



Podpora za posamezne projekte 2018

29. septembra 2017

Namen podpore Podpora je namenjena razvoju igranih, ustvarjalnih dokumentarnih ali animiranih filmov, ki so namenjeni mednarodnemu kinematografskemu, televizijskemu ali digitalnemu prikazovanju. Vsak prijavljeni projekt mora imeti visok ustvarjalni potencial, ki zrcali kulturno raznolikost ter razviden evropski in mednarodni distribucijski potencial. Nastajati mora v sodelovanju ustvarjalcev iz več držav, članic podprograma MEDIA, ter že od razvojne […]


La Sage Femme/The Midwife

26. junija 2017

Claire is a midwife in a maternity hospital. She is humane and helpful and gives herself entirely to her patients. But her life is not a bed of roses for all that. Her maternity is about to close its doors and the devoted woman is determined not to work in the new modern hospital she […]

La Sage Femme/The Midwife

Hymyleva Mies/The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki

26. junija 2017

The true story of Olli Mäki, the famous Finnish boxer who had a shot at the 1962 World Featherweight title. Everything is set for Olli Mäki to become the first ever Finn to be the world champion in featherweight boxing. His manager Elis Ask – a former boxer himself – has prepared everything for them […]

Hymyleva Mies/The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki

Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe

23. junija 2017

“Vor der Morgenröte” charts the years of exile in the life of famous Jewish Austrian writer Stefan Zweig, his inner struggle for the “right attitude” towards the events in war torn Europe and his search for a new home. (Vir:

Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe

The Other Side of Hope

23. junija 2017

A poker-playing restaurateur and former traveling salesman befriends a group of refugees newly arrived from Finland. (Vir:

The Other Side of Hope


23. junija 2017

When Tsanko Petrov, a railroad worker, finds millions of lev on the train tracks, he decides to turn the entire amount over to the police. Grateful, the state rewards him with a new wristwatch… which soon stops working. Meanwhile, Julia Staikova, the head of PR for the Ministry of Transport, loses his old watch. Here […]


Perfect Strangers

23. junija 2017

A comedy about secrets hidden in personal mobile phones… (Vir:

Perfect Strangers


23. junija 2017

Some young folks, tired of the society they’re living in, plan a bomb attack over Paris before to take shelter for a night in a shopping center. (Vir:


La fille de Brest

23. junija 2017

Irène Frachon, a doctor who lives in the Breton town of Brest, dares to stand up to the French health and pharmaceutical industry, helping to uncover the media scandal surrounding the commercialization of a controversial medicine whose side effects have caused the death of hundreds of people. – Written by jsanchez (Vir:

La fille de Brest

The Dancer

23. junija 2017

Loïe Fuller was the toast of the Folies Bergères at the turn of the 20th century and an inspiration for Toulouse-Lautrec and the Lumière Brothers. The film revolves around her complicated relationship with protégé and rival Isadora Duncan. (Vir:

The Dancer
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