDOM (RE-FREE)
Mladinska knjiga Publishing House (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingNeither Voice
Temporama (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedFuture DiverCities: The School of Feral Grounds
Trajna – Association for the Development of Sustainable Design (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingDECONFINING: Deconfining arts, culture and policies in Europe and Africa
Institute for Transmedia Design (ITD) (Partner) Ongoing16th Kino Otok - Isola Cinema International Film Festival
Otok Institute for cultural and social development (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedLittle Trouble Girls, The Jungle Film Project, The Doppelganger
Nosorogi (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedFantasy, Confirmation and Bunker
December Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedCEE Animation Support Industry Programme (CEEA SIP)
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedKino Otok 2022-2023
Otok Institute for cultural and social development (Leader) Ljubljana Completed32. and 33. LIFFe
Cankarjev dom (Leader) Ljubljana Completed18. Animateka International Animated Film Festival
2 Reels (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedFilm in hospital
Kinodvor City Cinema (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedEuropean Film Challenge 2022/2025
Innovato Institute (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingEU Youth Cinema: Green
Združenje EPEKA (Partner) Maribor CompletedThe Film Corner for all. Digital innovative environments for film and media literacy
Otok Institute for cultural and social development (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingRail2Dance (Rail to Dance)
Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL) (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedPANG – Performing Arts for Next Generation. Instruction to fight the doomsday.
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedTime travel routes through Europe (e-ROUTES)
National and University Library (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingBITE of Art 2.0
Young Dragons Public Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedShaping The Future
Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedGG4A: Innovative Intercultural Reading Promotion
Malinc Publishing House (Leader) Medvode OngoingComix Remix
Forum Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedAlong the Walk (AtW)
Družina umetnosti Narobov (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedThe Ulysses’ Shelter: Building literary residencies network 3
Slovene Writers’ Association (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingInnovative sustainable artworks in public space (VITAL)
Cona Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedEMPACT - Empathy and Sustainability
Maribor Art Gallery (Partner) Maribor CompletedBook in the Park
Malinc Publishing House (Partner) Medvode OngoingMIRROR - Mirroring the World: European Literary Lifeline
Goga Publishing House (Partner) Novo mesto OngoingLandscapes of Bibliodiversity
Malinc Publishing House (Leader) Medvode OngoingRead, share, enjoy (RSE)
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingREALIS - Reading and Listening to Contemporary European Literature
Goga Publishing House (Leader) Novo mesto CompletedFuture = NOW! A Youth Manifesto (FuN)
Glej Theatre (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedPoets of today - voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT)
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture (Leader) Ljubljana OngoingRewilding Cultures (RC)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Leader) OngoingIndependent Radio Exchange Network 2.0 - IndieRe 2.0
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Leader) CompletedArt Activism in post-COVID Europe: A new agenda on methodology, artistic practices and stakeholder relations (ArtACT)
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedDance as ICH: New models of facilitating participatory dance events
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) OngoingDance as ICH: New models of facilitating participatory dance events
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) (Partner) LjubljanaEurope in Synch 2.0 (EINS)
SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingEmpathy and Sustainability: The Art of Thinking like a Mountain (EMPACT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Strategies to support languages equality through literature (LIT-UP)
Malinc Publishing House (Partner) Medvode OngoingStrategies to support languages equality through literature (LIT-UP)
Malinc Publishing House (Partner) MedvodeMore-than-Planet: More than one understanding of planet Earth
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) OngoingOpen Atelier - building new innovative formats for active audience participation and interaction with cultural heritage within European House Museums
Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana (MGML) (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingPeripheral Visions - towards a trans(l)national publishing culture (PVTTPC)
Maska Institute (Partner) CompletedSounds of Change
BSA Association (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingTOMATO: The Original Museum Available To Overall
ŠKRATELJC (Partner) Log pri Brezovici OngoingTOMATO: The Original Museum Available To Overall
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TOMATO: The Original Museum Available To Overall
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Swinging Europe Network #2
Swing Festival (Partner) Celje OngoingSTAGES – Sustainable Theater Alliance
SNG Maribor (Partner) Maribor OngoingBABEL or The Art of Listening in Theatre for Young Audiences
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingArt Activism
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Partner) LjubljanaPerforming Gender - Dancing In Your Shoes
Mesto žensk – City of Women (Partner) CompletedACuTe - Culture Testbeds for Interactivity, Performance and Technology
SNG Nova Gorica (Partner) Nova Gorica OngoingLet me tell you my story
Malinc Publishing House (Partner) Medvode OngoingPaths to the EU Bibliodiversity
Malinc Publishing House (Leader) Medvode CompletedIn from the Margins
MGLC – Mednarodni grafični likovni center (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedThe Perennial Biennial
MGLC – Mednarodni grafični likovni center (Partner) Ljubljana Completed(NON)ALIGNED MOVEMENTS Strenghtening contemporary dance in Western Balkans
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingFootprints
Druga godba Ljubljana (Partner) CompletedSMOTIES – Human Cities. Crative works with small and remote places
Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedSHARE; creative powers of art
Exodos Institute (Leader) CompletedLIBERTY
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedIdentity on the Line
Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia (Partner) CompletedClassics in the Graphic Novel: A pilot model of new high school culture education through graphic novels
Slovenian Theatre Institute (SLOGI) (Leader) CompletedSlate Funding 2020: Wake me; Everything That’s Wrong With You; Rainy Summer
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Leader) Completed31. Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe)
Cankarjev dom (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedZimna Wojna / Cold War
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLos Bando Immortale
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Dogman
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikInsyriated
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) Vojnik120 battements per minute
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikFilm in Hospital
Kinodvor City Cinema (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedThe Ways of the Heroes
Studio for Research into the Art of Acting (Partner) CompletedCommon Places: new imaginaries of European peripheries
