

Cultural Heritage

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Clash of Cultures

July 7, 2012

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Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)

July 7, 2010

The ultimate aim of the ArchaeoLandscapes network is the use throughout Europe of aerial survey and ‘remote sensing’ to promote understanding, conservation and public enjoyment of the shared landscape and archaeological heritage of the countries of the European Union. (Source: EAC.) Project leader: Roman-Germanic Commission German Archaeological Institute (DE) Partners: Directorate of the Museums of Baranya County […]

Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)
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CEC – Cradles of European Culture

July 7, 2010

Project leader: Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (SI) Coorganizers: Ename Expertisecentrum voor Erfgoedontsluiting vzw (BE), Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum Ename (BE), Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum Velzeke (BE), Culture Lab – International Cultural Expertise (BE), Sveučilište u Rijeci, Filozofski fakultet Rijeka (HR), Archeologický ústav Akademie vĕd České Republiky (CZ), Université d’Aix-Marseille (FR), Istituto per i beni artistici culturali e naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna (IT), Römisch-Germanische […]

CEC – Cradles of European Culture
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Roma Routes

July 7, 2010