Interdisciplinarni projekti
Inspiration Forum LAB – IF LAB
2. junija 2023Inspiration Forum LAB (“IF LAB”) je interdisciplinarni umetniški koprodukcijski program, namenjen spodbujanju inovacij v umetniški produkciji. Projekt omogoča, da evropska umetnost prevzame pomembno vlogo ne le pri ozaveščanju o podnebnih spremembah, temveč tudi pri raziskovanju domiselnih oblik odzivanja nanje. Ustvarjen je z namenom, da bi združili znanstveni in umetniški jezik ter poiskali načine izražanja, s […]
DECONFINING: Deconfining arts, culture and policies in Europe and Africa
23. maja 2023Cilj projekta DECONFINING: Deconfining arts, culture and policies in Europe and Africa je ustvariti nove, enakovredne kulturne vezi med Evropo in Afriko z razvojem trajnostnega referenčnega modela sodelovanja, ki se bo pozneje razširil tudi na druge regije sveta. Projekt, ki temelji na tesnem sodelovanju med obema celinama in povezovanju njunih programov prestolnic kulture, bo združil […]

Today Art Initiative
3. marca 2023“Today” Art Initiative (TAI) has founded in 2014 year. The aim of the organisation is to develop contemporary art acitivites and create a platform for experimental and innovative art practices and exchanges. TAI provides opportunities to reflect society’s issues and invetigate today’s life problems localy and international. The aim of exchanges and (rural art) residencies […]
22. februarja 2023The Greek non-profit organisation Eupragia is interested to participate as project partner either in small or in medium European Cooperation Projects calls. They are looking for projects in culture –education, theater-arts and sports, social theater- theater of the oppressed, non authoritarian training of adults, performance creation, theater in education, music in education. EUPRAGIA is an […]
BITE of Art 2.0 – Naj te ugrizne umetnost 2.0
13. februarja 2023Preoblikovanje dela evropskih operaterjev sodobne vizualne umetnosti v novem digitalnem okolju. Konkurenčnost in trdoživost sodobne vizualne umetnosti, ki vodita na globalne trge, privabljata široko občinstvo in vzgajata novo občinstvo, sta odvisni predvsem od veščin uporabe novih tehnologij in inovativnih delovnih praks kulturnih izvajalcev. Namen projekt BITE of Art 2.0 je nadaljevanje projekta 1.0, s katerima hočemo povečati […]

UNESCO Chair for cultural policy and management, Srbija
4. januarja 2023UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management (Interculturalism and Mediation in the Balkans) is aiming to participate as an associate partner to various small-scale cooperation projects providing training and education programs, consultancy and support in the field of cultural policy and management, research and other relevant activities. MA in Cultural Policy and Management proudly carries […]
26. julija 2022The Spanish association LEITMOTIV-AREA would like to participate as a partner in a small cooperation project. They have a wide experience in Erasmus+, and their fields of expertise are youth and volunteering, social inclusion, social and cultural innovation, education and cultural tourism.
Municipality of Oraiokastro, Grčija
1. marca 2022Municipality of Oraiokastro is looking for projects that deal with local cultural associations and teenagers or and children getting in touch with culture in modern ways.
3. februarja 2022Latvian NGO “CONNECT&CREATE” is interested in cooperation with partners in visual arts, music, performance art, innovative materials, digital media, art and music therapy, as well as in other fields, to participate in the Small Scale Cooperation Projects.
Between Music, Danska
28. januarja 2022The Danish music and concert association “Between Music” is looking for a lead partner and local partners to participate in creating a sustainable touring water festival for the Cooperation Projects 2022 call.