Creative Europe (2021–2027) - CULTURE
Supporting Ukrainian artists and cultural organisations to co-create/showcase
December 3, 2024The objective of this call for proposals is to select projects to help Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors (CCSs), organisations, artists and professionals tackle the ongoing and future consequences of the war, in cooperation with organisations from other Creative Europe (CE) countries. Support will be given to 3 cooperation projects, addressing the following topics (one […]
Circulation of European literary works 2025
November 26, 2024This action will support projects that will translate, publish, distribute and promote works of fiction written by authors who are nationals of – or residents in – Creative Europe countries, or are recognised as part of the literary heritage of these countries. The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is organising an online Info […]
MUSICVILLE – Green European Opera
August 5, 2024Creative Europe project MUSICVILLE – THE GREEN EUROPEAN OPERA in three acts and three countries – Slovenia, Austria and Croatia: An impressive, comprehensive, immersive musical experience. Between August and October 2024. The idea of the project is to build a platform for contemporary musical creativity, whose main role will be: Production and promotion of new […]
Individual Mobility – Culture Moves Europe (3)
August 1, 2024Culture Moves Europe’s second call for individual mobility targets artists and cultural professionals working in the following sectors: music, literature, architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, visual arts and performing arts. The individual mobility action is open for all artists and cultural professionals who are legal residents of the Creative Europe countries and at least 18 […]
Operation Nova
August 1, 2024OPE.N: Call for Residencies for Artists & Cultural Workers (From Croatia, Kosovo and Slovenia). Are you an artist or cultural worker, researcher or journalist interested in the relation of independent spaces and cultural communities? Do you seek to explore the conditions, challenges, relationships and impact of these spaces on their communities? If so, we invite […]
FASIH – Future Art and Science Industrial Heritage
June 3, 2024FASIH aims to bring together contemporary models for the revaluation and revitalisation of industrial heritage that, through the use of IT and new technological tools, provide new approaches to promote the value of cultural, scientific and industrial heritage, appealing to new generations of users of cultural and artistic content. FASIH focuses on interdisciplinary art-scientific research […]

Cultural BEES
June 3, 2024Cultural BEES – Creating cultural heritage businesses through hybrid learning models & hands-on curricula across borders is a project aiming to develop and implement a training program and digital toolkit that support the promotion of entrepreneurship skills in the Cultural and Creative Industry (CCI) among youth. Inspired by the Junior Achievement training model “Inspire-Prepare-Succeed“, the […]
Is this us?
June 3, 2024Is this us? Is depression what defines us? Is poverty the essence of us? Is sickness the only characteristics to identify with? Is loneliness all there is for us? Is politics us? What defines us? ITU is a selection of socially committed literary works, which give readers much needed comfort in a world, which has […]

Climate Art Fusion Caravane (CARAVANE)
May 30, 2024This project aims to develop co-creation labs for emerging artists in different European countries (Croatia, Georgia, Slovenia, Spain and the Netherlands) for the production of artistic material (music pieces, theater pieces, comics, dance pieces, literature, films, etc.). These labs will be connected through the creation of an European Network of Artists to share good practices […]
Residency hosts – Culture Moves Europe (III)
May 7, 2024The Culture Moves Europe residency action provides financial support to organisations and artists registered as legal entities, in one of the 40 Creative Europe countries. The purpose of the grant is to welcome international artists and cultural professionals at premises to implement a residency project. The residency action targets legal entities (e.g. non-for-profit, private, public […]