


ReFresh Plus – Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends

8. junija 2020

ReFresh+ builds on positive experience from the recently completed project (Creative Europe, 2018 EYCH) and with the ambition to explore further how cultural heritage and young artists can jointly address two challenges: bringing cultural heritage closer to the audience and young artists closer to art markets. To advance the initial project approach into a more […]

ReFresh Plus – Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends

EU Contemporary Puppetry Critical Platform

8. junija 2020

Kritiška platforma sodobnega lutkarstva EU je mednarodni projekt štirih evropskih držav, ki ga vodi Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana v Sloveniji z drugimi partnerji na Hrvaškem (Akademija za umetnost in kulturo v Osijeku), v Litvi (Vilensko gledališče “Lėlė“) in na Škotskem (Puppet Animation Scotland). Glavni cilj projekta je ponovno vzpostaviti kritiko lutkovnega gledališča kot element javnega diskurza ter […]

EU Contemporary Puppetry Critical Platform

On-the-Fly: Fostering Live Coding practices across Europe

8. junija 2020

On the Fly project supports the development of the European live coding practice, a performing art and a creative technique centred in writing computer programmes in real time. The partnership motivation and conviction is that live coding represents an important and broad set of opportunities for the creative sector, computer science and humanities. On the […]

On-the-Fly: Fostering Live Coding practices across Europe


8. junija 2020

ART4MED – Art meets open science and technology in health and medical research je raziskovalni projekt Ustvarjalne Evrope, osredotočen na razvoj umetniških praks, ki preiskujejo področje medicine in biomedicinskih raziskav. Namen projekta je vzpodbujati interdisciplinarna, mednarodna sodelovanja med umetniki in sektorjem medicine ter podpora raziskovalnim umetniškim praksam, ki tematizirajo dostop do zdravstvenih storitev. Tekom projekta […]


Sustaining Cultural Diversity in Literary Translation

8. junija 2020

Projekt: Sustaining Cultural Diversity in Literary Translation. Leverage database on translation markets, explore applicability of proven innovative models, network and train practitioners along the value chain The project aims at empowering small and medium sized publishers, particularly in fragmented markets, to better leverage new business & organizational models & related innovative practices along the publishing […]

Sustaining Cultural Diversity in Literary Translation

B-AIR Art Infinity Radio

8. junija 2020

RTV Slovenija vabi vsak torek od januarja do konca aprila 2023 med 17.00 in 18.30 na B-AIR Lab 2023 – predavanja, okrogle mize in seminarji o pomenu umetnosti in domišljije za kakovosten otroški razvoj. Pri projektu B-AIR Art Infinity Radio – Creating sound art for babies, toddlers and vulnerable groups devet partnerskih organizacij iz osmih […]

B-AIR Art Infinity Radio

Dance On, Pass On, Dream On

8. junija 2020

Dance On, Pass On, Dream On is a cooperation between 11 European dance institutions to address structural ageism and the fragility of intangible heritage in the dance sector. During its 1st phase, from 2016 – 2019, the project put forward a European strategy for a sustainable dance praxis valuing age and embodied knowledge on stage and […]

Dance On, Pass On, Dream On

Stronger peripheries: a Southern coalition

8. junija 2020

Projekt Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition ustvarja prostor za dialog, sodelovanje, skupno učenje, prevpraševanje in debate o “jugu” in “periferijah” s socio-političnih in socio-kulturnih perspektiv. Projekt želi podpreti možnosti za sodelovanje, razviti veščine umetnikov in kulturnih delavcev pri umetniških produkcijah in upravljanju s projekti ter pozitivno vplivati na družbeno dojemanje umetnosti in inkluzivnih ter participatornih […]

Stronger peripheries: a Southern coalition

Not a joke!

27. maja 2020

Seznam del: – Karl Modig: Döden är inget skämt. Prevod iz švedščine: Danni Stražar. – Martine Glaser: Mij pak je niet. Prevod iz nizozemščine: Stana Anželj. – Gideon Samson: Eilanddagen. Prevod iz nizoemščine: Katjuša Ručigaj. – Ivona Březinová: Řvi potichu, brácho. Prevod iz češčine: Diana Pungeršič. – Mina Lystad: Fake. Prevod iz norveščine: Marija Zlatnar […]

Not a joke!
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