

Books and Reading / Literary Translation

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Is this us?

June 3, 2024

Is this us? Is depression what defines us? Is poverty the essence of us? Is sickness the only characteristics to identify with? Is loneliness all there is for us? Is politics us? What defines us? ITU is a selection of socially committed literary works, which give readers much needed comfort in a world, which has […]

Is this us?
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April 2, 2024

Versopolis came to life in 2014 as a European poetry platform that creates new opportunities for emerging European poets. It is supported by the European Commision’s Creative Europe programme. It has been selected at two Support to European platforms’ open-calls and certainly envisions further collaboration. As a European poetry platform, Versopolis creates new opportunities for […]

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Connecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA)

February 21, 2024

Connecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA) is a European cooperation project for literary talent development, transnational creation, promotion and circulation of literary works and literary artists in small language markets across Europe. The project brings together a diverse network of 12 literary organisations from 11 countries to collaborate at an international level on providing a total […]

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Planet Hope (New European Fiction) (PH)

February 21, 2024

Planet Hope – New European Fiction (PH) – a literary translation project that promotes transnational translation and circulation of quality/awarded European works of fiction for three different target readerships (children, youth and adults), mainly from lesser/underrepresented languages. Two are translations from Ukrainian into Macedonian. One book will be printed in Ukrainian and made available for […]

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More than a Book (MTaS)

February 21, 2024

MORE THAN A STORY is a 3-year project with three main goals: helping the circulation of children’s literature translated from underrepresented languages in the Croatian market, increasing the circulation of Croatian literature for children in other countries in Europe and beyond, and reaching new audience of children, parents and influential adults. This will be achieved […]

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Our Little Library: Through literary bridges to reading adventures (OLLLB)

February 21, 2024

Our Little Library: Through Literary Bridges to Reading Adventures is a 36-month project that aims to establish a mutual publishing market through literary exchanges. The project aims to increase the circulation of literary works and promote transnational mobility of EU books, authors, and illustrators by bringing together 3 European publishers. The project leader plans to […]

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Connected with Books (CWB)

February 21, 2024

Connected with Books features thirty outstanding literary works from various parts of Europe, primarily from lesser-used languages, which will be published in Slovenian, Polish, Estonian, North Macedonian, Croatian, Greek, and Italian markets. The selected works range from picture books for young readers to YA books and adult novels. The project highlights include well-known European authors, award-winning […]

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Thinking Publishing (ThinkPub)

February 21, 2024

ThinkPub proposes the creation and implementation of a learning hub for the book sector in a tightly intertwined action between internationally experienced experts and relevant educational materials with well-established local industry gatherings, in the ambition to bring strong educational offers directly to the practitioners. Learning, experimenting with, and fully exploring new models of production, distribution […]

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Novel Europe (NovelEU)

February 21, 2024

The Novel Europe project goal is to improve the presence and circulation of high-quality European novels in Slovenia. Our goal is to translate, publish, distribute and promote 12 outstanding novels, written in 12 European languages, 8 of them in lesser-used European languages. The books have been carefully selected according to the highest artistic criteria and […]

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Literary Agent Platform: Capacity building (LAP CB)

January 8, 2024

Lit-Quest Europe (LAP CB) is a project that involves three partners: Goga Publishing (SI), Helsinki Literary Agency (FI), and Sandorf Publishing (HR). The main goal of the project is to address the lack of knowledge and skills in small European languages to sell rights for their books. The project has also three Specific objectives: Capacity […]

Literary Agent Platform: Capacity building (LAP CB)
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