

Cultural Heritage

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Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites

August 1, 2018

The project addresses common challenges recognized by the partners: how to better integrate cultural heritage in the community and engage different audience in its exploration within the European context. REFRESH Heritage Weeks are the key project feature. A series of 7-day events will bring together young artists from Slovenia, Italy, Romania and Spain. Inspired by […]

Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites
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CON-FRONT Contemporary cultural commemoration of the Great War

June 6, 2018

The First World War was the first military conflict in human history on a global scale. Worldwide over 100 nations got involved of which 24 European. Its outcome defined the landscape, economy, identity and demographics of continental Europe. The historical frontline went from the North Sea, over the Balkans to the Gallipoli archipelago and connects […]

CON-FRONT Contemporary cultural commemoration of the Great War
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Digital Stories of Small Historic Towns (diStory)

April 26, 2018

Thousands of Europe’s small historic towns face long-term threat due to remoteness, depopulation, economic decline and changing technological/lifestyle trends. Activating their cultural heritage for their sustainable development remains a challenge for museums, businesses and administrations. As innovation is undertaken in major EU city museums and heritage sites, a lack of resources, skills and institutional backing […]

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Tracing the Art of the Straub Family

April 3, 2018

Cultural and art historical intitution from four European countries were cooperating in the International project TRArS. Partners in project which started on 1st June 2017 and ended on 30th November 2019 are Croatia (leading partner), Slovenia, Austria and Germany. The main task of this project was to collect all documents and to photograph as much […]

Tracing the Art of the Straub Family
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Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)

July 27, 2017

The ultimate aim of the ArchaeoLandscapes network is the use throughout Europe of aerial survey and ‘remote sensing’ to promote understanding, conservation and public enjoyment of the shared landscape and archaeological heritage of the countries of the European Union. (Source: EAC.) Project leader: Roman-Germanic Commission German Archaeological Institute (DE) Partners: Directorate of the Museums of Baranya County […]

Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)
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MAPS – Mapping and Archiving Public Spaces

May 31, 2017

MAPS – Mapping and Archiving Public Spaces project aimed to identify, map and archive public spaces, architecture and monuments which were part of our cultural heritage, but were not yet identified as such. Through oral histories, creative digital tools and active audience participation, MAPS developed a methodology of redefining the role of public spaces, and […]

MAPS – Mapping and Archiving Public Spaces
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Sounds of Changes

May 24, 2017

In collaboration with museums from Sweden, Germany, Finland and Poland, The Technical Museum of Slovenia is taking part in the European project ‘Sounds of Changes’. Today’s society is changing rapidly. Things that were Science Fiction 50 years ago are today’s reality. Ray Kurzweils, an American computer scientist and futurist who is employed by Google in […]

Sounds of Changes
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Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement

July 7, 2014

Coordinator: Politecnico di Torino (IT) Partners: Iade Instituto de Artes Visuais Design Marketing, S.A (PT), SITI – Istituto Superiore Sui Sistemi Territoriali per L’innovazione (IT), Universidad de Oviedo (ES), Universiteit Leiden od(NL), Universite Pierre Mendes France (FR), France Stele Institute of Art History (ZRC SAZU). From a pan-European and interdisciplinary perspective the project considers an issue of contemporary […]

Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement
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