
Sector Consultation: Policy Recommendations on Performing Arts

Perform Europe slowly enters its final phase and is reaching out to the sector for advice and unique insights for the policy recommendations. Contribute by May 23.

Priložnosti · May 11, 2022

Perform Europe is approaching its final phase – development of policy insights on how European, national and international policy-makers can support sustainable and inclusive cross-border touring and presentation of the performing arts.

Perform Europe, run by IETM, EFA, EDN, Circostrada and IDEA Consult, is a pilot project supported by the Creative Europe programme aimed to test innovative models of cross-border touring and presentation of the performing arts.
Perform Europe partners are currently gathering all lessons learned over the last 18 months and developing them into final policy recommendations on how European, national and international policy-makers can support sustainable and inclusive cross-border touring and presentation of the performing arts.

The deadline for contributing is 23 May 2022.