Films on the Move 2025
November 5, 2024The Films on the Move action shall encourage and support the wider distribution of recent non-national European films by encouraging sales agents and theatrical distributors in particular to invest in promotion and adequate distribution of non- national European films. Expected Results: Development of pan-European theatrical and/or online distribution strategies for non-national European films. Increased investment […]
Audience Development and Film Education 2025
September 26, 2024Objective: Expected results: Stimulate interest and increase knowledge of audiences in European films and audiovisual works including specific programmes on film heritage Strengthen pan-European cooperation for innovative audience development and film education projects especially using new digital tools Increase pan-European impact and audience outreach Develop film education projects across European and non-European territories Description of […]
September 26, 2024Objective: The objective of the Skills and Talent Development support is to enhance the capacity of audiovisual professionals to adapt to new creative processes, market developments and digital technologies that affect the whole value chain. Particular focus will be put on supporting new creative processes (e.g. cross disciplinary creative collaboration, innovative storytelling blending creative and […]
Innovative tools and business models
September 26, 2024Objective: The Innovative tools and business models action is aimed at encouraging the development and/or the spread of innovative tools and business models to improve the visibility, availability, audience and diversity of European works in the digital age and/or the competitiveness and/or the greening process of the European audiovisual industry. Expected results Improve the competitiveness […]
TV and online content 2025
September 26, 2024The objective of the support to TV and online content is to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop and produce strong projects with significant potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international co-productions within the television and online sector. The action aims to strengthen the independence of producers […]
Video game and immersive content development
September 26, 2024The objective of the support to Video games and immersive content development is to increase the capacity of European video game producers, XR studios and audiovisual production companies to develop video games and interactive immersive experiences with the potential to reach global audiences. The support also aims to improve the competiveness of the European video […]
European slate development 2025
September 26, 2024Support will be given to independent European production companies able to develop a slate of 3 to 5 audiovisual works (fiction, animation, creative documentary). This should allow production companies to reduce risks and increase their capacity to attract and retain talents. The European slate development shall provide support to the development of minimum 3 and […]
Kino x Games
June 7, 2024Since the Covid Crisis, numerous cinemas in Europe struggle to bring back their audience, especially the young adult generation. The emergence of streaming platforms is an additional challenge for cinemas. On the contrary, the video game industry experienced a significant growth over the Covid period. In fact, recent studies have shown that video games were […]
European mini-slate development 2024
April 5, 2024Support will be given to independent European production companies able to develop a slate of 2 to 3 audiovisual works (fiction, animation, creative documentary). This should allow production companies to reduce risks and increase their capacity to attract and retain talents. The European mini-slate development shall provide support to the development of minimum 2 and […]
December: Uncomfortable Beings, Azra, Best Imaginary Friends Forever
March 25, 2024December’s mini-slate features three projects in the ideal stage for application and funding, showcasing significant international potential. The selection of these feature films considers diverse factors. Firstly, the projects encompass varied content, spanning different genres and demanding distinct approaches to development, production, and distribution. Secondly, they are at different stages of development, allowing for simultaneous […]