NEWS media
The Association of Producers of Ukraine
10. januarja 2025The Association of Producers of Ukraine was founded in 2006. The constituent assembly was held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the head of the state service of cinematography, Hanna Chmil. It was the first production organization that united in its ranks independent producers of film and TV projects of […]
3. januarja 2024Gerador is looking for new collaboration opportunities in the cultural and cross-sectoral(media) areas. They are open to discuss these opportunities with partners who are looking for organizations to integrate their projects proposals and believe Gerador could be a potential match. Organization: Gerador, founded in 2014, is an independent Portuguese platform dedicated to journalism, culture, and education. […]
New approaches for local media (NEWLOCAL)
1. decembra 2023Lokalni mediji imajo prednost, saj imajo neposreden dostop do lokalnih uporabnikov in ponujajo vsebine, ki ne konkurirajo velikim nacionalnim medijem. Vendar je ciljni trg majhen, oglaševalci pa pogosto niso zainteresirani za sodelovanje z majhnimi medijskimi podjetji. S projektom sodelovanja NEWLOCAL bo partnerski konzorcij lokalnih medijskih podjetij razvil nov pristop k občinstvu, kar bo pomagalo razviti […]
Empowering the Youth: Strengthening Local News Media Services (YoCoJoin)
7. junija 2023Projekt Empowering the Youth: Strengthening Local News Media Services Through the Youth Community Journalism Initiative (akronim: YoCoJoin) je odziv na nestabilen medijski prostor in tveganja, ki jih prinaša digitalizacija družbe na področju novinarstva. Z usposabljanjem mladih novinarjev na lokalni ravni je namenjen krepitvi kakovostnega novinarstva in vključevanja mladih prav tam, v lokalnem okolju in v […]
ESCS – School of Communication and Media studies
10. marca 2023ESCS – Escola Superior de Comunicação Social/ School of Communication and Media studies (ESCS is an organic unit of a larger higher education institution – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa /Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, therefore in terms of application this is the partner entity and the responsible for legal and financial issues, however the real project […]
Danish TV station, Danska
26. julija 2022The Danish TV station would like to cooperate as a Creative Europe NEWS Journalism Patnerships project leader or partner. They are looking for partners in the field of TV and Media, Journalism, Media Technology, Diversity in Media.