

Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba


Przekrój Foundation

25. marca 2024

Przekrój Foundation from Poland is a modern and holistic center for those who want to consciously co-create positive changes with the environment around. The aim of their project is to establish, develop and strengthen cooperation between professional and amateur artists and creators from the three partner countries. They are looking partners for a small-scale cooperation […]



25. marca 2024

PiciordePlay is the live streaming platform for Romanian cultural events that eliminates the distance between spectators and stages. Their NGO – the Digital Theatre Association is a “natural result” of the meeting between PiciordePlay and some of its viewers, located in different realities that have been enhanced by the magic of the theatre: people with disabilities, […]


Better Live

18. marca 2024

Aprila 2024 se bo na različnih lokacijah po Sloveniji odvila prva projekta aktivnost odprta za javnost: Razsrediščenja + Better Live: Vasco Trilla in Diego Caicedo. Gre za koncertni cikel eksperimentalne in improvizirane glasbe. V projektu Better Live gre za večplasten načrt za začetek poštene, zelene in vključujoče preobrazbe ter hkrati za nadaljnji razvoj sektorja žive glasbe, […]



21. februarja 2024

“TestArt – Testing new skills for the circulation of innovative co-creation methods in the performing Arts sector” wants to build and test new capacities for European grass-roots and micro-organisations to work internationally in the cultural and creative sectors. Furthermore, the project seeks at fostering the transnational creation of performing-art works by organizing a permanent European […]



21. februarja 2024

The GREENSTAGE project represents a collaborative effort among the hereby following partners: four performing arts partners, two municipalities, a renowned international sustainability research think tank, and seven associated partners, each with their respective performing arts operators. The project seeks to enable the performing arts sector in collaboration with municipalities to implement environmental sustainability promptly and […]


Towarzystwo Dramatyczne im. A. Fredry FREDREUM

4. januarja 2024

Towarzystwo Dramatyczne im. A. Fredry FREDREUM from Przemyśl, Poland,  is looking for partners to join theater and performing arts project. Organization: We are members of the “Fredreum” theater from Przemyśl – a small city in Poland. Our theater is the oldest amateur theater in Poland, which will be 155 years old next year. In addition, […]



3. januarja 2024

NUISIS ZOBOP from Portugal welcomes collaborations with performing arts related projects in all fields (Dance, Theatre, Music) conjoining theoretical (Sociological and Philosophical as much as Political) and practical goals, be them of applied technical research, of residency and inter-exchange of skills and experiences. Organization: With 16 creations, 5 edited books, multiple trainings, research seminars and […]


CRL Central Elétrica

3. januarja 2024

CRL – Central Elétrica from Portugal is open to team up with projects. Depending on the project to be developed, their participation can take various forms, namely 1) Development of residency programs, laboratories and workshops: preferably in the field of performing arts, but can also include music and/or visual arts; 2) Organization and hosting of […]


Theatre Smješko

15. decembra 2023

Theatre Smješko, a professional small theatre company for children and youth looking for partners from Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Ukraine, and Italy for collaboration on peer violence. Organization: We continuously create and perform projects/performances, engaging professional actors, directors, playwrights, set designers and part-time musicians. We are a travelling theatre and we have been performing […]


Compañía Danza Vinculados

15. decembra 2023

Compañía Danza Vinculados aim is to professionalise inclusive contemporary dance and make it more accessible through an inclusive education, creative and performing programme. They are looking for partners with expertise in the fields of inclusive dance, inclusion, accessibility, audio description, sign language, interactive art, technology, etc. For further information, see CreativeEurope_partner search_Cía Vinculados Danza_ES (.pdf).