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BABEL or The Art of Listening in Theatre for Young Audiences

October 18, 2022

BABEL or the Art of Listening in Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) comes out of a long and ripe reflection over languages within the network of ASSITEJ International (Association of Theatre for Children and Young People) focused on the communications processes, intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding in TYA and more extensively the Performing Arts for […]

BABEL or The Art of Listening in Theatre for Young Audiences
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Art Activism

August 11, 2022

Coordinator: Beletrina (SI) Partners: Foereningen Littfest (SE), Poëziecentrum vzw (BE), Verein zur Förderung des Hausache LeseLenzs (DE); Asociacion Cultural lea Libre expresion Artistica (ES) EU support: 447.807,99 EUR Projekct duration: 24 months The goal of the Art Activism in post-COVID Europe: A new agenda on methodology, artistic practices and stakeholder relations project is to demonstrate the […]

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ACuTe – Culture Testbeds for Interactivity, Performance and Technology

June 7, 2022

ACuTe – Culture Testbeds for Interactivity, Performance and Technology is a trend setting, large-scale European innovation project aiming to revolutionize the way theatre and performing arts are produced and performed with emerging technology and new forms of cultural collaboration and competence development. ACuTe will be delivered via a strong partnership of 14 leading theatres, universities […]

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Let me tell you my story

June 7, 2022

The project Let me tell you my story: circulation of European literary works for youngsters consists of translation, publication, distribution and promotion of 15 of the finest contemporary European stories for adolescents; unfortunately, an age category that has been neglected on the book market in North Macedonia in the last few decades. With this project […]

Let me tell you my story
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Markets and Networking

January 20, 2022

See Funding & tender opportunities.

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Talent and Skills 2021

January 20, 2022

See Funding and Tenders opportunities.

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Audience Development and Film Education 2021

January 20, 2022

Objective: Expected results: Stimulate interest and increase knowledge of audiences in European films and audiovisual works including specific programmes on film heritage Strengthen pan-European cooperation for innovative audience development and film education projects especially using new digital tools Increase pan-European impact and audience outreach Develop film education projects across European and non-European territories Description of […]

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European Film Festivals

January 20, 2022

See Funding & tender opportunities.

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European Mini-Slate Development 2021

January 20, 2022

See Funding & Tender opportunities.

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Circulation of European literary works 2021

January 7, 2022

The scheme offers funding to publishers to support the translation, promotion and distribution of a package of works of fiction from and into eligible languages. The package should include at least 5 eligible works of fiction. Applicants can also include business-to-business ‘export’ activities to help foster the sales of translation rights in Europe and beyond. […]