Iskanje partnerjev


Danish TV station, Danska

Danska (EU)

  • Danish TV station, Danska
      • NEWS media
  • Mon., 15.08.2022

Organisation: The aim of the Danish TV station (public) is to innovate content for the 18-32 segment. Getting more diversity into the journalistic field including more women in the technical areas. Generating interest for media participation for younger people.
They air 4x 30 minute TV programs each week that they’ve pre-, produced and post-produced themselves.

Contact: Pernille Callesen Lorup,
LokalTVFyn, Denmark,

See Creative Europe call NEWS Journalism Partnerships, CREA-CROSS-2022-JOURPART.
Deadline: 7 September 2022 at 17:00:00 Brussels time.