ProstoRož (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedTraining Leading Voices
Public Fund for Cultural Activities (Partner) CompletedRise of woman in culture in Western Balkan
Lokar Gallery (Partner) CompletedLIVEUROPE
Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedSpread the Words (III)
Mladinska knjiga Publishing House (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedLiterature vs. Nationalism (III)
Goga Publishing House (Leader) Novo mesto CompletedReading the Heart of Europe (III)
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) Ljubljana Completed#synergy: Sharpening the capacities of the classical music industry in the Western Balkans
Festival Ljubljana (Partner) CompletedUpside down / ZalaUp
Zala Publishing House (Leader) CompletedCEE Animation Workshop 2019–2021 (3rd year)
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedThe Borderless Words
VBZ Publishing (Leader) CompletedRE:PLAY - Redesigning playscapes with children in Western Balkans
Pazi!Park Association (Leader) CompletedRegional Lab
Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedEuropean "Libraries of emotions© (LOE)
Kranj City Library (Partner) CompletedImmersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans
Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana (MGML) (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedReady for reading
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedEuropean Bibliodiversity for Young Readers
Malinc Publishing House (Leader) Medvode CompletedContemporary Literature Across Europe
Goga Publishing House (Leader) Novo mesto CompletedLiterature vs. Nationalism (II)
Goga Publishing House (Leader) Novo mesto CompletedFuture Architecture Platform
MAO (Partner) LjubljanaVersopolis
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedLitterae Slovenicae: A small literature in major languages
Slovene Writers’ Association (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedTHE LOST SON; OBSERVING; BIMBERLI; FREEDOM OR BARBARISM
Stara Gara (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedSlate Funding 2020: The Last Hero; The Confidence Trick; Lucia and Zoran; Granny’s Sexual Life
Studio Virc (Leader) Novo mesto CompletedMoving Cinema
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) Completed17. Animateka International Animated Film Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Leader) CompletedThelma
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe Square
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Happy End
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikAus dem Nichts
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikOn Body and Soul / Testről és lélekről
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikL’amant double / Double Lover
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikSnekker Andersen og Julenissen
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikJupiter’s Moon
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikReFresh Plus - Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends
Slovene Association of Historic Towns (Leader) CompletedEU Contemporary Puppetry Critical Platform
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedOn-the-Fly: Fostering Live Coding practices across Europe
Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedART4MED
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedSustaining Cultural Diversity in Literary Translation
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedIMPROVISA - Life in Motion
Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia (Partner) CompletedB-AIR Art Infinity Radio
Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod Ljubljana (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedDance On, Pass On, Dream On
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedStronger peripheries: a Southern coalition
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedNot a joke!
Miš Publishing House (Leader) Dob CompletedAcoustic Commons
Cona Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedNot yet written stories – women artists’ archives online
SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (Partner) CompletedEODOPEN – eBooks-On-Demand
National and University Library (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedTAKING CARE_Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care
Slovene Ethnographic Museum (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedWomen on Women
Mesto žensk – City of Women (Leader) CompletedReading Station
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedMoving Cinema
Otok Institute for cultural and social development (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedThe Pulse of European Literature
Pivec Publishing House (Leader) Maribor CompletedSpread the Words (II)
Mladinska knjiga Publishing House (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedReading the Heart of Europe (II)
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedRadioMuse
Radio Študent (Leader) LjubljanaA-PLACE: Linking places through networked artistic practices
Faculty of Architecture University of Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedThe Rude Awakening
Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice (Partner)Cankar Goes West
Prešeren Theatre Kranj (Leader) CompletedLitterae Slovenicae – Building bridges between small and major languages
Slovene Writers’ Association (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedCEE Animation Workshop 2019–2021 (2nd year)
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedGrâce à Dieu
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikDoubles vies
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikSorry We Missed You
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLittle Joe
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) Vojnik29. Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe)
Cankarjev dom (Leader) Ljubljana Completed30. Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe)
Cankarjev dom (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedCEE Animation Forum 2020
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedReading the Heart of Europe (I)
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedLiterature vs. Nationalism. Contemporary Literature Moving Borders (I)
Goga Publishing House (Leader) Novo mesto CompletedSpread the Words (I)
Mladinska knjiga Publishing House (Leader) Ljubljana Completed16. Animateka International Animated Film Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Leader) CompletedCardinal Points of Contemporary European Literature
Malinc Publishing House (Leader) Medvode CompletedThe Ulysses’ Shelter: Building writers-in-residence network 2
Slovene Writers’ Association (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedIndieRe – Idependent Radio Exchange
Radio Študent (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedCEE Animation Workshop 2019–2021 (1st year)
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Leader) Ljubljana Completed15. Animateka International Animated Film Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Leader) CompletedHEMI – Hub for exchange of music innovation in Central and South-eastern Europe
SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingBITE – Introduction of new business model into European contemporary art operators to generate new young audience
Young Dragons Public Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedYoung Theatre on the Move
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedOne and a half million Steps over the Borders
School of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica (Partner) Nova Gorica CompletedArt and Well-being
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) CompletedGreen Revisited: Encountering Emerging Naturecultures (GREEN)
Projekt Atol Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedEvery Story Matters – making books more inclusive
Slovenian Book Agency (Partner) CompletedBE PART - Art BEyond PARTicipation.
