CEE Animation Forum 2021
August 30, 2023The Museum of the Commons. Towards a Healthier Arts Ecosystem (MoC)
August 6, 2023Museum of the Commons (MoC) is a four-year project developed by L’Internationale, the European confederation of contemporary art museums. MoC encourages contemporary museums and cultural organisations to act as open-source tools for new sustainable forms of cultural co-creation, contributing to environmental, social and artistic transformation. For over two centuries, museums have been the guardians of […]

ACT: Art, Climate, Transition
July 27, 2023Bunker Institute is organizing the ACT Creative Europe supported project closing event at the Mladi Levi festival in Ljubljana on 24 August 2023. ACT : Art, Climate, Transition (ACT) is a European cooperation project on hope. Yet: ours is an age of climate breakdown, mass extinction and loss of biodiversity. Ours is a Europe of […]

Baths, gothic churches and miners’ houses
July 24, 2023The proposed project RE: “Baths, gothic churches and miners’ houses: Youth-led revitalisation of built cultural heritage” (YOUTH-LED-REV-CH) unites three non-governmental and non-profit organisations from peripheral areas of Central Europe and Eastern Europe – Slovenia, Romania and Slovakia – that aim to enhance the capacity of European cultural heritage sector by reinforcing the capacity of cultural […]

Fake Lies
July 11, 2023Genre: documentary film Director: Anna M. Bofarull Scriptwriter: Anna M. Bofarull Producer: Cvinger film (Slovenia) Co-producer: KaBoGa (Spain) Countries of co-production: Slovenia, Spain Story: On Referendum day in Barcelona, Marta was brutally dragged down the stairs by police officers. Her image went immediately viral. How being at the news one single day can change one […]
July 4, 2023”The Film Corner Reloaded – A Cultural Approach” is a follow-up project stemming from ”The Film Corner. Online and Offline Activities for Film Literacy”, supported by Creative Europe – MEDIA in 2016. The aim of the second edition is to design, develop and test an innovative set of didactical resources: an online interactive user-centered platform […]

July 3, 2023From a very young age, children are open to many different forms of art. Film, as an audiovisual medium, is particularly attractive and accessible for almost all children. Children not only enjoy moving image and easily engage with narrative films and documentaries, but also actively respond to abstract and experimental films, which give them a […]

FC Freedom
July 3, 2023Title: FC Freedom Genre: Fiction film Director: Boris Petkovič Producer: IRIDIUM Film Countries of co-production: Slovenia, Greece, Croatia, Germany In a divided world, can a ball be the beginning of a true friendship? Story: ANEJ(14) is a Slovenian teenager who lives for football. He is on holidays on a Greek island with his family: his […]

June 30, 2023Title: Body Genre: documentary film Director: Petra Seliškar Scriptwriter: Petra Seliškar Producer: Petra Pan Film Countries of co-production: Slovenia, Croatia, North Macedonia, France Story: “lIlness is not an enemy”—G. Deleuze The Body is a feature documentary dealing with resilience and acceptance, life and death, disease and health, the interconnection of body and mind. The story […]
Movies in Motion
June 30, 2023Movies in Motion is a year-round programme of film screenings in 13 different venues in Istria towns without cinemas. The programme will connect Istria on both sides of the border through film and other arts in a unique way. Two to four screenings of selected recent European films per month will be offered to both […]