Voix de la Poesie Europeenne
June 26, 2023The project VOICES OF THE EUROPEAN POETRY began in 2006 and aims to make known, through translations, major names of the poetic heritage of Europe, to encourage collaboration between poets and translators and contribute to a broad knowledge of European poetry. In this project we have so far translated forty European authors into Slovenian, from […]
Trust me, I’m an artist
June 26, 2023The project Trust Me, I’m an Artist – Developing Ethical Frameworks for Artists, Cultural Institutions andAudiences Engaged in the Challenges of Creating and Experiencing New Art Forms in Biotechnology and Biomedicine in Europe has propagated innovative artistic production in biotechnology and biomedicineby: Commissioning artworks that are collaborations between artists and scientists in the field of […]
The Faces Behind the Nose – Promoting Hospital Clowning as a Recognized Genre of Performing Arts
June 26, 2023This project focuses on the interface of performing arts, health and development! Clowndoctors personify the social dimension of performing arts by turning the performance into a therapeutic and restorative experience and not merely a recreational moment. Through humour, interactive play and social/educational theatre, hospital clowning greatly improves the health care environment. Clowndoctors performances provide a […]
SYMBOLS – Culture of Death& Cultural Life: New audiences and creations around European Cemeteries!
June 23, 2023SYMBOLS is an innovative interdisciplinary cooperation project that pretends to create and test new approaches to discover European Cemeteries, in order reinforce the knowledge and public awareness on its hidden heritage.Among its key objectives, we can highlight The exchange of cultural and creative works, reinforcing the cultural and creative sector’s capacity to operate transationally, through […]

SWICH – Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage
June 23, 2023SWICH – Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage is an EU-funded cooperation project between 10 European ethnographic museums. Weltmuseum Wien acted as lead partner in this project, running from October 2014 until September 2018. Together, the partner museums reflected on the future of ethnographic museums in a society shaped by processes of migration […]

June 23, 2023PORTUGAL: The global project consisted in a synergy between the 5 festivals and more concretely in an exchange of artworks, artists, knowledge and technologies. A strong educational collaboration allowed artists assistants to get in contact and work along with internationally renowned artists, children of various countries had the opportunity in participating in workshops lead by […]

Small Size, Performing Arts for Early Years
June 22, 2023Small size, performing arts for early years (SSPAfEY) has turned its attention to children aged 0-6 years, a real “current non-audience”, especially thinking of children under 36 months. The project was conceived and implemented after three other projects aimed at creating a network dedicated to performing arts and early childhood: Small size (2005-2006), Small size, […]

Performing the Museum
June 22, 2023The international project Performing the Museum was conceived in cooperation between five partner organisations: Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, the Antoni Tapies Foundation from Barcelona, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina from Novi Sad and the Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti. The two-year project, co-funded in the framework of the Creative Europe programme, focused on the […]

Masters & Servers: Networked Culture in the Post-Digital Age
June 21, 2023The project Masters & Servers investigated the relationships between digital culture, networked social and political organisation and new business models through a series of artisticand discursive activities. The project involved five European partner organisations in thedelivery of festivals, exhibitions, commissions of new artworks as well as lectures, debates,workshops, conferences and the production of collateral assets […]

HEROES WE LOVE. Ideology, Identity and Socialist Art in New Europe
June 19, 2023In the framework of the international interdisciplinary project “Heroes We Love. Ideology, Identity and Socialist Art in New Europe”, in the section “Postsocialism and Nostalgia” the conference No V Nostalgia on the move was organized in September 29-30 2016 in the Museum of Yugoslav History (a new name Museum of Yugoslavia introduced in April 2017). […]