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NEWS – Journalism Partnerships – Collaborations 2024

October 30, 2023

Topic 1. “Journalism Partnerships – Collaborations” aims to help the wider European news media sector become more sustainable and resilient, specifically by supporting cross-border media collaborations. This support shall foster media transformation, trustworthy reporting and skills for news media professionals, for instance by developing media production standards and new business models. The Creative Europe Desks from 21 countries […]

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NEWS – Media literacy 2024

October 30, 2023

Support will encourage knowledge sharing and exchanges on media literacy policies and practices to enable the development of innovative cross-border media literacy initiatives and communities across Europe, in a continuously changing digital media landscape and taking into account current user behaviour among various age groups.

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NEWS – Journalism partnerships 2024

October 30, 2023

Topic 2. “Journalism Partnerships – Pluralism”. Besides a purely economic aspect, independent media play a crucial and valuable role in societies and contribute to upholding the essential principles of media freedom and pluralism. This support seeks to protect news media sectors of special relevance to democracy and civic participation, such as local and regional media, community […]

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Video Game and Immersive content development 2024

October 30, 2023

Support will be given to the development of works and prototypes of interactive narrative storytelling with original content and/or quality gameplay intended for production and global commercial exploitation via PCs, consoles, mobile devices, tablets, smart phones and other technologies.    

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European Cooperation projects medium-scale 2024

October 23, 2023

Objective: The action European Cooperation Projects supports projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors of all sizes, including micro-organisations and small-sized organisations, and from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. Proposals are expected to present a clear cross-border cooperation dimension as this is at the core of the European Cooperation Projects. Topic […]

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European Cooperation projects small-scale 2024

October 23, 2023

Objective: The action European Cooperation Projects supports projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors of all sizes, including micro-organisations and small-sized organisations, and from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. Proposals are expected to present a clear cross-border cooperation dimension as this is at the core of the European Cooperation Projects. Topic CREA-CULT-2024-COOP-1 – […]

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Residency hosts – Culture Moves Europe (II)

October 18, 2023

The Culture Moves Europe residency action provides financial support to organisations and artists registered as legal entities, in one of the 40 Creative Europe countries. The purpose of the grant is to welcome international artists and cultural professionals at premises to implement a residency project. The residency action targets legal entities (e.g. non-for-profit, private, public […]

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Networks of European Festivals 2024

October 6, 2023

The Networks of European festivals shall provide support to coordinated/collaborative activities among European audiovisual festivals aiming at increasing audiences’ interest in non-national European audiovisual content and promoting its circulation and visibility.

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European slate development 2024

October 6, 2023

Support will be given to independent European production companies able to develop a slate of 3 to 5 audiovisual works (fiction, animation, creative documentary). This should allow production companies to reduce risks and increase their capacity to attract and retain talents. The European slate development shall provide support to the development of minimum 3 and […]