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Ukrainian Cultural Foundation


Ukrainian Cultural Foundation is looking for partners to apply for the European Cooperation Projects 2024 (Medium Scale). The purpose of the project “Cultural Space” is to create a Pan-European communication online platform aimed at promoting cultural projects and seeking support for them at regional, national and international levels. It involves the establishment of partnerships and the development of international cooperation in the field of cultural and creative industries.
They are looking for partners from such sectors: performing arts, cultural heritage, visual arts, literature, architecture, arts and technology, visual arts, dialogue of culture, arts and technology, climate change and protecting the environment, diversity, equality, employment, and inclusion, other fields.

Organization: Ukrainian Cultural Foundation is a state-owned institution created in 2017 with aim to facilitate development of culture and arts in Ukraine, to provide favourable environment for development of intellectual and spiritual potential of individuals and society, wide access for the citizens to national cultural heritage, to support cultural diversity and integration of the Ukrainian culture into the world cultural space.

For more information, see here (.docx).

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