Public consultation on EU funds for the post-2020
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on EU funds in the area of values and mobility to prepare the next generation of financial programmes for the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework. All citizens and organisations having an interest in CULTURE, MEDIA and ARTS should respond to this consultation! Deadline: 8 March 2018.
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of values and mobility
Consultations have taken place in the context of evaluations of existing EU financial programmes covering several policy areas (learning mobility, education and training apart from mobility, volunteering, humanitarian aid, solidarity, youth work; labour mobility, culture, media and arts, citizenship and values, justice area, judicial cooperation, rights, consumer protection), including on current performance and future challenges. The views expressed by stakeholders in these consultations will be taken into account as part of the current process for the future Multiannual Financial Framework.
What has worked well in the past and what should be improved in the future?
You can contribute to this public consultation by filling in the online questionnaire that is accessible in 23 EU languages. Contributions may be submitted in any of these languages. The questionnaire takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. You may pause and save your work and continue later.
Deadline: 8 March 2018.
More information on Public consultation on EU funds in the area of values and mobility at European Commission website: see EAC and Consultations.
In parallel, to this consultation, there are others running in parallel, covering the entire spectrum of EU future funding in the following areas: Cohesion; Investment; Security; Migration and Asylum; Strategic Infrastructure.