

Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture

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Future Architecture Platform

December 21, 2018

The Future Architecture platform is a well-balanced ecosystem of European cultural players in architecture who perform specific roles within a complex European architecture program. It connects multi-disciplinary emerging talents to high profile institutions like museums, galleries, publishing houses, biennials, and festivals. It provides talented conceptual thinkers and practitioners in architecture with opportunities to speak up […]

Future Architecture Platform
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November 20, 2018

LUCity is a project bringing communities and artists together on an international level. Light installations produced by local communities working with local and international artists will be put up in their public but degraded spaces, developing new relationships between citizens, art and urban space. The project will address the usage of the commons; enrich the […]

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Voices of Minorities

November 14, 2018

With the Voices of Minorities project, the partners would like to point out the often underestimated, even overlooked, but none the less essential influence that ethnic minorities are constantly exercising upon society and (especially musical) culture in Europe. The project specifically refers to the current refugee crisis, the general public’s attitude towards it and the […]

Voices of Minorities
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Our Lives

November 7, 2018

Our Lives is an international theatre project running in duration of 2 years. It includes the creation of 8 new theatre productions and 52 public events – theatre performances, workshops, panels, lectures – in 18 different EU countries. The project hosts artists from all 28 countries of EU and thematically explores ways of living in […]

Our Lives
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European cooperation projects 2019

November 5, 2018

The main objectives of the support for transnational cultural cooperation projects are to support the capacity of the European cultural and creative sectors to operate transnationally and internationally and to promote the transnational circulation of cultural and creative works and transnational mobility of cultural and creative players, in particular artists. More information at EACEA: Call […]

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MAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology

October 2, 2018

The MAST project is developing an applied study module at the intersections of Art, Science and Technology, combining methodologies and practices that intertwine the academic sphere closely with the Culture and Creative Sectors. Nurturing a critical perspective on the historical, economical, social and above all cultural relevance of this interdisciplinary blend within the new digital […]

MAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology
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MusicaFemina – Women made Music

September 25, 2018

Musica Femina is a two-year cooperation project of four international partners who share visions of gender equality in the cultural and artistic sector. By 2020, a variety of activities will have been implemented in different local environments, highlighting the creativity of women in music, facilitating new creations and transnational mobility of artists as well as […]

MusicaFemina – Women made Music
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South and East reaches West (iSE2W) – Reading Balkans

August 7, 2018

The cooperation project South and East reaches West – digital platform for promotion of writers in post-conflict societies – Reading Balkans aimed to link various partners active in the field of literature promotion and dissemination. The aim was to create new capacities employing a new business model with the Literary Agent for literatures of Southeast, […]

South and East reaches West (iSE2W) – Reading Balkans
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Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites

August 1, 2018

The project addresses common challenges recognized by the partners: how to better integrate cultural heritage in the community and engage different audience in its exploration within the European context. REFRESH Heritage Weeks are the key project feature. A series of 7-day events will bring together young artists from Slovenia, Italy, Romania and Spain. Inspired by […]

Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites
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European ARTificial Intelligence Lab

July 25, 2018

The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab emerged from the European Digital Art and Science Network, a creative collaboration between scientific institutions, Ars Electronica, and cultural partners throughout Europe that unites science and digital art. The program strongly focused on the legal, cultural, educational, and ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence, and human values as well as elementary […]

European ARTificial Intelligence Lab
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