Malta (EU)
Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella
23. decembra 2024Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella, the first musical society in Gozo, was legally established on the 11th of January 1881 through a public contract. In the contract, twenty-one band members, together with the bandmaster, legally bound themselves to an association named “La Stella Vincitrice.” Soċjeta’ Filarmonika La Stella aims to make a collaboration between composers from […]
CentreStage Malta
20. decembra 2024CentreStage Malta is performing art school. Their proposed project involves sharing of experiences and best practices through the organization of intensive workshops focusing on Musical Theatre, Dance, and Acting. This comprehensive programme aims to provide participants with a holistic understanding of performing arts while fostering practical skills and historical knowledge. For further information, see attachment […]