Mesto žensk – City of Women (Partner) CompletedReading Balkans: Borders vs. Frontiers
Goga Publishing House (Leader) Novo mesto CompletedPuppets & Design
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedREgeneration of disused Industrial Sites through Creativity in Europe
Association for Contemporary Arts X-OP (Partner) Maribor CompletedBiofriction. Cultural transformations through Hybrid Spaces
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedEmerging Professionals: Internationalisation of music Careers
Public Fund for Cultural Activities (Partner) CompletedMUS.NET. MUSeum NETwork
Rakičan Mansion Research and Education Centre (Partner) CompletedConnectUp – The Life of the Others | European Theatres for Young Audience in a Union of Diversity
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana OngoingCELA – Connecting Emerging Literary Artists
Goga Publishing House (Partner) Novo mesto CompletedRESHAPE - Reflect, Share, Practice, Experiment
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedJazz Connective
Druga godba Ljubljana (Partner) CompletedCreate to Connect -> Create to Impact
Bunker Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedCreate to Connect
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Wom@rts – Women Equal Share Presence in the Arts and Creative Industries
Maribor Art Gallery (Partner) Maribor CompletedPARALLEL – European Photo Based Platform
Maribor Art Gallery (Partner) Maribor CompletedMigrations in Reality
Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association (Leader) CompletedDreaming Books
Sanje (‘Dreams’) Publishing House (Leader) CompletedHistory of Love / Zgodovina ljubezni
Mono O (Leader) LjubljanaChanging Weathers
Projekt Atol Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedFuture Architecture Platform
MAO (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedInventory
December Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedThe Bullet and the Bell
Stara Gara (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedNun of your Business
Tramal Films (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedTwin Marilyn
Institute for Transmedia Design (ITD) (Leader) CompletedThe Beanie
Senca Studio (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedLUCity
House! Society for People and Spaces (Leader) CompletedVoices of Minorities
Imago Sloveniae (Leader) CompletedOur Lives
Federacija Institute (Partner) CompletedMAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology
School of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica (Leader) Nova Gorica CompletedMusicaFemina – Women made Music
Mesto žensk – City of Women (Partner) CompletedVisegrad Animation Forum (VAF) 2018
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedSkiing in Scarves
Studio Virc (Leader) Novo mesto Completed14. Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Leader) CompletedUnder the tree (Undir Trénu)
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikL’Apparition
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikRacer and the jailbird (Le Fidèle)
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikFoxtrot
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe Killing of a Sacred Deer
Cinemania Group (Partner) LjubljanaZvite pravljice / Twisted tales
Institute for Transmedia Design: ITD (Partner) Murska SobotaNe pozabi dihati / Don't forget to beathe
Bela Film (Partner) LjubljanaRiders
Stara Gara (Leader) Ljubljana28. Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)14. Animateka International Animated Film Festival
2 Reels (Leader) LjubljanaVišegrad Animation Forum (VAF)
Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) (Partner) LjubljanaSouth and East reaches West (iSE2W) – Reading Balkans
Goga Publishing House (Leader) Novo mesto CompletedYoung art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites
Slovene Association of Historic Towns (Leader) CompletedEuropean ARTificial Intelligence Lab
Kersnikova Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedBe SpectACTive! (2018-2022)
Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL) (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedOur Many Europes
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) CompletedLife Long Burning – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedMAPPING - A Map on the aesthetics of performing arts for early years
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedPORT OF DREAMERS
SNG Maribor (Partner) Maribor CompletedThe Ulysses' Shelter: building writers-in-residence network
Slovene Writers’ Association (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedID : Babylon
Glej Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedLes Orchestres Méditerranéens de musique populaire contemporaine dans le Réseau du Festival. Sete Sóis Sete Luas: dialogues et mobilités transnationales
Municipality of Piran-Pirano (Partner) CompletedMADE IN-Crafts and Design Narratives
MAO (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedFeral Labs Network
Projekt Atol Institute (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedRead Me I am Yours
Slovene Writers’ Association (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedUtoya 22. Juli
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Twarz
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikTransit
DEMIURG Cvetka Flakus (Partner) Črni vrhTodos lo Saben
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe House that Jack Built
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Half-sister, Hidden People, First Million
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Leader) CompletedNapszallta / Sunset
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLazzaro Felice
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikGräns / Border
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikGirl
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikCON-FRONT Contemporary cultural commemoration of the Great War
Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation (Partner) CompletedReading Europe
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana Completedeeemerging, Emerging European Ensembles Project
Ars Ramovš (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedDigital Stories of Small Historic Towns (diStory)
Slovene Association of Historic Towns (Partner) CompletedTeaching European History through Cinema (TEHC)
Vizo (Partner)Innovation Network of European Showcases
Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedTracing the Art of the Straub Family
Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedAerowaves
En-Knap Productions (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedSHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe
MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedHearMe
National Gallery of Slovenia (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedUrban Heat
Bunker Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedPerforming Gender - Dance makes differences
Mesto žensk – City of Women (Partner) CompletedFuture Architecture Platform / FuturA
Design Biotop (Partner)Story Time – Connecting People with the Power of Art
Inter-kulturo Ltd (Partner) CompletedEchoes of Realities
Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association (Leader) CompletedArchaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)
Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana (Partner) LjubljanaWomen’s creativity since the Modern Movement – MoMoWo
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedAerowaves
En-Knap Productions (Partner) LjubljanaAerowaves
En-Knap Productions (Partner) LjubljanaGlory
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikPerfect Strangers
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikNocturama
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLa fille de Brest
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe Dancer
