The secret life of words
July 7, 2005Distribution – Automatic support scheme Fivia 2005
July 7, 2005Joyeux Noel
July 7, 2005L’enfant / Otrok
July 7, 2005Le Temps Qui Reste
July 7, 2005Skupaj
July 7, 2005CEIYO – Central European Initiative Youth Orchestra
July 7, 2005Slowind 2005 Festival of Contemporary Music
July 7, 2005Project leader: Glasbeno društvo SLOWIND, Ljubljana (SI) Coorganizers: Aak im E-Werk, Freiburg (DE), Accroche Note, Strasbourg (FR) Associated partners: Francoski inštitut Charles Nodier, Ljubljana, Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, Italijanski inštitut za kulturo v Sloveniji, RTV Slovenija (SI), Slovenska filharmonija, Ljubljana (SI) Contact: Matej Šarc, Glasbeno društvo Slowind