Kulturna dediščina
Fundación Tres Culturas
5. avgusta 2024Fundación Tres Culturas / Three Cultures Foundation is looking for partners for a project focused on the Mediterranean basin and the role of culture, craftsmanship and heritage, under objective 1 (Transnational Creation and Circulation) and priorities related to Social inclusion and Audience development. Moreover, they would like to participate in other projects. They have experience […]
Dobrumba Kft
5. avgusta 2024Dobrumba Kft is looking to participate in small/medium/large scale projects as a partner. They are open to join and support innovative initiatives as a partner, esp. with organizations that share their passion for cultural exchange and culinary innovation. They seek partners with expertise primarily, but not exclusively, in the following fields: culinary arts and gastronomy, cultural […]
Fundación Tres Culturas
26. julija 2024Fundación Tres Culturas /Three Cultures Foundation is looking for partners for a project (small- and medium-scale) focused on the Mediterranean basin and the role of culture, craftsmanship and heritage, under objective 1 (Transnational Creation and Circulation) and priorities related to Social inclusion and Audience development. Moreover, they would like to participate in other projects. They […]
Agence de Développement et de Réservation Touristique du Pas-de-Calais
15. julija 2024The Louvre Lens – Agence de Développement et de Réservation Touristique du Pas-de-Calais in France is looking for partners to take part in a cooperation project, esp. from cultural heritage, gastronomy, art culinary, cultural tourism, design. The aim of the project is to pass on the culinary heritage and wealth of a destination to the […]
Art Nouveau kot nova EUtopija
21. februarja 2024Art nouveau je umetnostna smer, ki je utrla pot nastanku moderne arhitekture in umetnosti. Projekt Art Nouveau kot nova EUtopija. Kako je lahko preteklost most do trajnostne prihodnosti (AN as a New EUtopia) temelji na rezultatih preteklih mednarodnih projektov in je zasnovan kot raziskovanje te umetnostne smeri v luči trajnostnega razvoja. Spodbuja inovativne načine ozaveščanja […]
26. januarja 2024Projekt REVIVE obravnava izzive zgodovinskih mest, med katerimi izpostavi problem praznih stavb, ki so sicer objekti kulturne dediščine ali celo kulturni spomeniki, vendar zaradi neuporabe počasi propadajo. Z novo kreativno kulturno iniciativo, v katero vključujemo mlade, bomo poiskali novo življenje in nove vsebine ter tako predstavili potencial izbranih stavb za preobrazbo življenje mesta in njihovih […]
Rising Pixel
15. decembra 2023Rising Pixel is a Spanish company specialized in game development for cultural heritage and accessibility. They offer themselves as partner for projects where their expertise in Gamification, Serious Games, AR experiences, can help. For instance: gamification solutions designed to raise awareness about mental health, environmental issues and climate change. They also create inclusive and accessible […]
National Reserve “Zamky Ternopilya”
15. decembra 2023The National Reserve “Zamky Ternopilya” is looking for projects related cultural heritage, museum activities and exhibitions and sustainable cultural tourism. They would like to cooperate as a partner in a small-scale cooperation project. Organization: The National Reserve “Zamky Ternopilya” is a state cultural, educational and research institution, which was created in accordance with the resolution […]
8. novembra 2023Cilj projekta Sustainable Cultural Tourism by Design Driven Innovation (CulturalDeTour) je ustvariti močno medsektorsko in meddržavno inovacijsko mrežo, da bi okrepili sprejemanje tehnologije in trajnosti v sektorjih kulturnega turizma ter izboljšali njihovo gospodarsko odpornost, zlasti v fazi okrevanja po pandemiji COVID-19. Projekt predvideva 6 dogodkov in prireditev v živo, ki bodo še bolj spodbudili medsektorsko […]
L’Internationale – Muzej skupnega: Za bolj zdrav ekosistem umetnosti (MoC)
6. avgusta 2023Muzej skupnega – The Museum of the Commons. Towards a Healthier Arts Ecosystem (MoC) je štiriletni projekt, ki ga je razvila evropska konfederacija muzejev sodobne umetnosti L’Internationale. MoC spodbuja sodobne muzeje in kulturne organizacije, da delujejo kot odprtokodna orodja za nove trajnostne oblike kulturnega soustvarjanja ter prispevajo k okoljski, družbeni in umetniški preobrazbi. Muzeji so […]