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikStefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikThe Other Side of Hope
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikLa Sage Femme/The Midwife
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Hymyleva Mies/The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Frantz
Fivia/Cenex (Partner) VojnikYoung Theatre
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedInternational Classical Music Masterclasses - ARDEA
Gallus Foundation (Partner) CompletedCrossing Stages
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Partner) LjubljanaNumeric’s Art Puppetry Project
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedMAPS – Mapping and Archiving Public Spaces
MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedEASTN-DC: European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity
Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedOur Little Library: Let's meet children's authors and illustrators
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedSounds of Changes
Technical Museum of Slovenia (Partner) CompletedNew Mappings of Europe
Museum of Contemporary Art MG+MSUM (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedHuman Cities - Challenging the city scale
Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedState Machines
Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedThe Uses of Art - on the legacy of 1848 and 1989
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Tell me your story
Mladinska knjiga Publishing House (Leader) LjubljanaSharing the Wor(l)d
Slovene Writers’ Association (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedCrossing Borders, Closing Gaps
Cankarjeva Publishing House (Leader) CompletedPulse of European Literature
Pivec Publishing House (Leader) Maribor CompletedLjubljana International Film Festival (Liffe)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Animateka International Animated Film Festival
2 Reels (Partner) LjubljanaStories that can change the world
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) LjubljanaeLiT Literaturehouse Europe
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedLiterary Europe Live
Slovene Writers’ Association (Partner) LjubljanaGeneration to Generation (G2G)
Glej Theatre (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedEuropean Design Stories
Suri Institute (Partner) CompletedSHAPE - Platform for Innovative Music and Audiovisual Art from Europe
MoTA Museum of Transitory Art (Partner)LIVEUROPE
Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture (Partner) LjubljanaFuture Architecture Platform / FuturA
MAO (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedIn/visible cities – International Festival of Urban Multimedia
PiNA (Partner) Koper CompletedECHOES from invisible landscapes
MinK Tolmin (Partner) CompletedMUSIC UP CLOSE NETWORK
BSA Association (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedDANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedWider Audiences in Visual and Performing Arts
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Network for Internationalization of Music Producers in Europe
ŠKUC Association (Partner) CompletedParticipatory Art for Invisible Communities (PAIC)
University of Nova Gorica (Partner) Nova Gorica CompletedCreative Climate Leadership
PiNA (Partner) Koper CompletedRISK CHANGE
KIBLA (Leader) Maribor CompletedSpectrum 2016 - Transnational Light
Forum Ljubljana (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedWe Need Witnesses
Cankarjeva Publishing House (Leader) CompletedLitterae Slovenicae: Small literature in major languages
Slovene Writers’ Association (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedGrowing up here, there and everywhere in EU
Miš Publishing House (Leader) Dob CompletedEuroVision – Museums Exhibiting Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)iOtok / iIsland
Astral Film (Partner) Log pri BrezoviciGood Day for Work
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)E-MERGING CREATIVITY (Versopolis)
Beletrina Publishing Institute (Leader) LjubljanaAvtomatična distribucija 2014
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)A Long Way Down (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Two Days, One Night / Deux jours, une nuit (NL)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Diplomacy / Diplomatie (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared / Hundraarigen som klev ut Genom Fönstret och försvann (SE)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)En Chance Til / A Second Chance (DK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)We are the Best! / Vi är bäst! (NO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Clouds of Sils Maria (a.k.a. Silm Maria) (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Macondo (AT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Force Majeur (a.k.a..Tourist) (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Visegrad Animation Forum
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Animateka 2014
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Antiboy (DK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Walesa. Man of Hope / Walesa. Czlowiek z nadziei (PL)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Sacro GRA (IT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)2000 Days on Earth (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Fehér Isten (HU)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Il Capitale Umano / The Human Capital (IT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Jummy's Hall (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Le Meraviglie (IT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Le ser della terre / (Salt of the Earth (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Timbuktu (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Slavic Authors to the World
Forum of Slavic Cultures International Foundation (Leader) CompletedNaj bo košarkar! / Make him a basketball player! (igrani film)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Framework for Film Education
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)MeetFactory
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Books connecting the worlds
KUD Sodobnost International (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedOur Little Library
KUD Sodobnost International (Leader) Ljubljana CompletedCeramics and its dimensions
National Museum of Slovenia (Partner) Ljubljana CompletedNETA - Nova Evropska Teatrska Akcija
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Ime mi je Damjan / My Name is Damian (igrani film)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Aerowaves
En-Knap Productions (Partner) LjubljanaCORNERS – turning Europe inside out
Exodos Institute (Partner) CompletedWomen’s creativity since the Modern Movement
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Blitz 2006
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2012
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Blitz 2012
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)24th LIFFe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Cankarjeva (9 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2013
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Bekas
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)I Give It A Year
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Kapringen
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Two Mothers
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Kvinden I Buret
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Nymphomaniac
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Only Lovers Left Alive
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ÄTA SOVA DÖ
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Kraftidioten
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Congress
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)what's the deal?
