Distribucija filma TRIAGE (IE)
7. julija 2010Distribucija filma TAMARA DREWE (UK)
7. julija 2010Distribucija filma CHATROOM (UK)
7. julija 2010Avtomatična distribucija v 2010
7. julija 2010T.R.A.C.E.S. – Transcultural Research, Artist, Curator Exchange Series
7. julija 2010Pri projektu TRACES gre za program mobilnosti v katerega so vključeni kuratorji, raziskovalci in umetniki. Ena izmed osnovnih idej projekta je raziskovanje razmerij med uporom, ki ga manjše organizacije v vsebinskem smislu gojimo do institucionaliziranih praks ter adaptacijo lastnih interesov oz. afirmacijo dominantnih programskih direktiv, nastavljenih s strani državnih in zasebnih teles, ki financirajo naše […]

Distribucija filma BABY(IES) (FR)
7. julija 2010Avtomatična distribucija v 2010
7. julija 2010Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)
7. julija 2010The ultimate aim of the ArchaeoLandscapes network is the use throughout Europe of aerial survey and ‘remote sensing’ to promote understanding, conservation and public enjoyment of the shared landscape and archaeological heritage of the countries of the European Union. (Vir: EAC.) Trajanje projekta: 15. 9. 2010–14. 9. 2015 Vodja projekta: Roman-Germanic Commission German Archaeological Institute (DE) […]

Archaeolandscapes Europe (ArcLand)
7. julija 2010The ultimate aim of the ArchaeoLandscapes network is the use throughout Europe of aerial survey and ‘remote sensing’ to promote understanding, conservation and public enjoyment of the shared landscape and archaeological heritage of the countries of the European Union. (Vir: EAC.) Trajanje projekta: 15. 9. 2010–14. 9. 2015 Vodja projekta: Roman-Germanic Commission German Archaeological Institute (DE) […]