Multimedia and New Technologies
On-the-Fly: Fostering Live Coding practices across Europe
June 8, 2020On the Fly project supports the development of the European live coding practice, a performing art and a creative technique centred in writing computer programmes in real time. The partnership motivation and conviction is that live coding represents an important and broad set of opportunities for the creative sector, computer science and humanities. On the […]
June 8, 2020Project: ART4MED – Art meets open science and technology in health and medical research Ever since the digital revolution in life sciences and the vast new international open science movement, many citizen scientists, makers, artists and designers have been collaborating to develop affordable tools that could revolutionize the field of biology, diagnostic guidance, medicine practice […]

Acoustic Commons
May 7, 2020Acoustic Commons is a collaboration between four small cultural organisations with a shared interest in environmental sound. Their innovative work to date has included an interactive map of live sounds, radio broadcasts following the dawn chorus around the globe, artist residencies and sound and ecology festivals. The project will develop shared creative resources for a […]
One and a half million Steps over the Borders
August 22, 201930 years after the Pan-European Picnic on the Hungarian-Austrian border – the “first brick taken from the Iron Curtain” we launch a collaborative investigation around the hopes and potentials of freedom connected to the System Change exploring their relevance today. The project brings together perspectives of people from countries on both sides of the former […]
Green Revisited: Encountering Emerging Naturecultures (GREEN)
August 20, 2019GREEN project aims to build new European digital art and culture platform for critical discussions, artistic interventions and transcultural dialogue addressing the complexity of our relations with the environment. GREEN project takes a challenge to shape a new discourse of “naturecultures” which is more inclusive and capable to overcome the dualism between the human and […]
Biofriction. Cultural transformations through Hybrid Spaces
August 6, 2019Transdisciplinary relationships between Art, Science and Technologies have led to the generation of hybrid contexts that, not only have provided new conceptual and practical framework for artistic research, but have also led to paradigm shifts affecting other areas of knowledge/cultural areas. Bioart is defined as an art practice working with biomaterials, such as live tissues, […]

MAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology
October 2, 2018The MAST project is developing an applied study module at the intersections of Art, Science and Technology, combining methodologies and practices that intertwine the academic sphere closely with the Culture and Creative Sectors. Nurturing a critical perspective on the historical, economical, social and above all cultural relevance of this interdisciplinary blend within the new digital […]

European ARTificial Intelligence Lab
July 25, 2018The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab emerged from the European Digital Art and Science Network, a creative collaboration between scientific institutions, Ars Electronica, and cultural partners throughout Europe that unites science and digital art. The program strongly focused on the legal, cultural, educational, and ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence, and human values as well as elementary […]

Feral Labs Network
July 25, 2018Feral Labs Network, a network of temporary dislocated hubs for research in art, technology and communities, consist of six partners from six EU countries, who joined in their common interest in art-science research and contemporary do-it-yourself (DIY) & do-it-with-others (DIWO) communities. Instead on presentational modes like exhibitions and festivals, the Feral Labs Network is focused […]

EASTN-DC: European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity
May 25, 2017EASTN-DC, European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity, is a network dedicated to the time-based digital arts: musical arts, visual arts, performing and interactive arts. In this field, the democratization of digital tools has provoked a spouting of new contents, ideas and commitments, premises of ongoing profound changes that rattle the practices along with the actors […]