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Alceste a Bicyclette
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Demiurg 2013
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Djupid
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Hannah Arendt
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)More Than Honey
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Broken Circle Breakdown
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Le Passé (Preteklost)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)MusMA Masters on Air: European Broadcating Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Lore
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Only God Forgives
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)REISEN TIL JULESTJERNEN
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Look of Love (aka The King of Soho)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Young and Beautiful
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Blue Is the Warmest Colour
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)W imie…
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2013
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SPECTRUM – Light Interaction in Public Spaces
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Inferno
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Erased
Gustav Film (Partner)10th Animateka Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Karantanija 2013
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation KUD Logos (6 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation KUDM Sodobnost (10 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Festival Ex Ponto - multiannual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Should I stay or should I go? – A collective storytelling project
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ECLECTIS: European Citizens' Laboratory for Empowerment: CiTIes Shared
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Bauhaus – Networking Ideas and Practice
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Puppetry Knowledge Exchange (EPKE)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Red Dawns above the City of Women
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Experimental Theatre Academy
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation MK (9 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation MODRIJAN (4 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Religion in the Shaping of European Cultural Identity
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Europe City
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Promoting Cultural Network SEE and Connecting local projects in South-East Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Študentska založba (5 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Work with Sounds
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Sanje (10 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Project PurPur – A European Opera Sound
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Mladi levi Festival - multiannual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Roots of the European Design
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ENQuETE art – Experimental Nonpartisan Questioning of Enduring Technologies in Economy
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Šanghaj (Shanghai Gipsy) - long feature film development
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2011
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Feed Me With Your Words (Nahrani me z besedami) by Martin Turk (long-feature film development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Blitz 2011
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)23rd LIFFe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Cankarjeva (4 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)2 DAYS IN NEW YORK
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2012
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Barbara (by C. Petzold)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Csak a szél (Just The Wind)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Den skaldede frisør (All You Need is Love)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Dupa Delauri (Beyond the Hills)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)En kongelig affære (A Royal Affair)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)HYSTERIA
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Jagten (aka The Hunt)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Populaire
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Shadow Dancer
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Amour (Love)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Babycall
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Cesare deve morire (Caesar must die)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Dans La Maison (In The House)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ELLES (by M. Szumowska)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)L'enfant d'en haut (Sister)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SHAME
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Tabu
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Angel's Share
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Alpeis
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Demiurg 2012
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Es si on vivait tous ensemble? (And If We All Lived Together?)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)HALT AUF FREIER STRECKE
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Reality
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TYRANNOSAUR
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Festival Maribor
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Mohorjeva (10 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SPIDER EXPAND!: An Itinerant Artistic Manifestation
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Crossroads of European Literature
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)GLAGOLICA – A European Musical Language
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2012
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Lotte ja kuukivi saladus (Lotte and the Moonstone Secret)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Mama / Mother
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)9th Animateka Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Cinema screen digitisation
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Mobile cinema screen digitisation
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Karantanija 2012
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Materiality
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Soft Control
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation 2012 (10 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Polica Dubova (8 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Sodobnost (9 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Zrakogled (4 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Festival Ex Ponto - multiannual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TRIBE – Transitory residency initiative of Balkan and East Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TIMEeSCAPES, Images and preformances of time in late capitalism
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Leisure, Discipline and Punishment
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Password: Printmaking – travelling exhibition and art residencies
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Smuggling Anthologies
Idrija Municipal Museum (Partner)Puppet Nomad Academy III
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Nomads of Beauty
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation MK (10 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Festival Lent
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ACCORD – Establishing a Framework for conservation, evolution and promotion of Balkan Accordion Heritage in South-East Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)MINSTREL – Music Network Supporting Trans-national exchange and dissemination of music Resources at European Level
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Route of Historic Theatres
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Happiness
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Houston, we have a problem!
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Škuc (7 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Študentska založba 2012 (10 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Poetry Re-Generation
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Wildflower Europe: celebrating rural cultures & landscapes
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Clash of Cultures
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Ulay, Lovelost (Zaljubljen zgubljen), Nočno življenje (Nightlife)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation MK 2012 (6 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Poetical Tournament
Pivec Publishing House (Partner) MariborMladi levi Festival - multiannual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Global City – Local City
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Beyond Front@: Bridging New Territories
Flota Institute (Partner) Murska SobotaARSCOPE: Art-Science Co-Operation Environement
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Arsem (4 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Bigband Around Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)22nd LIFFe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme CD 2011
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation CSL (4 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ANOTHER YEAR (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2011
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)CIRKUS COLUMBIA (BE)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)EU CAND VREAU SA FLUIER, FLUIER (RO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)HAEVNEN
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)JANE EYRE
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SUBMARINE
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TAMBIEN LA LLUVIA
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)THE KING'S SPEECH (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)A TORINOI LO
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)AURORA (RO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)BALADA TRISTE DE TROMPETA (ES)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)DREI (DE)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)HABEMUS PAPAM
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LA SOLITUDINE DEI NUMERI PRIMI
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LE GAMIN AU VELO
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LE HAVRE
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)MELANCHOLIA
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ORLA FROSNAPPER
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)PINA
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)POTICHE (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)THE WOMAN IN THE FIFTH
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Attenberg
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Demiurg 2011
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Cea mai fericita fata din lume
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Gianni e le donne
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)OSLO, 31. AUGUST
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SUBMARINO
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TOMBOY
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Didakta (5 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - automatic support scheme 2Reels 2011
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Piano (1 book)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2011
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LES NEIGES DU KILIMANDJARO (AKA LES PAUVRES GENS)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)MIENTRAS DUERMES
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)THE IRON LADY
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)DNA - Developement of New Art, Continuum 2011-2013
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Sounds of Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)8th Animateka Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Karantanija 2011
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Caravan. Artists on the Road
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)EuroPA - European Public Art Project
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Robots and Avatars – Collaborative and Intergenerational Futures
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation 2011 (10 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)CULBURB - Cultural Acupuncture Treatment for Suburbs
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Logos (3 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation "Europa 2011" Horizont, New Youth Classics collection (7 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Festival Ex Ponto - multiannual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Artist Talk - Culture and Knowledge Platform
