Iskanje partnerjev


Casa das Artes

Portugalska (EU)

  • Casa das Artes
  • Partner
      • Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
      • Vizualne umetnosti
  • Fri., 14.02.2025

Casa das Artes is part of Fundação Bissaya Barreto, a Foundation focused on social solidarity. Casa das Artes mission aims to bring a variety of alternative activities and events in the arts and cultural sectors, by offering weekly “matinées” with DJ’s, curating and receiving various exhibitions throughout the year, hosting workshops and artistic residencies, amongst other activities. Casa das Artes is also the Portuguese host and partner of the French based festival Les Siestes, which focuses on experimental and electronic music.

For further information, see attachment (.pdf).



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