Third Sector International
20. decembra 2024Third Sector International (3Si) is a company based in Seville, Spain, that is dedicated to the social, economic and cultural integration of young people across Europe. 3Si has over ten years of experience in delivering programmes that seek to improve employability, develop social networks and promote cultural integration. Third Sector International (3Si) collaborates with a […]
19. decembra 2024Manifesto conceive and deliver artistic and cultural projects in the arts, heritage and museum sectors, in France and around the world. Manifesto offer tailored consultancy and management services across the entire production chain of any artistic or cultural project. Manifesto work closely with cultural institutions, museums and foundations, local councils, companies, and artists. Manifesto multidisciplinary […]
Centro Studi E.Di.Ma.S.
10. decembra 2024E.Di.Ma.S. is a nonprofit established in 2011 after the L’Aquila earthquake to promote integrated prevention and resilience in communities. Focused on human capital and knowledge transfer, it fosters strategic planning for crisis and emergency governance. E.Di.Ma.S. employs transdisciplinary teams and prioritizes practical expertise, with 70% of educators from industry and public institutions. The organization empowers […]
Operation Nova – OPE.N
1. avgusta 2024Asociacija vabi umetnike, raziskovalce, novinarje in kulturne delavce iz Slovenije, Hrvaške in Kosova, da se prijavijo na 5-tedensko rezidenco v marcu 2025, ki bo potekala v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem in Kosovem, in jim bo omogočila poglobljeno raziskovanje in uvid v delovanje neodvisnih kulturnih prostorov v regiji ter izzive, s katerimi se soočajo. Rok za prijavo […]
Make More
15. decembra 2023The mission of Make More is to provide access to creation and technology for the general public. They would like to cooperate as partners in a small scale cooperation projects. Organization: Make More and FabLab Brno won the bid for organizing the largest international conference of FabLab community from all over the world – FAB2025 in […]
Viver Creatiu/ Creabinars, Španija
2. aprila 2021Viver Creatiu/ Creabinars is seeking for cooperation projects in the fields of creative economy and digital creative hubs, including topics such as new business models, digital transformation, education and entrepreneurship, among others.