

Cultural Heritage

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Laterna Magica, Hungary

March 1, 2022

Laterna Magica is looking for partners to participate in their project “Re:discover” to cooperate in the fields of design, applied arts, artistic crafts, intangible cultural heritage.

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Identity on the Line

December 10, 2021

The exhibition Up YU Go! Stories of Identities on the Line (10 December 2021-1 Maj 2022) highlighted the stories of immigrants from Yugoslavian republics to Slovenia and their descendants in the period after World War II. It offers an intimate view into the complex personal stories of three generations, their relationships and family dynamics, their […]

Identity on the Line
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Homeworld, Hungary

May 27, 2021

Homeworld is dealing with digitization of 20th century documents, newspapers, articles etc. thus enabling this huge database to be available for the general public. They would be interested in being a partner to organizations, especially from Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania, Poland, in projects focusing on cultural heritage.

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Institute for Research and Cultural Training, Romania

January 22, 2021

National Institute for Cultural Research and Training would like to cooperate in a project in the field of culture or culture heritage. They are experienced in EU programmes Creative Europe and Erasmus+.

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Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans

August 16, 2020

Cultural heritage represents an incredible meeting point for collaboration of the cultural and creative sectors. Its value lays in the storytelling potential it offers. Visitors often lack engagement, learning opportunity, as well as shearing the relevant information in a creative and concise manner. General information sharing is problematic on cultural heritage sites in the Western […]

Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans
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ReFresh Plus – Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends

June 8, 2020

ReFresh+ builds on positive experience from the recently completed project (Creative Europe, 2018 EYCH) and with the ambition to explore further how cultural heritage and young artists can jointly address two challenges: bringing cultural heritage closer to the audience and young artists closer to art markets. To advance the initial project approach into a more […]

ReFresh Plus – Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends
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IMPROVISA – Life in Motion

June 8, 2020

The IMPROVISA project will explore innovative models to increase the access to culture and heritage for the younger audience and communities with difficult access to that culture, such as immigrants and inmates, using digital and mobile technologies. The project will develop, implement and validate new co-created art-based activities combining audio-visual improvisation with cultural/heritage contents, from […]

IMPROVISA – Life in Motion
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TAKING CARE_Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care

April 1, 2020

Alarming environmental shifts and crises have raised public awareness of and anxieties regarding the future of the planet. While planetary in cause and scale, the negative effects of this global crisis are unequally distributed, affecting most intensely some of the already most fragile, including indigenous and formerly colonized peoples and contributing to rising global insecurity […]

TAKING CARE_Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care
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The Rude Awakening

December 4, 2019

Project: The Rude Awakening – a multimedia journey in the footsteps of frontline soldiers’ everyday life. Coordinator: Fondazione Belvedere Gschwent (IT) Partners: Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale (FR), Centounopercento SRL (IT), Comune di Lavarone (IT), Danube connects (DE), Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice (SI), Macedonian centre for photography (MK), Mémoire pour la Vie (FR), The […]

The Rude Awakening
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August 6, 2019

MUS.NET., is a project about Audience Development devised for a network of European culture institutions which manage small museums complying with the first priority of the 2015-2018 EU Work Plan for Culture for “Accessible and inclusive culture, with regard to the research and marketing to reach out to new audience groups” It is also a […]