August 18, 2016DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON aims at generating a European strategy for a sustainable dance praxis valuing the richness of age and embodied knowledge on stage and in society. Nine distinctive dance institutions from 8 European countries will develop and implement a multifaceted transnational project to honour the value of embodied memory and to […]
Wider Audiences in Visual and Performing Arts
August 18, 2016Coordinator: FUNDACION GALICIA OBRA SOCIAL (ES) Partners: Associação CCG/ZGDV – Centro de Computação Gráfica (PT), Comune di Modena (IT), Društvo za sodobno umetnost X-OP (SI), Fundacion Igual Arte (ES)
Network for Internationalization of Music Producers in Europe
August 18, 2016NIMPE Project has been created in response the difficulties encountered by the music production companies when exporting and internationalizing their projects or activities. The international activities of music and event producers are generally limited by a lack of information about the other markets, the lack of access to bank loan, the absence of a structured […]
Participatory Art for Invisible Communities (PAIC)
August 18, 2016Essence Participatory Art for Invisible Communities” involved 4 partners from different EU countries in the development of multidisciplinary and multimedia participatory art activities with the ambition to “artistically instigate social change in deprived, alienated, isolated or remote communities”. The artists from various countries were invited to work in different locations (Komiza, Vis, Croatia; El Remei […]

Creative Climate Leadership
August 18, 2016CCL is a pan-European, interdisciplinary programme that aims to connect and enable a community of cultural leaders to take an active leadership role in shaping an environmentally sustainable future for the European cultural sector. It has been developed as a direct response to a sectoral need for leadership, skills development and increased awareness of the […]

August 18, 2016RISK CHANGE is related to contemporary migrations and continuous social and cultural change in 21th Century the geopolitical focus on EU and neighbouring countries. RC aims to research, create, connect, compare, disseminate and promote contemporary interdisciplinary art related to science, especially social and applied sciences, and ICT. RC will highlight the importance of connectivity and […]

Spectrum 2016 – Transnational Light
August 18, 2016Spectrum is a strong transnational platform promoting collaborations in Light Art. it has already included 8 light festivals in its program and continues to widen its circle of action by including one more new member. Beyond the 4 partners countries, an ever growing number of European countries are involved with participating artists or mentors. Spectrum16 […]
We Need Witnesses
August 4, 2016The project includes ten unique, high-quality literary works, half from the less developed Balkan region and half from the more developed EU regions, that have never been translated into Slovene language. The majority of selected works are written in lesser-used languages, Finnish, Slovakian, Czech, Polish, Bosnian, Serbian, Dutch, Macedonian and Italian. As Slovenian is one […]

Litterae Slovenicae: Small literature in major languages
August 4, 2016The LS project aims to independently present Slovene literature, Slovene literary life and Slovene culture in general to readers abroad. LS project provides, with the translations of Slovenian authors from lees-used Slovenian language into all the major, well-used languages of EU, the accessibility of Slovenian Literature and Culture to a non-national audience and stimulates the […]
Growing up here, there and everywhere in EU
August 1, 2016Supported works into Slovene language: – Jonas Gardell: En komikers uppväxt / Kako je odraščal komik, translated from Swedish by Dr. Nada Grošelj – Jānis Jonevs: Jelgava ´94 / Metalci ’94*, translated from Latvian by Jedrt Lapuh Maležič – Petra Dvořáková: Julie mezi slovy / Julija med besedami, translated from Czech by Diana Pungeršič – Anna Woltz: Mijn bijzonder […]