Performing the Museum
7. julija 2014Povezovanje v mednarodne partnerske mreže in izmenjava izkušenj ter znanj, predstavlja danes zelo pomemben segment dela v sodobnih muzejih in je posledično tudi vir bogatenja vsebin, ki jih le-ta ponuja. Specifične zgodovine institucij, posebnosti njihovih arhivov in zbirk pa nudijo bogate nabore tem za premislek tudi o sedanjosti in vlogi umetnosti in umetniških institucij v […]
Advancing Light-driven Public Interactions
7. julija 2014ALIPI project advances light-driven public interactions of audiences with high-quality artworks through an integrated set of activities, including innovative artistic content creation, residencies for artists, expert and public workshops and conferences as well as results showcases at major European festivals that will attract altogether an estimated number of over one million visitors just in 2015. […]
7. julija 2014The project Artecitya looks into the question of our urban environment. How is it perceived by us ? What role can play the culture in view of the citizens’ involvement in these transformation processes in the public space? Eight European partners from artistic, architectural and new technologies’ field will work together during four years in […]
Knjige povezujejo svetove
7. julija 2014Seznam del: – Jelena Lengold: Vašarski Mađioničar / Sejemski čarovnik (prejemnik nagrade EUPL), prevod Dušanka Zabukovec, srbščina – Iris Hanika: Das Eigentliche / Bistvo vsega (prejemnik nagrade EUPL), prevod Ana Jasmina Oseban, nemščina – Daniela Kapitáňová: Kniha o cintoríne / Samko Tale: Knjiga o britofu, prevod Diana Pungeršič, slovaščina – Vicenç Pagès Jordà: Carta a la reina d’anglaterra / Pismo angleški kraljici, prevod […]
7. julija 2014BeSpectACTive! je evropski projekt, v katerega so vključeni evropski festivali, gledališča, univerze in raziskovalni center. Projekt temelji na razvoju publike ter vključuje nekatere od najinovativnejših evropskih organizacij, ki se ukvarjajo z aktivno udeležbo ljubiteljev sodobne performativne umetnosti. Cilj projekta BeSpectACTive! je poglobiti vezi med umetniki, kulturnimi organizacijami in publiko skozi 21 novih plesnih in gledaliških […]
European Artizen Initiative
7. julija 2014European Artizen Initiative (EAI) is a European cooperation project, aiming at reinforcing cultural and creative players’ abilities to adapt to the growing needs of co-building the city, with the aim to favour citizens’ engagement and empowerment. 6 trans-national Laboratories have been implemented on urban areas in transition in Barcelona, Cluj, Kotor, Ljubljana, Paris and Torres […]
Small Size, Performing Arts for Early Years
7. julija 2014Small size, performing arts for early years (SSPAfEY) has turned its attention to children aged 0-6 years, a real “current non-audience”, especially thinking of children under 36 months. The project was conceived and implemented after three other projects aimed at creating a network dedicated to performing arts and early childhood: Small size (2005-2006), Small size, […]
SYMBOLS – Culture of Death& Cultural Life: New audiences and creations around European Cemeteries!
7. julija 2014Namen projekta Simboli (Symbols) je raziskovanje pojavnosti, zgodb in interpretacij simbolov ter skozi to izboljšanje razumevanja kulturne dediščine pokopališč Evrope. Glavni sklopi projekta so bili vzpostavitev skupne baze simbolov, izvedba umetniških interpretacij simbolov (z razstavo), delavnice z mladimi (dijaki, študenti), delavnice s posebnimi ciljnimi skupinami (invalidi) ter izmenjava znanj v seminarjih. Pri projektu sodelujejo Pogrebno […]
The Faces Behind the Nose – Promoting Hospital Clowning as a Recognized Genre of Performing Arts
7. julija 2014This project focuses on the interface of performing arts, health and development! Clowndoctors personify the social dimension of performing arts by turning the performance into a therapeutic and restorative experience and not merely a recreational moment. Through humour, interactive play and social/educational theatre, hospital clowning greatly improves the health care environment. Clowndoctors performances provide a […]
HEROES WE LOVE. Ideology, Identity and Socialist Art in New Europe
7. julija 2014Heroes We Love is a collaborative project on the topic of socialist heritage of the 20th century European art. It brings together partners from institutional and non-institutional sector from Central and South-Eastern Europe. The project is aimed at connecting contemporary art practices with research works and involvement with the audiences on phenomenon of socialist art […]