

Interdisciplinary Projects

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Bio Awakening – developing bio-art practices in Western Balkan

February 21, 2024

The overall goal of this project is to co-create, adopt and disseminate environment-friendly practices and artistic productions in the field of bio art and raise awareness on sustainable development in line with the European Green Deal across Europe, especially Western Balkan. The specific objective is to produce and showcase innovative and engaging formats of bio […]

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February 21, 2024

“TestArt – Testing new skills for the circulation of innovative co-creation methods in the performing Arts sector” wants to build and test new capacities for European grass-roots and micro-organisations to work internationally in the cultural and creative sectors. Furthermore, the project seeks at fostering the transnational creation of performing-art works by organizing a permanent European […]

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February 21, 2024

The GREENSTAGE project represents a collaborative effort among the hereby following partners: four performing arts partners, two municipalities, a renowned international sustainability research think tank, and seven associated partners, each with their respective performing arts operators. The project seeks to enable the performing arts sector in collaboration with municipalities to implement environmental sustainability promptly and […]

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Transmedia stories of insularity (TRAST)

February 21, 2024

TRAST is a participation-oriented project aimed at creating opportunities through a set of broadly accessible but specifically targeted culture and heritage activities and different kinds of performative methodologies to rethink and reshape assumptions about insularity and insular identity as both real and conceptual notions. We approach the concept of insularity not as a geographical notion […]

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European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ)

January 4, 2024

The European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) would like to apply for the Creative Europe call as project leaders. Among other activities they had in mind to foster interdisciplinary cooperation between artists, creative practitioners and people with lived experience of restorative justice (mostly victims) and create a community for exchange and growth. They wish to include […]

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Ukrainian Cultural Foundation

January 4, 2024

Ukrainian Cultural Foundation is looking for partners to apply for the European Cooperation Projects 2024 (Medium Scale). The purpose of the project “Cultural Space” is to create a Pan-European communication online platform aimed at promoting cultural projects and seeking support for them at regional, national and international levels. It involves the establishment of partnerships and […]

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Cēsis municipality (Department of Culture)

January 4, 2024

Cēsis municipality (Department of Culture) from Lativa would like to join a (small/medium) cooperation project. They are interested in the implementation of various projects – from classical art and culture to contemporary art projects that include the theme of democracy, education, environmental sustainability, climate change, science and culture synergy, health and regeneration, digitization. Capacity building […]

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Pulse Cultural Network for Transition

January 3, 2024

Pulse Cultural Network for Transition is looking for partners to work together on the transition to a sustainable and socially just future through the power of imagination. They are interested in cooperating within Culture (Interdisciplinary) and MEDIA: Games Open calls. Organization: Pulse Cultural Network for Transition facilitates collaboration between cultural actors who want to work […]

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The Big Green

December 1, 2023

The climate emergency and the impact of humanity on our environment is a growing concern of the European society. The cultural and art scene is – however engaged on a personal level – is still lacking behind to become the leading force of the social change for a more sustainable, environment friendly future. We see […]

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Hybridart Management

October 10, 2023

Hybridart Management is looking for partners in medium scale cooperation projects as a project leader. They are open to team up with art projects that have a sustainability focus from all participating countries and  from the fileds of performing and visual arts, contemporary art, cultural heritage, sustainability and education. The aim of the proposed L.A.K.E. […]