Interdisciplinarni projekti
ARTENS, Grčija
25. junija 2021ARENS, a non-profit organization from Greece, is searching for partners from Austria, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland to organize cultural seminars and festivals aiming at the development of arts through intercultural cooperation.
Olympolis Art Project, Grčija
13. aprila 2021Olympolis Art Project is looking for partners from Central and East Europe in order to realise a project in the fields of performing arts, intangible cultural heritage, visual arts, literature, architecture, arts and technology, sustainability, gastronomy, cultural travel and experiences, audience development, social cohesion.
Turku University of Applied Sciences / Arts Academy, Finska
2. aprila 2021Turku University of Applied Sciences / Arts Academy is looking for partners from various sectors. Their project experiments with European light and darkness in multi-art workshops and artist collaborations. They have good experience from Creative Europe projects.
Rossocarminio, Italija
2. aprila 2021The Italian Association Rossocarminio would like to take part as a partner in a cooperation project in the field of philosophy, culture, art.
Fundación DEARTE Contemporáneo, Španija
16. marca 2021DEARTE 2030 wants to fight for repopulation of the rural areas through art and sustainability and create a network for cultural exchange and social synergies (as leader or partner). Fields: Performing arts, cultural heritage, visual arts , architecture, technology, sustainability, coworking and entrepreneurship.
Artistico Cultural Con Salero, Španija
16. marca 2021Con Salero would like to take part in cooperation project as s partner, related to: community and participatory creative processes; cultural and artistic mediation; audiovisual technology, capacity building; audiovisual creation; cultural heritage recovery; cultural and artistic audience development; Education. Related fields: Visual arts; audiovisual; cinema; cultural heritage; mediation; events; education.
The agency of artists in exile, Francija
15. marca 2021The agency of artists in exile in France is looking for European partners for the project Ex(ile) lab to experiment both transdisciplinary integration paths for artists in exile and innovative participation and collaboration models to safeguard and foster diversity in cultural institutions.
Greek Center of Art and Culture, Grčija
21. januarja 2021Greek Center of Art and Culture, a non-profit association, active in the fields of cultural heritage, arts, performing arts, visual arts, literature, history, arts and technology, music, folklore , events, educational programs would like to join a small-scale cooperation project as a partner.
Regional Lab
17. avgusta 2020Projekt Regional Lab: New Culture Spaces and Networks as drivers of an Innovative and Sustainable Bottom-up Development of Regional Collaboration gradi na dosedanjih izkušnjah povezovanja znotraj Kooperative ter nadalje razvija regionalno in evropsko sodelovanje. Cilj projekta je okrepiti regionalno sodelovanje ustvarjalcev in kulturnih producentov, kar se bo odvijalo preko izmenjave izkušenj, ob tem pa se bo […]

B-AIR Art Infinity Radio
8. junija 2020RTV Slovenija vabi vsak torek od januarja do konca aprila 2023 med 17.00 in 18.30 na B-AIR Lab 2023 – predavanja, okrogle mize in seminarji o pomenu umetnosti in domišljije za kakovosten otroški razvoj. Pri projektu B-AIR Art Infinity Radio – Creating sound art for babies, toddlers and vulnerable groups devet partnerskih organizacij iz osmih […]