

Architecture, Design and Applied Arts

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NEO ART, Romania

April 1, 2022

They are looking for a cultural organization that has experience in implementing European cooperation projects and can provide know-how, and also has experience in the cultural fields, networks and platforms. They are also interested in participating as a partner in other small or medium projects.

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SMOTIES – Human Cities. Crative works with small and remote places

March 17, 2022

Human Cities was founded in 2006 as a platform of interdisciplinary exchange, questioning about livability of public spaces by using participatory design as a tool to supply systems of process and innovation. Starting from 2008 the platform was funded three times by the “Culture” program of the European Union consolidating the approach and creating opportunities […]

SMOTIES – Human Cities. Crative works with small and remote places
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Common Places: new imaginaries of European peripheries

March 30, 2021

We will tackle the specific challenges of community based art practices situated in peripheral territories in times of hateful and divisive discourses. We will set a structure of exchanges among peer projects throughout Europe in order to develop the relevant and generative knowledge, practices and strategies for our work in the so-called peripheries of Europe. […]

Common Places: new imaginaries of European peripheries
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Arran del Cel, Spain

March 16, 2021

Arran del Cel is looking for partners for a small scale project in of Architecture, Design, Performing Arts, Site Specific Art. “CO-EXPERIENCE” project seeks to create a collaborative network with the active participation of different cultural agents based on the needs, uses, dynamics, flows and behaviours in public spaces.

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Melissanthi Spei, Greece

January 22, 2021

Greek organisation STUDIO SPEIS (Melissanthi Spei) is interested in participating as a partner in a small scale cooperation project. The organisation is looking for projects that involve slow fashion, folklore, cultural heritage, craftsmanship, traditional textiles and residencies.

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RE:PLAY – Redesigning playscapes with children in Western Balkans

August 18, 2020

The RE:PLAY project is engaged in rethinking play as a distinctly human capacity which is currently underrated by urban design. It highlights the significance of designing spaces with children and pioneers a co-creative design process involving children as its primary collaborators. The project activities lead to active cooperation of experts, with chances to exchange experiences, […]

RE:PLAY – Redesigning playscapes with children in Western Balkans
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Future Architecture Platform

July 21, 2020

Coordinator: MAO – Museum of Architecture and design (SI) Platform members: Lisbon Architecture Triennale (PT), MAXXI The National Museum of XXI Century Arts (IT), HDA House of Architecture (AT), The Royal Academy of Arts (UK), Oslo Architecture Triennale (NO), S AM Swiss Architecture Museum (CH), Estonian Museum of Architecture (EE), Fundació Mies van der Rohe (ES), Museum of Architecture in Wrocław (PL), dpr-barcelona (ES), BINA […]

Future Architecture Platform
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A-PLACE: Linking places through networked artistic practices

December 5, 2019

Place plays a key role in the construction process of the identity of individuals and communities. A place is the result of the interaction between people, spaces and the activities. In our global and multicultural societies, placemaking encompass multiple spaces, actors, perceptions and media. However, the multiple meanings embedded in places are not always perceived […]

A-PLACE: Linking places through networked artistic practices
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Future Architecture Platform

December 21, 2018

The Future Architecture platform is a well-balanced ecosystem of European cultural players in architecture who perform specific roles within a complex European architecture program. It connects multi-disciplinary emerging talents to high profile institutions like museums, galleries, publishing houses, biennials, and festivals. It provides talented conceptual thinkers and practitioners in architecture with opportunities to speak up […]

Future Architecture Platform
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MADE IN-Crafts and Design Narratives

July 25, 2018

Made in is a research, design and heritage initiative encouraging collaboration and knowledge exchange between traditional craftsmen and contemporary designers. The aim of the project is to revitalize crafts tradition and educate designers about material and immaterial heritage, thus creating new, authentic and more sustainable face of contemporary design. The Made in project aims to […]

MADE IN-Crafts and Design Narratives