Vizualne umetnosti
Ars Augusta e.V.
20. decembra 2024Ars Augusta e.V. is a recognized non-profit organization and specializes in music productions, organizing concerts, opera and music theater productions, workshops and publishing music (scores, videos, sound recordings). Ars Augusta e.V. ‘s goal is to help artists make their music accessible to a larger audience while ensuring high quality. At the same time, we are […]
Third Sector International
20. decembra 2024Third Sector International (3Si) is a company based in Seville, Spain, that is dedicated to the social, economic and cultural integration of young people across Europe. 3Si has over ten years of experience in delivering programmes that seek to improve employability, develop social networks and promote cultural integration. Third Sector International (3Si) collaborates with a […]
Didark. Didáctica y Cultura
20. decembra 2024Didark is an entity dedicated to the dissemination of culture in all its extension, with the main objective of offering a series of cultural services. Our intention is to disseminate and promote historical, artistic and cultural heritage at all levels of society, with a didactic, playful and participatory methodology. For further information, see attachment (.pdf). […]
19. decembra 2024Tropisme is a dynamic and diverse space dedicated to fostering cultural and social growth both inside and outside its walls. It serves as a cultural hub that supports local and international artists, while also functioning as a shared workspace for over 250 entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative industries, alongside more than 50 multidisciplinary artists. […]
Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship Center for Environmental Education
19. decembra 2024Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship Center for Environmental Education is Polish non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the cultural heritage of rural areas in Poland. The organization focuses on revitalizing traditional craftsmanship, supporting local artisans, and fostering cultural education. Through workshops, exhibitions, and community-based initiatives, it aims to connect people with their cultural roots, encouraging a deeper […]
Garliava Cultural Centre
13. decembra 2024The Garliava Cultural Centre was established with the objective of facilitating cultural growth and strengthening the community. Our goal is to preserve the distinctive cultural heritage of our region while simultaneously introducing contemporary art forms and innovations to the people of Garliava. The Garliava Cultural Centre offer activities involving folklore and vocal ensembles, folk dance […]
Municipality of Amfikleia – Elateia
12. decembra 2024Municipality of Amfikleia-Elatia in Greece provides information about municipal activities, local government structures, announcements, services, cultural events, and community resources. Municipality of Amfikleia-Elatia also features sections for residents, visitors, and businesses, along with updates on council meetings, local projects, and historical information about the area. For further information, see attachment (.pdf).
ReCITYing: Reactivating unused urban spaces through architecture and arts
27. februarja 2024Cilj projekta Reaktivacija opuščenih prostorov v urbanih središčih z arhitekturo in umetnostjo (reCITYing) je spodbuditi razvoj raznolikih praks in aktivnosti, temelječih na načelih soudeležbe in soustvarjanja, ki bodo prispevale k ponovni uporabi in regeneraciji trenutno opuščenih, praznih in/ali javnosti nedostopnih prostorov v urbanih središčih. Projekt vključuje niz ustvarjalnih delavnic, prostorskih instalacij in perfomansov, ki so […]
Women Power in Comics (WOMCOM)
1. decembra 2023Projekt Women Power in Comics (WOMCOM) združuje partnerske organizacije iz Hrvaške, Grčije, Madžarske, Črne gore, Srbije in Slovenije s ciljem opolnomočenja stripovskih ustvarjalk ter obravnavanja vprašanj enakosti spolov na področju stripa. Projekt traja dve leti (2023–2024) in vključuje: Štiri dvotedenske rezidenčne programe, zasnovane kot prostore za sodelovanje in soustvarjanje, ki združujejo po 12 rezidentk_ov (večinoma […]
Turku University of Applied Sciences
6. oktobra 2023An experienced Creative Europe project coordinator, Turku University of Applied Sciences is looking for partners in the project Artistic Encounters and Circling Materialities that deals with the sustainability shift of the contemporary visual arts. It will study different approaches of artistic work ranging from the work of individual artists to exhibition production. Recycling plays a […]