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Teaching European History through Cinema (TEHC)

April 5, 2018

Coordinator: AGIS – Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettaccolo (IT) Partners: Vizo Institute (SI), IULM University (IT), County Museum Dundalk (IE), International Short Film Festival »In the Palace« (BO) in Romanian Film Promotion APFR (RO) Project duration: 1. 9. 2017–1. 9. 2018 High School History Classes are to Become More Interactive Due to a New Cinema Education […]

Teaching European History through Cinema (TEHC)
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Innovation Network of European Showcases

April 3, 2018

The INNOVATION NETWORK OF EUROPEAN SHOWCASES, or INES, is a European cooperation project initiated by eight international showcase festivals (one of them is MENT Ljubljana at CUK Kino Šiška) and gigmit, the European digital platform for artist booking. (For more information look EC.)

Innovation Network of European Showcases
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Tracing the Art of the Straub Family

April 3, 2018

Cultural and art historical intitution from four European countries were cooperating in the International project TRArS. Partners in project which started on 1st June 2017 and ended on 30th November 2019 are Croatia (leading partner), Slovenia, Austria and Germany. The main task of this project was to collect all documents and to photograph as much […]

Tracing the Art of the Straub Family
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December 3, 2017

Aerowaves is a project financed under so-called Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA). Within the FPA each year, a special annual decision is singed with the EACEA for the current year. Aerowaves creates cross-border performance opportunities for emerging choreographers. Their network shares resources and insights. Aerowaves actively enhances connections between dance artists, programmers and audiences across Europe. […]

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SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe

December 3, 2017

It consists of 16 festivals and art centres and aims to support, promote and exchange innovative and aspiring musicians and interdisciplinary artists with an interest in sound. SHAPE attempts to present a variety of idiosyncratic music and sonic art from all over Europe, and provide audiences and professionals with insightful lectures, talks and workshops by […]

SHAPE – Sound, Heterogenos Art and Performance in Europe
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November 24, 2017

How to make remote art relevant? How to make classical museums contemporary? How to connect youth with the older? Simply: hear them. National Gallery of Slovenia, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Gallery of Matica Srpska, and Innovación Social Emprendedor Social have joined in the HearMe project to co-create a profound museum experience with young people that changes […]

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Urban Heat

November 21, 2017

Urban Heat is a timely and strategic response to the urgent needs of the cultural sector by a network (FIT) consisting of many of Europe’s leading independent festivals. It is a logical continuation of the work of FIT in supporting innovation, audience development and the skills and capabilities of a new generation of performing artists. […]

Urban Heat
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Performing Gender – Dance makes differences

September 25, 2017

A two-year international program (6 partners from 5 countries) designed for European professionals (or future professionals) in the field of dance and performance art (including 5 international makers, 5 dramaturgs and 50 dancers/performers, 35 days of trainings, 5 sketches/works publicly performed). The project aims to improve skills and discourses about the intersection between dance/performance and […]

Performing Gender – Dance makes differences
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Future Architecture Platform / FuturA

September 24, 2017

Coordinating entity: Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana (SI) Members: Oris House of Architecture, Zagreb(HR), Museum of Architecture in Wrocław (PL), Belgrade International Architecture Week (SR), National Museum ofXXI Century Arts, Rome (IT), House of Architecture, Graz (AT), Copenhagen Architecture Festival (DK), Tirana Architecture Week (AL), One Architecture Week (BG), Design Biotop, Ljubljana (SI), Lisbon […]

Future Architecture Platform / FuturA
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Story Time – Connecting People with the Power of Art

September 15, 2017

The main aims of this project are: 1. To foster the access to and the knowledge of the culture of the refugees in the host society, mainly for children and youth through stories from the countries of refugees. 2. To help children-refugees to access the European culture while still not speaking the language of the […]

Story Time – Connecting People with the Power of Art
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