Human Cities – Challenging the city scale
May 17, 2017The focus of the project is on analysing, testing and implementing the process of engaging people in jointly creating urban public spaces in contemporary cities and challenging the scale and “flow space” of cities in Europe today. People are the key to designing new public spaces in a network society. The goal is to go […]

State Machines
May 9, 2017Today, we live in a world where every time we turn on our smartphones, we are inextricably tied by data, laws and flowing bytes to different countries, in which every personal expression is framed and mediated by digital platforms, and where new kinds of currencies, financial exchange and even labour bypass corporations and governments. At […]

The Uses of Art – on the legacy of 1848 and 1989
May 5, 2017Project leader: VAM – Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (NL) Coorganisers: Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (SI), Garanti Kültür A.S. (TR), Grizedale Arts (UK), Liverpool John Moores University (UK), Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona – MACBA (ES), Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen – M HKA (BE), Museo nacional centro de arte Reina Sofía – MNCARS, Madrid (ES), Stiftung Universität […]

Tell me your story
March 5, 2017“Stories are wild creatures, the monster said. When you let them loose, who knows what havoc they might wreak?” PATRICK NESS Translation project “TELL ME YOUR STORY” brings together seven very different authors from all around Europe (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom) whose stories offer very original, highly personal perspective to the European […]

Sharing the Wor(l)d
February 21, 2017The Vilenica festival has been successful at obtaining project funds from the Creative Europe 2014-2020 programme initiative. In 2014 the Vilenica festival successfully applied for EU funds with the Sharing the Wor(l)d project – a collaborative project with the renowned Irish Cúirt Festival (managed by the Galway Arts Centre) and the Croatian Festival of World Literature (Fraktura publishing house), revealing the […]

Crossing Borders, Closing Gaps
January 20, 2017Getting in touch with different cultures and experiences is a crucial experience nowadays. Good work of literature not only expands our horizons, it broadens our empathy. The main goal of our publishing house (and this particular project) is to emphasize the importance of diversities. We want to promote linguistic heterogeneity and develop mutual co-operation between lesser […]
Pulse of European Literature
January 13, 2017The project Pulse of European Literature will offer the public translations of the selected European novels, which were awarded with EUPL prize and which are bringing interesting topics to Slovenian and European readers – mostly connected with European identity. The 5 novels will be translated in Slovenian language by experienced translators and published in printed […]

Ljubljana International Film Festival (Liffe)
January 4, 2017Since 1990, the Ljubljana International Film Festival (popularly known as Liffe), the biggest and most important international film event in Slovenia, has devoted its program each year to idiosyncratic, contemporary and socio-political auteur cinema from Europe and around the world. Over the twelve days of the festival, Liffe offers international film and press representatives and […]

Animateka International Animated Film Festival
January 4, 2017The Animateka International Animated Film Festival targets a general audience with up to 400 films from 35 countries. The festival explores the diversity of the animated film – from contemporary production to retrospective programmes. Focusing primarily on auteur animation film from Central and Eastern Europe, Animateka’s programme features a high percentage of films originating from […]

Stories that can change the world
December 10, 2016The program Beletrina proposes comprises 6 books by renowned authors; 4 of them will be translated from the original languages into Slovene and the other 2 from Slovene into English. In this way, Beletrina wishes to establish a direct two-way relationship between the so-called major and minor used languages, which will also be emphasized in […]