European Cooperation projects small-scale 2024
October 23, 2023Objective: The action European Cooperation Projects supports projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors of all sizes, including micro-organisations and small-sized organisations, and from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. Proposals are expected to present a clear cross-border cooperation dimension as this is at the core of the European Cooperation Projects. Topic CREA-CULT-2024-COOP-1 – […]
Building the future of democracy through art, science and technology (EUDigitalDeal)
October 20, 2023European Digital Deal is a three-year investigation co-funded by Creative Europe into how the accelerated, yet at times unconsidered adoption of new technologies – such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain and algorithmic processing – can alter or undermine democratic processes. Through a myriad of programmes running from January 2023 to December 2025, the consortium wants to […]
Residency hosts – Culture Moves Europe (II)
October 18, 2023The Culture Moves Europe residency action provides financial support to organisations and artists registered as legal entities, in one of the 40 Creative Europe countries. The purpose of the grant is to welcome international artists and cultural professionals at premises to implement a residency project. The residency action targets legal entities (e.g. non-for-profit, private, public […]
The Museum of the Commons. Towards a Healthier Arts Ecosystem (MoC)
August 6, 2023Museum of the Commons (MoC) is a four-year project developed by L’Internationale, the European confederation of contemporary art museums. MoC encourages contemporary museums and cultural organisations to act as open-source tools for new sustainable forms of cultural co-creation, contributing to environmental, social and artistic transformation. For over two centuries, museums have been the guardians of […]
ACT: Art, Climate, Transition
July 27, 2023Bunker Institute is organizing the ACT Creative Europe supported project closing event at the Mladi Levi festival in Ljubljana on 24 August 2023. ACT : Art, Climate, Transition (ACT) is a European cooperation project on hope. Yet: ours is an age of climate breakdown, mass extinction and loss of biodiversity. Ours is a Europe of […]
Baths, gothic churches and miners’ houses
July 24, 2023The proposed project RE: “Baths, gothic churches and miners’ houses: Youth-led revitalisation of built cultural heritage” (YOUTH-LED-REV-CH) unites three non-governmental and non-profit organisations from peripheral areas of Central Europe and Eastern Europe – Slovenia, Romania and Slovakia – that aim to enhance the capacity of European cultural heritage sector by reinforcing the capacity of cultural […]
Voix de la Poesie Europeenne
June 26, 2023The project VOICES OF THE EUROPEAN POETRY began in 2006 and aims to make known, through translations, major names of the poetic heritage of Europe, to encourage collaboration between poets and translators and contribute to a broad knowledge of European poetry. In this project we have so far translated forty European authors into Slovenian, from […]
Trust me, I’m an artist
June 26, 2023The project Trust Me, I’m an Artist – Developing Ethical Frameworks for Artists, Cultural Institutions andAudiences Engaged in the Challenges of Creating and Experiencing New Art Forms in Biotechnology and Biomedicine in Europe has propagated innovative artistic production in biotechnology and biomedicineby: Commissioning artworks that are collaborations between artists and scientists in the field of […]
The Faces Behind the Nose – Promoting Hospital Clowning as a Recognized Genre of Performing Arts
June 26, 2023This project focuses on the interface of performing arts, health and development! Clowndoctors personify the social dimension of performing arts by turning the performance into a therapeutic and restorative experience and not merely a recreational moment. Through humour, interactive play and social/educational theatre, hospital clowning greatly improves the health care environment. Clowndoctors performances provide a […]
SYMBOLS – Culture of Death& Cultural Life: New audiences and creations around European Cemeteries!
June 23, 2023SYMBOLS is an innovative interdisciplinary cooperation project that pretends to create and test new approaches to discover European Cemeteries, in order reinforce the knowledge and public awareness on its hidden heritage.Among its key objectives, we can highlight The exchange of cultural and creative works, reinforcing the cultural and creative sector’s capacity to operate transationally, through […]