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Residency hosts – Culture Moves Europe (III)

May 7, 2024

The Culture Moves Europe residency action provides financial support to organisations and artists registered as legal entities, in one of the 40 Creative Europe countries. The purpose of the grant is to welcome international artists and cultural professionals at premises to implement a residency project. The residency action targets legal entities (e.g. non-for-profit, private, public […]

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Circulation of European literary works 2024

January 16, 2024

This action will support projects that will translate, publish, distribute and promote works of fiction written by authors who are nationals of – or residents in – Creative Europe countries, or are recognised as part of the literary heritage of these countries. The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is organising an online Info […]

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European Co-development 2024

January 4, 2024

The European co-development action shall provide support to the development of a single project for commercial exploitation intended for cinema release, television broadcasting or commercial exploitation on digital platforms or a multi-platform environment in the following categories: animation, creative documentary or fiction. The project must be co-developed by at least two European independent production companies, […]

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TV and online content 2024

December 22, 2023

The objective of the support to TV and online content is to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop and produce strong projects with significant potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international co-productions within the television and online sector. The action aims to strengthen the independence of producers […]

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Innovation lab 2024

November 6, 2023

The objectives of the Creative Innovation Lab is to encourage cooperation between the audiovisual sector and other CCSs in order to accompany their environmental transition and/or to improve their competitiveness and/or the circulation, visibility, discoverability, availability, diversity and the audience of European content across borders. The support also aims to enable the European audiovisual sector […]

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European platforms 2024

November 6, 2023

The support to European Networks of Cultural and Creative Organisations action intends to enhance the capacities of European cultural and creative sectors to face common challenges and nurture talents, innovate, prosper and generate jobs and growth. This action will support projects implemented by highly representative, multi-country, membership-based networks of European cultural organisations, which cover a wide range of Creative Europe participating countries. Networks must have a shared mission, governance rules, […]

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Pan-European Cultural Entities 2024

October 30, 2023

This action supports projects proposed by cultural entities – in the context of this call for proposals, orchestras – whose aim is to offer training, professional development, and performance opportunities to young musicians with great potential. The specific objectives of this action are the following: support the professionalisation of young musicians, offering them opportunities for […]

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European Platforms 2024

October 30, 2023

This action will support projects aimed at promoting emerging European artists and their works, improving their international visibility, and facilitating their circulation. Projects should also improve access to and participation in cultural events and activities, enhancing audience engagement and development. These projects must be designed and developed to contribute to the implementation of the EU’s […]

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NEWS – Journalism Partnerships – Collaborations 2024

October 30, 2023

Topic 1. “Journalism Partnerships – Collaborations” aims to help the wider European news media sector become more sustainable and resilient, specifically by supporting cross-border media collaborations. This support shall foster media transformation, trustworthy reporting and skills for news media professionals, for instance by developing media production standards and new business models. The Creative Europe Desks from 21 countries […]

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NEWS – Media literacy 2024

October 30, 2023

Support will encourage knowledge sharing and exchanges on media literacy policies and practices to enable the development of innovative cross-border media literacy initiatives and communities across Europe, in a continuously changing digital media landscape and taking into account current user behaviour among various age groups.