Fehér Isten (HU)
July 7, 2014Il Capitale Umano / The Human Capital (IT)
July 7, 2014Jummy’s Hall (UK)
July 7, 2014Le Meraviglie (IT)
July 7, 2014Le ser della terre / (Salt of the Earth (FR)
July 7, 2014Timbuktu (FR)
July 7, 2014Slavic Authors to the World
July 7, 2014The Forum of Slavic Cultures is already the publisher of the 100 Slavic Novels collection, an international literary programme of contemporary Slavic literature written after the fall of the Berlin wall. The collection represents a highly successful example of literary exchange among the Slavic cultures, establishing close ties among the Slavic writers, translators and readers. […]