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Connecting Through Music with Maribor International Orchestra 2012 (MIO 2012)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Up to Nature
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Puppet Nomad Academy II
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation MK 2011 (6 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)T-PAS (Tourist Promotion of Archaeological Sites along the road Aquileia-Viminacium)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)An Orchestra Network for Europe – ONE goes places
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Študentska založba (10 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Pozno popoldne (Late Afternoon)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Sanje (6 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translations Učila 2011 (10 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Festival Seviqc Brežice - annual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Project PurPur – European Sound Interchange
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Mladi levi Festival - multiannual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Druga Godba Festival - annual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Four Corners: Research & Developement
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Resilients
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)VIA VILLAS – Enrich Architectual Heritage Via Villas
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Network on Archival Cooperation
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2009
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Blitz 2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - L’Arnacoeur
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)21st LIFFe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme CD 2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Amintiri din epoca de aur (Tales from the Golden Age)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)HJEM TIL JUL (NO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Le Concert
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LOOKING FOR ERIC (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)O’HORTEN (NO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)POLITIST, ADJ. (RO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)A FRANKENSTEIN-TERV (HU)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)COSA VOGLIO DI PIU (IT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)DES HOMMES ET DES DIEUX (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LE QUATTRO VOLTE (IT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LUFTSLOTTET SOM SPRANGDES (SU)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)MUUMI JA PUNAINEN PYRSTÖTÄHTI (FI)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ROUTE IRISH (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)THE GOOD HEART (IS)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TOURNEE (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)modul-dance
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Demiurg 2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LOURDES (AT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)NOTHING PERSONAL (by Urszula Antoniak ) (NL)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)PANIQUE AU VILLAGE (BE)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)YO, TAMBIEN (ES)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Didakta (3 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Društvo 2000 (6 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Mohorjeva (9 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)First NSK Citizens Congress Berlin 2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SPIDER - International Artistic Project
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Read Me Live - Promotion of Reading Culture Through Live Literature
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)EUROMEDINCULTURE(s): Partages et Créations Les rencontres euro-méditerranéennes de la coopération artistique et culturelle
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Piano (4 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)MusMA - The Music Masters on Air: European Broadcasting Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)BABY(IES) (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)NA PUDE ANEB KDO MA DNESKA NAROZENINY? (CZ)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)T.R.A.C.E.S. - Transcultural Research, Artist, Curator Exchange Series
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)7th Animateka Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Karantanija 2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Chatroom
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TAMARA DREWE (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TRIAGE (IE)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation 2010 (9 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Artyčok.TV: open archive
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Artists’ Books on Tour - Artists Competition and Mobile Museum
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Digitizing Ideas: Archives of Conceptual Art Practice
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)L'Internationale 1957-1986. Art from the Decline of Modernism to the Rise of Globalisation
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Modrijan (9 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)JUMUM- Youth - Musical Theatre - Museum
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution: The BeBuzz and Christmas Hulabaloo
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Performing Arts Cooperation between Central Europe and Palestine - The Clowndoctors
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Performing Arts in Hospital - The Clowndoctors
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Carnival King of Europe II.
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Roma Routes
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Škuc (5 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Študentska založba (7 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Poetry Reaching Out
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Unfinished Modernisation - Between Utopia and Pragmatism
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Art Nouveau & Ecology
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Human Cities: Reclaiming the public space
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Sanje (7 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translations Učila 2010 (9 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)IMAGINE 2020 - Arts and Climate Change
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Festival Exodos - annual support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Project of Generosity
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Archeo by Jan Cvitković (long-feature development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Cirkus Fantasticus / Silent Sonata (long-feature development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Unfinished Modernisation - Between Utopia and Pragmatism
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Young Photography Awards
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)CEC - Cradles of European Culture
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS) (Partner)European film screening in 2008
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Genova
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Slumdog Millionaire
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)20th LIFFe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme CD 2009
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Brussels via Sarajevo
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Aleph series (3 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2009
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Svetat e golyam i spasenie debne otvsyakade (The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ALLE ANDEREN (DE)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ANTICHRIST (DA)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)DAS WEISSE BAND (AT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)FISH TANK (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)HOME (CH)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)KATALIN VARGA (RO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LA TETA ASUSTADA (ES)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)NOS ENFANTS NOUS ACCUSERONT (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)NUNTAMUTA (RO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)REVANCHE (AT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)RICKY (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SOUL KITCHEN (DE)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)UN PROPHETE (aka LE PROPHETE) (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Demiurg 2009
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LAT DEN RATTE KOMMA IN (SU)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)NORD (NO)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SZTUCZKI (PL)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Pleiades Series: Cross genre in European literature (8 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Euro Home Movies Net
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2009
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LA VERITABLE HISTOIRE DU CHAT BOTT (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)OCEANWORLD 3D (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TURTLE: THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY (UK)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Inferno
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Le Lieu, Laboratorie Instrumental Europeen
Slowind (Partner)DNA - Developement of New Art
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)6th Animateka Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)H.O.M.E. - House for Open Mobility Exchange
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Klopfzeichen / Colpi / Potrkavanje – Kunst & Begegenung in vergessener Landschaft
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Comics Opera
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Small Size Big Citizens - widening of the european network for the diffusion of the performing arts for early years
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Baby Lion
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)PNA - Puppet Nomad Academy I
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Focus on art and science in the performing arts: European Contemporary Production
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)EOD - eBooks on Demand: A European Library Network
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)An Orchestra for Europe - One Step Further
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Import-Export
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Beletrina series 2009 (6 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)A Taste of Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)CESA - Central European Science Adventure
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Arts and Parks
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translations Učila 2009 (9 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Baroque Music as unifying Value Between the Old and New Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Fair Music – The First Intitiative for Fairness and justice in the Music Business
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Poster Festival Ljubljana '09 - First European Youth Poster Competition on a Social Topic
Brumen Foundation (Leader) LjubljanaICARUS - Central European Virtual Archives Network of Medieval Charters
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2007
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)A Gram of Love by Martin Turk
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Blitz 2008
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)19th LIFFe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme CD 2008
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Commedia. Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso theatre performance
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Lady Chatterley
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Persepolis
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Un conte de noel
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Flying Rusjan Brothers
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literature Across Frontiers
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2008
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)El orfanto
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Gomorra
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)La zona
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (I Served the King of England)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Vratne lahve
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Elle s'appelle Sabine
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Kunsten a tenke negativt
