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Life Long Burning – Futures Lost and Found (LLB3)

December 1, 2023

Life Long Burning – Futures Lost and Found (LLB3) continues the cooperation project success stories Jardin d’Europe and LLB1&2 with an extended consortium in a Europe now challenged with more social divisions, currently war, and under the influence of the pandemic and the varying political answers to it, often rendering us immobile to the biggest […]

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Time For Live Art (LIVETIME)

December 1, 2023

“Time For Live Art” sees four human-sized live art festivals join forces to underline the resilience of the live art sector, in a contemporary world suffering from ecological and health wounds. These festivals believe that gathering around a live event has never been so precious and necessary, though our current conditions urge us to do […]

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Women Power in Comics (WOMCOM)

December 1, 2023

Women Power in Comics (WOMCOM) is a collaborative initiative that brings together partners from Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia with the goal of empowering female comic artists and addressing gender issues in comics. The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission. WOMCOM will last two years and some […]

Women Power in Comics (WOMCOM)
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Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience (MODINA)

December 1, 2023

The project Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience (MODINA) aims to expand the creative possibilities for contemporary dance performances, and augment the experience for the audience, using digital technology – with an emphasis on exploring artificial intelligence (AI) and audience interaction, on-site and online. This aim has two interconnected approaches, targeting dance artists, media artists […]

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CulturalDeTour – Sustainable Cultural Tourism by Design Driven Innovation

November 8, 2023

CulturalDeTour Accelerator (CDTA) Program! Calling all visionary sustainable tourism entrepreneurs in Greece, Spain, or Slovenia, it’s time to supercharge your ventures with us! Embark on a journey to discover fresh models, cutting-edge technology, and sustainable practices through Earth-Centered Design. Apply by November 19, 2023, for this incredible opportunity! According to the Creative Europe objective of […]

CulturalDeTour – Sustainable Cultural Tourism by Design Driven Innovation
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European platforms 2024

November 6, 2023

The support to European Networks of Cultural and Creative Organisations action intends to enhance the capacities of European cultural and creative sectors to face common challenges and nurture talents, innovate, prosper and generate jobs and growth. This action will support projects implemented by highly representative, multi-country, membership-based networks of European cultural organisations, which cover a wide range of Creative Europe participating countries. Networks must have a shared mission, governance rules, […]

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Pan-European Cultural Entities 2024

October 30, 2023

This action supports projects proposed by cultural entities – in the context of this call for proposals, orchestras – whose aim is to offer training, professional development, and performance opportunities to young musicians with great potential. The specific objectives of this action are the following: support the professionalisation of young musicians, offering them opportunities for […]

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European Platforms 2024

October 30, 2023

This action will support projects aimed at promoting emerging European artists and their works, improving their international visibility, and facilitating their circulation. Projects should also improve access to and participation in cultural events and activities, enhancing audience engagement and development. These projects must be designed and developed to contribute to the implementation of the EU’s […]

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European Cooperation projects medium-scale 2024

October 23, 2023

Objective: The action European Cooperation Projects supports projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors of all sizes, including micro-organisations and small-sized organisations, and from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. Proposals are expected to present a clear cross-border cooperation dimension as this is at the core of the European Cooperation Projects. Topic […]

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European Cooperation projects small-scale 2024

October 23, 2023

Objective: The action European Cooperation Projects supports projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors of all sizes, including micro-organisations and small-sized organisations, and from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. Proposals are expected to present a clear cross-border cooperation dimension as this is at the core of the European Cooperation Projects. Topic CREA-CULT-2024-COOP-1 – […]

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