


Razvojni center ustvarjalne industrije (KUL)

21. februarja 2024

Cilj projekta Creative Industries Development Centre (KUL) je pomagati posameznikom pri razvoju kreativnosti in podjetništva preko projektnih aktivnosti, tako da lahko monetizirajo svoje ustvarjalne dejavnosti. Ta projekt bo okrepil kreativne industrije v regiji z izobraževanjem, razvojem človeških virov, spodbujanjem sodelovanja med deležniki projekta, spodbujanjem inovacij ter ustvarjanjem novih delovnih mest. Projekt je usmerjen v tri kreativne […]


Web 3.0 Accelerator for Sustainable Cultural Tourism (Web3Tour)

21. februarja 2024

Web3Tour je projekt, ki strokovnjake s področja kulturnega turizma seznanja s tehnologijami Web 3.0, Metaverse in Blockchain. Cilj je digitalizacija sektorja, s čimer bo postal bolj konkurenčen in vključujoč. S ponudbo tečajev in delavnic projekt krepi zmogljivosti deležnikov na področju veriženja blokov in spleta 3.0. Projekt Web3Tour, osredotočen na mala in srednja podjetja (MSP) v […]


Studiotopia: Enter the Symbiocene with Arts and Science

21. februarja 2024

Studiotopia: Enter the Symbiocene with Arts and Science (Studiotopia 2) is a program for established and emerging artists, scientists and young people to take together a position on sustainable development. It involves cultural and innovative institutions promoting artists that want to be nurtured by researchers from the field of sciences and humanities, and want be […]


Bio Awakening – developing bio-art practices in Western Balkan

21. februarja 2024

The overall goal of this project is to co-create, adopt and disseminate environment-friendly practices and artistic productions in the field of bio art and raise awareness on sustainable development in line with the European Green Deal across Europe, especially Western Balkan. The specific objective is to produce and showcase innovative and engaging formats of bio […]



21. februarja 2024

“TestArt – Testing new skills for the circulation of innovative co-creation methods in the performing Arts sector” wants to build and test new capacities for European grass-roots and micro-organisations to work internationally in the cultural and creative sectors. Furthermore, the project seeks at fostering the transnational creation of performing-art works by organizing a permanent European […]



21. februarja 2024

The GREENSTAGE project represents a collaborative effort among the hereby following partners: four performing arts partners, two municipalities, a renowned international sustainability research think tank, and seven associated partners, each with their respective performing arts operators. The project seeks to enable the performing arts sector in collaboration with municipalities to implement environmental sustainability promptly and […]


Climate Art Fusion Caravane (CARAVANE)

21. februarja 2024

This project aims to develop co-creation labs for emerging artists in different European countries (Croatia, Georgia, Slovenia, Spain and the Netherlands) for the production of artistic material (music pieces, theater pieces, comics, dance pieces, literature, films, etc.). These labs will be connected through the creation of an European Network of Artists to share good practices […]


Connecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA)

21. februarja 2024

Connecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA) is a European cooperation project for literary talent development, transnational creation, promotion and circulation of literary works and literary artists in small language markets across Europe. The project brings together a diverse network of 12 literary organisations from 11 countries to collaborate at an international level on providing a total […]


Cultural BEES

21. februarja 2024

The general objective of the “Cultural BEES” – Creating cultural heritage businesses through hybrid learning models & hands-on curricula across borders project is to develop and implement a training program and digital toolkit that support the promotion of entrepreneurship skills in the Cultural and Creative Industry among youth. Inspired by the Junior Achievement training model […]


Transmedijske zgodbe o izoliranosti (TRAST)

21. februarja 2024

Evropske družbe se soočajo s perečimi izzivi, vključno z medkulturnimi napetostmi, ekstremizmom in radikalizacijo, ki povzročajo marginalizacijo in diskriminacijo. Kljub nenehnim prizadevanjem v sodobnih medijih se je pojavil vse večji občutek izoliranosti, ki se kažejo kot prostorski, psihološki in konceptualni “otoki”. Izraza odmaknjenost in izolacija pogosto izhajata iz neutemeljenih predpostavk, predsodkov in strahov, kar prispeva […]