

Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba


Gato Escaldado Teatro, Portugalska

31. januarja 2022

Gato Escaldado Teatro´s main objective is to bring pertinent and innovative performances to adults and children all over the country contributing to culturally develop local communities. The company aims to bring new audiences into theatres and introduce young artists to the public. Open to join projects as partners.


Gato Escaldado, Portugalska

28. januarja 2022

Gato Escaldado | Arte Sonoro – with a long-standing experience in the music industry wants to involve the musical sectors and musical artists in a dialogue and collaboration to expand their knowledge, create synergies and develop new, fresh and creative ways to share and spread artist`s work – from bands to luthiers, from labels to promoters. The deliverable of the project will be the e-learning program (includes master class, workbooks, videos, training….) and an event (festival, conferences, others) to support artist and organizations to promote their work.


Estufa – Plataforma Cultural, Portugalska

28. januarja 2022

Estufa – Plataforma Cultural, a non-profit NGO wants to develop a project tackling performing arts, culture heritage and art education; looking for partners in all Creative Europe participating countries, special interest for entities operating in low population density territories.


Svoboda / LIBERTY

19. januarja 2022

Projekt Svoboda / LIBERTY – A New European Generation – Exploring Freedom and Identity through Creative Integration je usmerjen k mladim in različnim oblikam umetnosti kot so likovna umetnost, film, ples, gledališče in umetnost v javnem prostoru. Naštete kulturne dejavnosti skozi svoje delovanje izvaja tudi Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih, razširjeno in poglobljeno predvsem […]

Svoboda / LIBERTY

Université de Bourgogne, Francija

27. maja 2021

Université de Bourgogne is looking for partners to cooperate in the Go Curb Carbon project. They are looking for partners in the field of performing and visual arts.


Cultural Assotiation ARTISTAS Y, Španija

27. maja 2021

Theater company “ARTISTAS Y.” is looking for projects related to the modernization of the performing arts, promoting strategies and activities for the use of new technologies in the production, dissemination and distribution processes. They have experience in cooperating with European organizations and events, and also good connections within the Ibero-American market.


Artepunkt, Srbija

27. maja 2021

Artepunkt Company based in Belgrade, Oslo, and Vienna, is looking for theatre companies, international festivals, and similar institutions whose practice is based on the development of arts and education projects, as well as on cultural mediation processes.


Quo Vadis dance company, Grčija

27. aprila 2021

Quo Vadis dance company, a Small non profit association from Greece. The association is looking for dance companies, performing arts, similar organizations / institutions whose practice is based on the development of performing arts. The aim of the proposed project is to collaborate for a research on performing arts and its purpose is to search for the main sources of dance that are similar and responsible for connecting this artform with artists and audiences, worldwide.


Foco Musical Portugal, Portugalska

13. aprila 2021

Foco Musical Portugal is exclusively dedicated to the development of young audiences for the erudite music. They aim to set up an Erudite Music Festival, with a formative character, which includes presentations of orchestral concerts, opera recitals and chamber music sessions. Foco Musical Portugal is looking for partners in related fields for a middle scale cooperation project.


MeetShareDance Association, Španija

13. aprila 2021

MeetShareDance Association would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project. They aim to promote best practice in the field of inclusive arts practices and to foster an International Dance Network for individuals and groups working with dance and disability. Field of interest: Performing arts, education in dance sector, inclusion and accessibility, digital art.

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