

Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba


Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia – Il Rossetti, Italija

26. julija 2022

Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia is looking for partners for a medium scale project in the field of interdisciplinary, performing arts (puppetry) that would like to build innovative ways for audience engagement and mix traditional and contemporary puppetry, while at the same time increase the level of skills in puppetry to an academic level.



7. junija 2022

ACuTe – Culture Testbeds for Interactivity, Performance and Technology is a trend setting, large-scale European innovation project aiming to revolutionize the way theatre and performing arts are produced and performed with emerging technology and new forms of cultural collaboration and competence development. ACuTe will be delivered via a strong partnership of 14 leading theatres, universities […]


La boîte à resorts, Francija

12. maja 2022

La boîte à resorts is a non-profit French organisation that acts as a producer of live shows is the field of dance, calligraphic, numeric art with a special attention to inclusion and access to culture. They would like to cooperate within a small scale cooperation project, esp. with partner from Slovenia.


(NON)ALIGNED MOVEMENTS Strengthening contemporary dance in Western Balkans

11. maja 2022

(Non)Aligned Movements (NAM; v prevodu Gibanja (ne)uvrščenih) je projekt, ki je namenjen spodbujanju ustvarjalnega in sodelovalnega potenciala v polju sodobnega plesa na Zahodnem Balkanu. Krepi družbeni vpliv sodobnega plesa na Balkanu z izboljšanjem njegovih zmožnosti za delovanje in sodelovanje, s promocijo plesne dediščine ter z vpisom plesa v prihodnje diskurze in kulturne prakse. Projekt ima […]

(NON)ALIGNED MOVEMENTS Strengthening contemporary dance in Western Balkans

“Gavella “city drama theatre, Hrvaška

8. aprila 2022

Croatian city drama theater Gavella is looking for partners in a field such as museums or organizations that work with public tunnels, visual artists, writer organizations, landscapers, actors, directors, art schools, art universities, digital media scenographers.


ARCHAEA, Španija

8. aprila 2022

ARCHAEA, non profit association with different multidisciplinary backgrounds such as music, performing arts, video art and cinema, architecture, design, philosophy, etc., is looking for multidisciplinary projects, focused on producing artistic pieces to be performed.



29. marca 2022

Glasbena industrija, ki predstavlja pomembno gonilno silo evropske kulture, zadnjih nekaj desetletij doživlja bistvene spremembe. To je privedlo do točke, ki kliče po temeljitem razmisleku o prihodnosti panoge, zlasti zdaj, ko se soočamo z izzivi, ki to prihodnost ogrožajo. Stalna kriza je razgalila že obstoječe probleme našega sektorja, te pa je potrebno obravnavati sistematično in […]



10. marca 2022

ALTRIMENTI is a social and cultural space that would like to be teaming up for a cooperation project as a partner esp. in the field of audience development and engagement/social inclusion.


Spółdzielnia Muzyczna contemporary ensemble, Poljska

1. marca 2022

Spółdzielnia Muzyczna contemporary ensemble would like to organise a field of exploration for new music and related arts (video intermedia etc.) – to involve not only artists but also cultural operators to promote new ideas and develop contemporary music in Europe – with project results being cultural exchange, creation of new compositions, expansion of contacts.


Via Urbana, Portugalska

1. marca 2022

Via Urbana is looking for organizations that involve young people in situations of social exclusion, organizations that work with art and hip hop culture, organizations linked to music and dance, cultural spaces and/or organizations, organizations that work with art, technology and multimedia.

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