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Pleiades series: Storytelling - Fiction versus Reality in European Literature (6 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Pleiades series: The Contemporary Quest for Freedom (8 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translations "Exploring Cultures" Piano (1 book)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translations "Exploring Cultures" Piano (3 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)DIE FÄLSCHER (AT)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)LE PREMIER CRI (FR)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Comics Embassy / Ambasada Strip (6 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Poster Festival Ljubljana '09 - First European Youth Poster Competition on a Social Topic
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)X-OP - Exchange of Art Operators and Producers
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Dialogue with Antiquity series / Zbirka Dialog z Antiko (2 titles/knjigi)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - NIKO - LENTAJAN POIKA (FI)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Poetikonove lire series (4 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Poetikonove lire series: Voices of the European poetry (3 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Living Memory Artists’ Publications in Europe – A Network for Indexing, Presentation and Communication
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)A Space for Live Art
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution: Palčica / Thumbellina Unplugged
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European cultural ambassador 2008
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Festival of Visual Art in Hospitals
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Lambda series (6 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ShopsSHOPS SHOPS SHOPS SHOPS
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Beletrina series 2008 (4 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Moving Borders With the Days of Poetry and Wine Medana Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Human Cities: Sustainable Urban Design
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Musical Summer 2009 – Cultural Networking of Historic Sites
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Slovenka by Damjan Kozole (Slovenian Girl) (long-feature development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Babilon series Litera (5 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translation Dreams series (7 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The 2020 Network. Thin Ice: Arts and Climate Change
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Dance Explorations Beyond Front@
Flota Institute (Partner) Murska SobotaHAIP - Hack-Act-Interact-Progress
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Arctic Perspective – Third Culture 2008-2010
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Offside (9:06) by Igor Šterk (long-feature film development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - El laberinto del Fauno by Guillermo del Toro
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2006
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Blitz 2007
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribucija - 12:08 East of Bucharest
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)18th LIFFe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)You, the living
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)CHANTICA - Culture, History and Nature Together In Contemporary Art
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)4 luni, 3 saptamini si 2 zile
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2007
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Ex Drummer
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Irina Palm
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Azuloscurocasinegro
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Reprise
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Unser Taglich Brot
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner) - new technologies support
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Ignac
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - 2 Days in Paris
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2007
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Becoming Jane
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Feher Tenyer
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Meridians
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ICBIE – Indian children´s book in Europe & three European children´s books in India
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Goodbye Bafana
Karantanija Cinemas (Partner)Hallerstein - Science meets art
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Post Me_New ID - The Post Human Condition of Modern Europeans
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Glitner
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Women Crossing Communities: Linking art, activism and communities - A trilogy
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Euroman series (10 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)An Orchestra Network of Europe - ONE, a new dimension
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)4th Animateka
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Midas
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Land of Human Rights
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Izbrisan (The Erased)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Impressions series (6 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Babilon series Litera (4 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Literary translations Učila 2007 (9 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Mobile Lab for Theatre and Communication
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)IMMEDIATE - Immersive Media Dance Integrating in Telematic Environments
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Archeo by Jan Cvitković
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme A.G. Market 2006
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Babica gre na jug 2 (Grandma Goes South 2)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2005
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Lara
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Asobu, dance performance by Josef Nadj
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Lobster Shop theatre performance
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Transylvania
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2006
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Efter Brylluppet
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Knallhart
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Taxidermia
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Volver
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)My summer of love
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Pavee Lackeen: The traveller girl
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Pleiades series (5 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Happy
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Gravitacija (Gravity) - Emotionfilm
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Virtual Museum of European Transhumance
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2006
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Batalla en el cielo
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Habana Blues
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Ils
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)La planete blanche
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)No body is perfect
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Quelques jours en septembre
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Small Size, The Net
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)gRig – Guild for Reality Integrators and Generators
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Travel in Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Book series Fraktal, Special Editions and Apokalipsa (6 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Review within Review
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Tito – Gewisse Diagramme der Sehnsucht
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution: Elementarteilchen
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution: Masjavlar
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Nachtasyl – Treffpunkt der Traüme
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TACE – Theatre Architecture in Central Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Lambda series: Contemporary European Gay and Lesbian Literature
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Beletrina series 2006 (8 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Piceni and Europe: The Role of a Prehistoric Community in Shaping of European Cultural Heritage
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SEE PAST – South-Eastern European Pottery: Archeology and Scientific Techniques
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Slovenka (Slovenian Girl)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Dream Europe series (5 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Sites of Imagination – The body and the city in the Mediterranean Region
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Waves – electromagnetic waves as material and medium of art
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Cirkus Fantasticus / Silent Sonata
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Shutka Book of Records
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Asterix et les Vikings
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Franklin et le tresor du lac
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)La mome
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Nuovomondo
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution: Alatriste
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Polnjene bučke z Leninovimi možgani (long-feature film development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme A.G. Market 2005
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Žiga Herberstein - Moscow Notes (documentary development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2004
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Installation of Love (Instalacija ljubezni) by Maja Weiss (long-feature film development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Cache
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Les poupees Russes
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Match Point
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)15th LIFFe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Dance Roads
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)L'Histoire des Larmes, theatre perfomance by Jan Fabre
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Le Grand Voyage
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Killing of the Infants theatre performance
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Bizgeci (Beezes) (animation series development)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme Cinemania 2005
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Crossing The Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)De battre mon coeur s'est arrete
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)International distribution of films in DVD/video format
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)L`enfer
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)La Marche de l'empereur (March of the Penguins)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Sommersturm
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The secret life of words
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Museum and Documentation Center on Nazi and Fascist Terror
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2005
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Joyeux Noel
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)L'enfant / Otrok
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Le Temps Qui Reste
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Skupaj
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)CEIYO – Central European Initiative Youth Orchestra
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Slowind 2005 Festival of Contemporary Music
Slowind (Partner)Small Size – European Network for the Diffusion and Development of the Performing Arts for Early Childhood
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Teah by Hanna Slak
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Land of Lace
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Web Cultural Heritage
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution: Cesky Sen
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution: Wai
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)On Difference: Focus Eastern Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Beletrina series 2005 (8 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Koda and Claritas series 05 (8 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)HyperRecords: Making Museum Records Interoperable
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Heritage of Serenissima II.
