

Interdisciplinarni projekti


Aye Cultura Social

26. julija 2024

Aye Cultura Social would like to take part as a partner in a cooperation project that is related to social inclusion and accessibility, including cultural mediation, arts and social education and work in rural and other areas in risk of exclusion. For further info, see attachment (.pdf).


Fundación Tres Culturas

26. julija 2024

Fundación Tres Culturas /Three Cultures Foundation is looking for partners for a project (small- and medium-scale) focused on the Mediterranean basin and the role of culture, craftsmanship and heritage, under objective 1 (Transnational Creation and Circulation) and priorities related to Social inclusion and Audience development. Moreover, they would like to participate in other projects. They […]


Agence de Développement et de Réservation Touristique du Pas-de-Calais

15. julija 2024

The Louvre Lens – Agence de Développement et de Réservation Touristique du Pas-de-Calais in France is looking for partners to take part in a cooperation project, esp. from cultural heritage, gastronomy, art culinary, cultural tourism, design. The aim of the project is to pass on the culinary heritage and wealth of a destination to the […]


Kolorádó Fesztivál

15. julija 2024

Hungary based Kolorádó Fesztivál is looking to participate in small/medium/large scale cooperation projects as a partner. They are open to team up with partners based in any Creative Europe country. They are looking for partners with expertise in the field of music and performing arts, contemporary dance, environmental and sustainable practices, interdisciplinary and experimental arts. […]


County Library “Duiliu Zamfirescu” Vrancea

7. junija 2024

County Library “Duiliu Zamfirescu” Vrancea is interested in joining European small-scale cooperation projects as partner. They are interested in projects related to: active citizenship, local history literature, advocacy, children and seniors education, literature. Organization: The mission of the Vrancea County Library is to facilitate free and non-discriminatory access to fundamental cultural rights, serving as a community […]


Cultural BEES – Kulturne čebele

3. junija 2024

Cultural BEES – Creating cultural heritage businesses through hybrid learning models & hands-on curricula across borders je projekt, katerega cilj je razviti in izvesti program usposabljanja in digitalne zbirke orodij, ki bosta podpirala promocijo podjetniških veščin v kulturni in ustvarjalni industriji med mladimi. Namen projekta, ki ga je navdihnilo usposabljanje Junior Achievement po modelu »navdih […]


Climate Art Fusion Caravane (CARAVANE)

30. maja 2024

Projekt CARAVANE – CLIMATE ART FUSION spodbuja mednarodno umetniško ustvarjanje na področju okolju prijaznih praks in trajnostnega razvoja v kulturnem prostoru. S povečanjem prepoznavnosti mladih umetnic_kov v evropski umetniški skupnosti bo poudarjen pomen umetnosti pri spodbujanju podnebne pravičnosti, trajnosti in enakosti. Projekt zagotavlja sodelovalno okolje za raznolike mlade umetnice_ke ter spodbuja vzajemno učenje in sodelovanje. […]


“Apollonia Hirscher” Cultural Center

25. marca 2024

“Apollonia Hirscher” Cultural Center, a public cultural performing arts institution, is interested in participating as a partner or leader in European cooperation projects. Their main objectives are to affirm the national cultural identity, heritage and minority cultural identities, through performing arts, to promote national and international local artistic values, to educate and increase public access […]


Razvojni center ustvarjalne industrije (KUL)

21. februarja 2024

Cilj projekta Creative Industries Development Centre (KUL) je pomagati posameznikom pri razvoju kreativnosti in podjetništva preko projektnih aktivnosti, tako da lahko monetizirajo svoje ustvarjalne dejavnosti. Ta projekt bo okrepil kreativne industrije v regiji z izobraževanjem, razvojem človeških virov, spodbujanjem sodelovanja med deležniki projekta, spodbujanjem inovacij ter ustvarjanjem novih delovnih mest. Projekt je usmerjen v tri kreativne […]


Web 3.0 Accelerator for Sustainable Cultural Tourism (Web3Tour)

21. februarja 2024

Web3Tour je projekt, ki strokovnjake s področja kulturnega turizma seznanja s tehnologijami Web 3.0, Metaverse in Blockchain. Cilj je digitalizacija sektorja, s čimer bo postal bolj konkurenčen in vključujoč. S ponudbo tečajev in delavnic projekt krepi zmogljivosti deležnikov na področju veriženja blokov in spleta 3.0. Projekt Web3Tour, osredotočen na mala in srednja podjetja (MSP) v […]

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