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Web 3.0 Accelerator for Sustainable Cultural Tourism (Web3Tour)

February 21, 2024

The cultural tourism sector is a vital part of the European economy, but it is facing challenges as it adapts to web 3.0 and green transitions. The sector needs to acquire new skills and knowledge to remain competitive and sustainable to this new web 3.0 era. This proposal aims to address these challenges by creating […]

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Studiotopia: Enter the Symbiocene with Arts and Science (Studiotopia 2)

February 21, 2024

Studiotopia: Enter the Symbiocene with Arts and Science (Studiotopia 2) is a program for established and emerging artists, scientists and young people to take together a position on sustainable development. It involves cultural and innovative institutions promoting artists that want to be nurtured by researchers from the field of sciences and humanities, and want be […]

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Bio Awakening – developing bio-art practices in Western Balkan

February 21, 2024

The overall goal of this project is to co-create, adopt and disseminate environment-friendly practices and artistic productions in the field of bio art and raise awareness on sustainable development in line with the European Green Deal across Europe, especially Western Balkan. The specific objective is to produce and showcase innovative and engaging formats of bio […]

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February 21, 2024

“TestArt – Testing new skills for the circulation of innovative co-creation methods in the performing Arts sector” wants to build and test new capacities for European grass-roots and micro-organisations to work internationally in the cultural and creative sectors. Furthermore, the project seeks at fostering the transnational creation of performing-art works by organizing a permanent European […]

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February 21, 2024

The GREENSTAGE project represents a collaborative effort among the hereby following partners: four performing arts partners, two municipalities, a renowned international sustainability research think tank, and seven associated partners, each with their respective performing arts operators. The project seeks to enable the performing arts sector in collaboration with municipalities to implement environmental sustainability promptly and […]

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Connecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA)

February 21, 2024

Connecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA) is a European cooperation project for literary talent development, transnational creation, promotion and circulation of literary works and literary artists in small language markets across Europe. The project brings together a diverse network of 12 literary organisations from 11 countries to collaborate at an international level on providing a total […]

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Transmedia stories of insularity (TRAST)

February 21, 2024

TRAST is a participation-oriented project aimed at creating opportunities through a set of broadly accessible but specifically targeted culture and heritage activities and different kinds of performative methodologies to rethink and reshape assumptions about insularity and insular identity as both real and conceptual notions. We approach the concept of insularity not as a geographical notion […]

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Female Digital Creativity (FLUX)

February 21, 2024

The project Female Digital Creativity (FLUX) brings together partners from Croatia, Slovenia and Italy: LAE, MoTA, MEET and Alice In Blockchain with different backgrounds (3 art organisations and one with IT and economy background) who have joined the forces in order to enable more female artists to enter currently the most innovative technology and new […]

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Planet Hope (New European Fiction) (PH)

February 21, 2024

Planet Hope – New European Fiction (PH) – a literary translation project that promotes transnational translation and circulation of quality/awarded European works of fiction for three different target readerships (children, youth and adults), mainly from lesser/underrepresented languages. Two are translations from Ukrainian into Macedonian. One book will be printed in Ukrainian and made available for […]

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More than a Book (MTaS)

February 21, 2024

MORE THAN A STORY is a 3-year project with three main goals: helping the circulation of children’s literature translated from underrepresented languages in the Croatian market, increasing the circulation of Croatian literature for children in other countries in Europe and beyond, and reaching new audience of children, parents and influential adults. This will be achieved […]