

Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba


AYE Cultura Social S.COOP, Španija

13. aprila 2021

AYE Cultura Social S.COOP would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project. They combine artistic and social work, transcending the merely exhibiting character of the performing arts. Field of interest: performing arts, social arts, education, community, diversity, social theater, visual theater, intercultural dialogue and social integration, audience development, youth theater.


The Ways of the Heroes / Poti junakov

12. aprila 2021

Projekt The Ways of the Heroes / Poti junakov bo umetniško preučil in ponudil načine za reševanje enega najbolj zaskrbljujočih vprašanj, ki potrebujejo naše takojšnje ukrepanje: vprašanje okolja. Ali moramo videti barvo zraka, ki ga dihamo, da bomo ukrepali? Zakaj se ne odzovemo niti v primerih, ko je ogroženo naše osnovno preživetje? To bo impulz za […]

The Ways of the Heroes / Poti junakov

Fundacja Rozwoju Teatru NOWA FALA, Poljska

2. aprila 2021

Fundacja Rozwoju Teatru NOWA FALA / NEW WAVE Foundation is open to participate as project leader or as partner in the projects related to the development of contemporary dance in all experimental forms of new conceptual dance, adapting to new technologies.


THEAMA, Grčija

2. aprila 2021

THEAMA is open to participate as partner to any Creative Europe project that tackles issues of equal, inclusive and accessible approach for all social groups, particular disadvantaged and marginalized. THEAMA is experienced in the Creative Europe programme.


Association Kruna, Srbija

17. marca 2021

The Association Kruna, experienced in the Creative Europe programme, would like to take part as a partner in a small scale cooperation project in the field of cultural heritage and street art projects.


Training Leading Voices

3. marca 2021

The Training Leading Voices project seeks to contribute to the professionalisation of vocal and choral leaders in Europe and the internationalisation of their careers. A needs analysis done by the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat shows that they seek and need a new European event that is particularly focussed on their development and adapts […]

Training Leading Voices

Liveurope is looking for new venues

22. januarja 2021

Creative Europe supported platform Liveurope is looking for new venues to join as associate partners.


Vidzeme University, Latvija

21. januarja 2021

Vidzeme University (an University from Latvia) is looking for partners from any eligible Creative Europe country to cooperate in a project related to noise related sound. Activities would be connected to music, visual arts, contemporary arts, cultural heritage, arts and technology.



21. januarja 2021

Creative Europe supported platform Liveurope is looking for new venues to join as associate partners, especially from countries that have not been represented yet in the current network: Austria, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of […]



17. novembra 2020

Cilj projekta #Synergy: Sharpening the capacities of the classical music industry in the Western Balkans je povečati zmogljivost klasične glasbene industrije na območju Zahodnega Balkana z nadnacionalnim in mednarodnim delovanjem z ustvarjanjem priložnosti za razvoj novih spretnosti ter pridobivanjem strokovnih izkušenj in strokovnega znanja kulturnih strokovnjakov, skladateljev in nastajajočih izvajalcev. #Synergy poudarja potrebo po sodelovanju […]

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