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European “Libraries of emotions© (LOE)

August 17, 2020

Project: European “Libraries of emotions© (LOE)”: a new path for public libraries to capture audiences and support social transformations in Europe The Library of Emotions project will create a network of pioneering public libraries that want to explore new ways to promote reading in the EU. For the first time, they will codevelop and set […]

European “Libraries of emotions© (LOE)
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Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans

August 16, 2020

Cultural heritage represents an incredible meeting point for collaboration of the cultural and creative sectors. Its value lays in the storytelling potential it offers. Visitors often lack engagement, learning opportunity, as well as shearing the relevant information in a creative and concise manner. General information sharing is problematic on cultural heritage sites in the Western […]

Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans
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Ready for reading

August 8, 2020

List of translated works: – Evie Wyld: All the birds, singing / Vseh ptic petje (2014)*, translation from English into Slovene by Andrej Pleterski – Rodaan Al Galidi: De autist en de postduif / The autistic and the carrier-pigeon / Avtist in poštni golob (2011)*, translation from Dutch into Slovene by Stana Anželj – Kęstutis Kasparavičius: Dingęs paveikslas / Izginula slika, translation from […]

Ready for reading
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Literature vs. Nationalism (II)

July 21, 2020

The name of the project, Literature vs. Nationalism. Contemporary Literature Moving Borders, signifies the underlying theme of the selected books which deal with things that should never be forgotten – World War II, the holocaust, the shockingly quickly forgotten events of the Balkan area in the 90s, the violence against women and minorities in supposedly […]

Literature vs. Nationalism (II)
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July 21, 2020

EU support (4-year): 471.782,69 EUR (first year); 497.633,03 EUR (second year); 499.544,48 EUR (third year) in 499.510,00 EUR (fourth year) = 1.968.470,20 EUR Project duration: 2017–2021 VERSOPOLIS EDUCATION AND TRAINING MODEL Critical writing is very important for detecting and evaluating emerging poets but it is very difficult for young criticts to gain necessary skills and experience in order […]

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Litterae Slovenicae: A small literature in major languages

June 19, 2020

Supported works to be translated from Slovene language: – Ivan Cankar: Podobe iz sanj, into English by Jasmin B. Frelih in Erica Johnson-Debeljak – Jana Putrle Srdić: To noč bodo hrošči prilezli iz zemlje, into German by Daniela Kocmut – Sebastijan Pregelj: Kronika pozabljenja, into English by Rawley Grau – Jure Jakob: Delci dela, into […]

Litterae Slovenicae: A small literature in major languages
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ReFresh Plus – Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends

June 8, 2020

ReFresh+ builds on positive experience from the recently completed project (Creative Europe, 2018 EYCH) and with the ambition to explore further how cultural heritage and young artists can jointly address two challenges: bringing cultural heritage closer to the audience and young artists closer to art markets. To advance the initial project approach into a more […]

ReFresh Plus – Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends
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EU Contemporary Puppetry Critical Platform

June 8, 2020

By exploring the potential reach of contemporary puppetry the four partners will contribute to the development of an artistic field and through the professional discourse release it from the preconception the general public has, that it is an art form for children, an inferior art form. In the frame of this project the partners will […]

EU Contemporary Puppetry Critical Platform
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On-the-Fly: Fostering Live Coding practices across Europe

June 8, 2020

On the Fly project supports the development of the European live coding practice, a performing art and a creative technique centred in writing computer programmes in real time. The partnership motivation and conviction is that live coding represents an important and broad set of opportunities for the creative sector, computer science and humanities. On the […]

On-the-Fly: Fostering Live Coding practices across Europe
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June 8, 2020

Project: ART4MED – Art meets open science and technology in health and medical research Ever since the digital revolution in life sciences and the vast new international open science movement, many citizen scientists, makers, artists and designers have been collaborating to develop affordable tools that could revolutionize the field of biology, diagnostic guidance, medicine practice […]

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