Iskanje partnerjev


Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb

Hrvaška (EU)

  • Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb
  • Partner
      • Kulturna dediščina
      • Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
  • Sun., 13.04.2025

The Academy of Dramatic Art (ADU) is the oldest and one of the most renowned cultural institutions from Zagreb, Croatia. ADU places a strong emphasis on international cooperation and the development of global partnerships as a central component of its mission. Recognizing the importance of intercultural exchange in artistic education and production, the Academy aims to provide young artists and with opportunities to engage with diverse artistic traditions, practices, and trends. ADU is dedicated to the integration of technological innovations and new media into artistic education.

The Academy of Dramatic Art (ADU) emphasizes the importance of international joint projects and co-productions, which enable emerging artists to work alongside peers and mentors from different cultural and artistic backgrounds. The Academy is particularly interested in interdisciplinary projects that bridge the performing and audio-visual arts with other creative fields.

For further information, see attachment (.pdf).



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