Motovila & CED Slovenia
Motovila, Center za spodbujanje sodelovanja v kulturnih in ustvarjalnih sektorjih
Center Ustvarjalna Evropa v Sloveniji
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1,
1000 Ljubljana, III. nad. - 386 (0)59 01 65 76
- Office hours: torek–četrtek, 10.00-13.00 Prosimo vas, da se za sestanek predhodno dogovorite.
As part of its support activities, Motovila hosts Creative Europe Desk Slovenia (CED Slovenia), the national contact point for Creative Europe, the European Union’s framework programme for the cultural, film and audiovisual sectors. CED Slovenia provides information about and promotes the Creative Europe as well as assists cultural and creative sectors in relation to the programme.
Activities implemented by CED Slovenia are supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) as well as the Directorate General for the Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) of the European Commission.
Motovila is a non-governmental institute aimed at promoting transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation in the cultural and creative sectors. Motovila implements information, advisory, training, networking, promotion and research activities dedicated to empower representatives of the cultural and creative sectors and facilitate their (inter)national connections.
Meet us
Mateja Lazar, vodja CED Slovenija
Ines Kežman
Tanja Kos
Sabina Briški Karlić