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Art Noveau & Society
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Grandmothers of Revolution
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Crash Test Dummy: The New European Self in a Bio-political Crash Test
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Revitalisation of the Carthusian Monastery of Žiče
Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (Partner)Preservation and On-line Fruition of the Audio Documents from the European Archives of Ethnic Music
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Beletrina series 2004 (7 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme A.G. Market 2004
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Buddy by Morten Tyldum
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Ondskan (Evil) by Mikael Håfström
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Shouf shouf habibi! by Albert Ter Heerdt
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Torremolinos 73 by Pablo Berger
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself by Lone Scherfig
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Europe in Miniature
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European film screening in 2003
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - 25 Degres en hiver
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Brodeuses / Vezilja
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Head On
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Reconstruction
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Schultze Gets the Blues / Schultze dela blues
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Lambda series (9 titles)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Automatic support scheme 2004
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Good bye, Lenin
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Lilja 4-ever
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Massai - les guerriers de la pluie
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Mondovino
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Nine Songs
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SNIFF, Novo mesto International Short Film Festival
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)East Art Map – second phase
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)AlpiNet – Apline Network for Archeological Sciences
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - 5 X 2
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Automatic support scheme Fivia 2004
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)e-AGORA - Virtual Platform for Performing Arts
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)TRG – Transient Reality Generators
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei (The Educators)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)GOTHICmed: A Virtual Museum of Mediterranean Gothic Architecture
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Gesture in the cultural heritage of Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Dynamic and professional educational centres for executive cultural management
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Distribution - Les triplettes de Belleville
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Theatre without Borders international festival (MEJNIFEST)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Koda and Claritas series 2004 (7 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)European Fluvial Heritage
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)From Underwater to Public Attention
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)The Heritage of Serenissima I.
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Estrellita
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Blue series – The Making of Europe 2004 (5 books)
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Festival Brežice Group 2004
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)CIMET – Cultural Intersections, Mobility, Education and Tradition
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)SEAS: Phase II – Production
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)ALME – Acoustic Literary Map of Europe
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Karstic Cultural Landscapes
Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT) (Partner)Poets of today – voices of tomorrow (POT-VOT)
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture (Leader)
- Creative Europe (2021–2027) - CULTURE
- Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
- Culture
- 2021
757.001,00 EUR
192.862,00 EUR
- September 1, 2022 - March 31, 2025 Ongoing
Poets of Today-Voices of Tomorrow is a cooperation project of 5 project partners which will bring poetry closer to young people and local communities with the main goal of changing a school curriculum in a way of bringing poets into the classrooms on a regular yearly basis.
20 artists will explore the potential of poetry performance to share the innovative methodology with 50 poets, 100 school teachers and reach more than 5000 young audience members from all 5 participating countries. International poet collective will become influencers for methodological process, perform in 5 different countries and present the process at Frankfurt Book Fair, publish an international book, which will include translations of poems in 5 partner languages and their contacts to enable further possibilities for translation and publishing in other EU countries.
50 EU poets will be educated to perform in schools and be connected with high school teachers to start the discussion and practice about representation of poetry in schools. 50 literary events in schools-Poetry Days will be the most important result of that and will connect teachers and poets to engage the young audiences.
A Tool Book will be created to spread the methodology in the long term and prepare new format scripts, to promote poets in partner countries and beyond. To support artists’ visibility, 5 Poetry City Walks will be organised – to connect poetry with life in the community and to offer quality cultural programmes for cities with emphasis on innovative poetry performance formats. Literary maps will be developed with professional illustrators. The project will ensure gender equality and address gender representation in poetry. It will also focus strongly on environmental sustainability (with focus on eco promotional material). One of the most important outputs will also be a Policy Proposal for governments to start advocating for more funding for cooperation between poets and teachers and more poetry in schools.
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture
(Leader) Ljubljana- Ljubljana
All projects of Slovenian producer
Foreign producers in the supported project
HF Heartefact Fund (partner)
Republic of Serbia -
Fundacja ARTeria (partner)
Poland (EU) -
PRO Progressione Kulturalis Nonprofit Kozhasznu KFT (partner)
Hungary (EU) -
Suomen lastenkulttuurikeskusten liitto (partner)
Finland (EU)